
So this is how it is?

This story is told through the first person point of view. It is about a old man that dies of a heart attack but wakes up in an unknown body in world he knows nothing about. After taking damage from falling he realizes he has the body and powers he always wanted. The problem is that the original owner of the body as only a small sister to take care of and he doesn't know her name or anything. He doesn't have any memories from the previous owner of the body. He only has his memories from his live back on earth. There is no system to provide hints or to show stats, just and old man brain in a young man's body. Lost and confused how will he provide for his new found sister.

Free_Trial_1457 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Lou Jiang the Emperor's Son is trash

My foot just touched stage 4 when....

"What are you doing kissing my wife!!!" Lou Jiang barked.

"You shouldn't covet people. It doesn't look good on anyone, especially future rulers." I reply calmly.

"Don't you know....." Lou Jiang started

"Who my father is!" I say mockingly. "Doesn't that get old, never having the ability to get what you want through your own means and only relying on your father's status to get what you want?"

"How DARE YOU TALK TO ME THAT WAY!!..." We both say at the same time. Confusion shown on his face and the people in the crowd near by grew confused as well.

"Can he read minds?" Someone in the crowd asked

"I don't know, but I don't like it."

"Me either, maybe he is a demon!" Another person yells.

("It's obvious what Lou Jiang was going to say.") I think to myself a I place my face into my palm and shake my head.

"How are you doing that?" Prince Lou said in a perplexing tone.

I shrug and smile. "I'm not sure if you'll believe me, but if you really want to know. I will tell you. "

"TELL ME!!!" Prince Lou yells.

"You are predictable. Your words, your actions, the way you move. You act and sound like every other villian that you read about it books. You covet place, objects and people that don't belong to you. If someone tells you no or does something you don't like, You use your power, your position, your title. To take want you want. A beautiful woman turns you down, you 'put her in place.'. By either smacking her around or threatening her family. Commoners should count themselves lucky and blah blah blah."

"Also I know that once this bout is over and I walk off this stage unharmed your hidden gaurds will step forward and try to stop me from watching my fiance and my sissa's match. But I digress, it doesn't matter how predictable you are. All I know is that there are 3 people that I care about and you will never lay a finger on them."

"Fine, then DIE!" Lou Jiang roared as his Dragon robe started to flutter from a breeze that emanated from within his own body.

("So this is a fighting technique that the Emperor's family uses.") I think to myself

"Look Lou Jiang is using his family's fighting technique."

"I heard he as mastered the 1st and 2nd level and has nearly perfected the 3rd."

"Wow, mastered 2 out of the 6 levels is truly amazing."

"That's right! Prince Lou Jiang is a prodigy, he will surely rise to Greatness."

I scoff at those words internally as I watch in awe as Lou yells, "FIJIAN WHITE CRANE!!!!!!!!"

Suddenly the coo of a Crane could be heard. Lou's sword started to glow a bright white, as laminated white crane feathers started to fall from the glowing blade.

With a burst of speed Lou Jiang rushes toward me. The stage cracking as his Flys from his spot, a half second passed and I was within his swords cutting range.

Before his blade could cut me, I grab his left wrist with my left hand and I turn his world upside down.

With a load thud the stage reverberates and starts to crack where his torso hit.

Coughing up blood, "How dare you..." Lou Jiang started to say at the same time as me. "...treat me this way, don't you know who I am....Well maybe not that last part but most likely." I said, while still holding on to his left wrist.

"I don't have the ability to read minds." I say with a smile.

"Then how do you know what I'm about to say." He barked.

"Simple, villains seem to say the same thing everytime they face the hero."

"You...the hero, don't make me laugh."

"Funny how you didn't deny being a villain." I said as MeiMei, Sissa, Yu, Hanako and a few others let out a few soft chuckles.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" me and Lou Jiang both said at the same time, followed by me laughing. " Man, you really are easy to read. Like a book."

Lou Jiang dropped his sword from his left hand and caught it in his right hand. As soon as the sword touched the palm of his right hand, Lou swings his blade at my left hands wrist.

So I did the only logical thing I could think of and I pull his left wrist closer to my body and his sword slices clean through his own wrist.

"Dumbass. Did you think I would let go? Didn't even consider that I could make you cut off your own hand."

Lou is writhing on the floor holding his nub has his left hand lays at his feet.

"You use pills to make you stronger and all it did was make you weak. You use your status as the Emperor's son to avoid doing any actual cultivation, having your teachers go easy on you, by way of threats. If this is how a future ruler acts now, then the future of this nation will truly fall." I say to Lou calmly, while he looks at me with eyes full of hate and a face twist in pain, and anger.

"It's not like you will lose the use of that hand. I'm sure the Imperial physician can repair you." I say to him as I look around me to see if I'll be killed by some Imperial Gaurds.

" My father will make you pay for this. " I say out loud at the same time as Lou Jiang. "STOP DOING THAT!!! YOU DONT KNOW ME!!" Lou yells.

"Must be so frustrating, when some stranger can predict what you say before you say it and say it at the same time you do."

I snap my fingers and his severed hand disappeared.

"My...my hand... What did YOU DO!?!?!" Lou yelled in confusion.

"Look, just stop being evil, care about the commoners, their safety and well being." I speak firmly.

" Why should I care about those lowly PEASANTS!?!?!!!!" Lou roared.

"For one, it's because those peasants as you call them are the reason this empire that you will some day rule is here to begin with."

"What nonsense are you speaking? My father built this nation with his own strength."

"He didn't have any army.. It was only you father uniting the land, fighting bandits and other people that too were trying to create their own nation. Your father didn't have an army of people fighting for him."

"Of course he had an army to fight for him."

"Exactly, an army that probably was make up of commoners, because nobility are not the kind of people to get their hands dirty. Commoners fought in your wars, commoners take care and grow your crops and livestock. It's the hard working commoners that do all the hard labor and they make paltry wages. Some of which, don't even get paid for their work. They have to do side jobs just to make money to feed their families, while other simply starve or freeze to death."

" They should count themselves...." but before Lou could finish his sentence he saw the look of death in my eyes.

"If you have nothing nice to say about the commoners around you then I suggest you keep your mouth shut. And count yourself lucky that I fully restored your left hand."

Lou looks down at the wrist he was still holding just as the green and golden light faded away.

"How, when?" he started to mumble.

" It's a hard pill to swallow, knowing that commoners helped build your nation, while also keeping your dad's empire moving. The commoners grow the food the feeds this nation. They make the cloths we all wear, some are made nicer and warmer then others."

By now I have my back facing Lou, I am wanting to see if he will do the typical move evil people do and grab his sword to run me through. Or will he have a change of heart.

Lou slowly gets up while grabbing his sword with his newly restored hand. "My father will have your HEAD!!" Lou Jiang shrieked as he tried to pierce my back with the tip of his sword.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Little one, you are so naive." I mumble audibly out loud to myself. Then I spin to my left as my right shoulder starts to face his right arm, I extended my left hand and I grab his collar. Then I take my right hand and grab him by the back of his pants and I toss him off of stage 4 and into the dirt.

I dust off my hands and think about making some disinfectant gel to clean my hands but think against it.

("To many people looking my way.")

Combatant 84 wins, I bow and make my way off the stage.

"HALT!!" ordered 3 voices simultaneously as they positioned themselves around me.

"See! what did I tell you Lou. Look how predictable you and your Gaurds are." I smile at him as he looks at me with contempt in his eyes.

I look back towards the gaurd in front of me and say, "Can I help you?"

The Gaurd in front of me started to talk but was interrupted by Prince Lou, "Leave him be."

The 3 Imperial Gaurds look confused but they step away from me and I start to walk to the stages where Mei Lee and my sissa were fighting on.

Suddenly Prince Lou yells with a confident smirk, "Was that predictable too?"

I turn to look at him and chuckle while throwing a piece of folded paper at him then I make my way to MeiMei and Baozhai.

Prince Lou unfolded the paper and looked at what was written. ~I predict that you will tell your guards to let me go. I hope this encounter will give you a change of heart. Stop treating people like object and be nicer to the commoners. ~

"How does he do that and just who is that kid?" Prince Lou mumbles to his self.

As I walk towards MeiMei and Sissa I heard " Contestant 12 and Contestant 48 have won their bouts."

They both jump off their stages and rush toward me.

"You two did very well, I'm sorry I missed it." I say to them.

"It's Okay Hubby." Mei Lee says at the same time Baozhai says, "It's OK brother." Mei Lee then says "You where busy teaching that Prince some manners."

" Yes, I just hope that he learned it well. There are alot of evil schemes in this world and I hope he can change."