
So this is how it is?

This story is told through the first person point of view. It is about a old man that dies of a heart attack but wakes up in an unknown body in world he knows nothing about. After taking damage from falling he realizes he has the body and powers he always wanted. The problem is that the original owner of the body as only a small sister to take care of and he doesn't know her name or anything. He doesn't have any memories from the previous owner of the body. He only has his memories from his live back on earth. There is no system to provide hints or to show stats, just and old man brain in a young man's body. Lost and confused how will he provide for his new found sister.

Free_Trial_1457 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Ch. 01 So... this is how it is.....

[Author notes..... I got to change this chapter. I read it to my wife and she had a breakdown and started crying. She is disabled, she had 7 strokes at the same time with she was 6 months pregnant with twins, she went blind, lost the kids, developed multiple sclerosis, and endstage kidney failure and has to to dialysis 3 times a week 6 hours at a time.

She says she is going to dye before me and she doesn't like the fact that she died before me in this book or the fact that she doesn't get to see her granddaughter. Now she is setting he cry and talking about how she won't get she our 10 year old grow up.]

"The last thing I remember was a bright light." I said as I pretend to grab the sun with my hand. I pull my arm back to my chest and try to set up.

"OUCH", I gasp, suddenly realizing what happened. "So this is how it is" I say as look up at the tree I was now under.

"Looks like I fell from that branch, and I must have hit all those branches on the way down... Hope that wasn't an ugly tree." I laughed and quickly regretted it. ("My ribs hurt I wonder if they are cracked and broken."), I say in my mind as I try to look into my memories. Nothing makes sense right now. I was in my house missing my wife,( she left 30 minutes ago. I know, I know but I really love her and miss her already.) Our daughter was all grown and even had her first child. I watched from the door as they drove away after they came to visit. I waved goodbye, Haven said she loved me, and she'll bring Jasmine back later in the week. I slowly turn to enter the house, then I felt dizzle and fell. I saw the brake lights shine brighter and then everything went dark. Haven was screaming in the background shouting something. Then it was dark, a small light , the sensation of falling. The small light grew bigger and then swallowed me. Next thing I knew I was here. As I was lost deep in thought, a small noise back in reality grew louder and louder.

"Big brother! Big brother!" a tiny voice boomed out filled with worry, tears streaming down her face.

I couldn't help but cry too, because no matter how hard I tried, I had no memory of her. Nor our parents or even who I was. This tiny girl, whose faced was filled with sadness and worry, was now standing a few feet away.

" Big brother! Are you okay!? I was on my was home from picking wild vegetables in the forest when I saw you fall.", She said as she took out a handkerchief and dampened it with the cold water in her storage pouch. She thought she could clean the wounds and wrap a medical bandage to help them heal. This tiny girl's face grew pale, she pointed at my legs and said in a weak voice, " Your bones are sticking through the skin." With that being said she fainted. Looking down I saw that both my legs where indeed broken. ("Great..."), I thought, ("Transmigrated to a new world and I break bones in both legs and in my ribs..... This is starting out wonderfully.") Then my thoughts start to wander. " I wonder if this world is like all the others in webnovels and animes I read. A world with cultivators, no guns, nukes, no industrial waste polluting the sky, earth and water. I hope this world was Kung Fu and martial arts and Qi. Hell I hope I can aleast use some magic...OH!! I hope a can get a bow staff with hidden sword inside." I yell excitedly as I jump to my feet. A sudden wave of puzzlement hit me as I look down. "M....my... my wounds have all healed!" I say as I dance around awkwardly. "Damn still no rhythm." I pout, as I realize that I have fast regeneration. "I wonder if everyone here can heal this fast or is it just me?"

Looking around I see a village in the distance that reminds me of how ancient Japan or rural China have been depicted in movies and anime. The people in the village are wearing similar outfits to that era and are going about their day. "They seem busy, I hope they are all doing well."

Looking down, I see that girl is still passed out on the ground. "She must be the original owner of this body's sister. I wish I could atleast remember her name. But I'm sure she will be so surprised to see that I'm fine and that there are no bones sticking out." I chuckled.

In those transmigration animes and webnovels, when a person transmigrated into a person body, they would atleast get some memories from that body's previous life. This was not the case for me, the only memories I had was from my life before I came here. Sad, sad memories that would haunt me for all this life as well. While sighing, I look around and notice a stream. Remembering that this little girl said she was gathering wild vegetables in the forest. I decided to walk to the nearby stream to see if I can catch some fish or something. I was in boy scouts in my old life but I doubt that would help me here. I never actually caught and gutted anything, ever. So I hoped if I do catch anything that it was safe to eat.

As soon as I start to walk forward, a tiny voice speaks out.. "What....going....do? Mom..nd...ad... missing...." tears forming near her cheeks as she lay unconscious. "So.... that's how it is... It's just

her and I. We don't know where are parents are...." I said as I throw a small stone. Instead of skipping across the stream, that small stone slams into the water. *BOOM* Water, dirt and fish where sent flying into the air. It was like a giant boulder from a catapult was hurled at frightening speed had hit the bank and made a hole that was ten foot in diameter and seven foot deep. Water slowly moved in to fill the space, while I was still recovering from shock. "AWESOME!!!!! I've always wanted to be this strong." I jump excitedly.

"Big brother what's all that nose." , She said rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Then her eyes widen as she remembered the condition I was in. How long was I asleep for she thought, then she said out loud, " How are you able to move, your legs were broken."

With confusion on her face she quickly gets up and dust her dress off. It was clear to see that we were poor, but it was unknown if it had anything to do with mom and dad. Walking towards me, she slowly eyes me up and down, before saying, "Big Brother, did a TCM practitioner heal you with a powerful high tier pill?"

I could easily lie to her and tell her yes but all I wanted to do was to tell her the truth. " No sister, I healed this fast all on my own. Your Big brother has become super tough. Look what I did to the stream." I said as I point to where I threw that small stone.

She tried to peak over my shoulder while standing on her tippy toes. The look of frustration filled her face as she spoke, "Are you deliberately trying to block my view, I can't see if you're also standing on your toes too!"

"Sissa, I'm not standing on my toes, look." I say as I direct her gaze to my feet firmly planted flat on the ground.

"Did you get taller too?" she said with a pouty look on her face. Her gaze shifted from me to the water rushing to fill the hole I made. "You really did that?" she ask, but before I could reply, the water, dirt and fish started to fall from the sky.

Before the fish hit the ground I ran and caught them. Watching this sight unfold before her eyes, she was filled with disbelief. Her eyes couldn't keep track of her big brothers afterimage as he avoid dirt and water while caughting all the fish. A few seconds later her big brother was holding about 20 fish in his hands but before he could walk over, his sister said,

"That's way to many fish, hand me 6 and I'll go back first to start cooking. " With that said she took the 6 fish and started to walk back home, her mind still in a daze at what she just witness.

" I better hurry and put this back or else I'll never find my way home." I say internally as I quickly place the unwanted fish back in the stream. As I trail behind my new sister, I try to force myself to remember the way home. Alas, it was to no avail, I couldn't even remember what our house looked like. Letting out a long sigh, "All this thinking is making my head hurt."