
So this is how it is?

This story is told through the first person point of view. It is about a old man that dies of a heart attack but wakes up in an unknown body in world he knows nothing about. After taking damage from falling he realizes he has the body and powers he always wanted. The problem is that the original owner of the body as only a small sister to take care of and he doesn't know her name or anything. He doesn't have any memories from the previous owner of the body. He only has his memories from his live back on earth. There is no system to provide hints or to show stats, just and old man brain in a young man's body. Lost and confused how will he provide for his new found sister.

Free_Trial_1457 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Ch 23 Mothers love

The smell of Jasmine was heavy in the air, but it wasn't overwhelming. It was very refreshing cool breeze that carried the sent all of Jasmine all over New Haven city. The city itself was very clean and tidy, all seemed very peaceful.

("We already ate a little while ago.....I guess I will take them to the Jasmine Sect straightaway.")((("Well I think that's what I said, it' was so long ago after all. All I ready remember is the shape of those beautiful eyes..")))

I, in the shape of a majestic white horse, pulled the carriage closer to the entrance of the Jasmine Sect. While the me that was setting in the driver's seat acting as coachman "guided" the "horse" to rest near the entrance.

("Interesting, the other clones of me seem to be having some neat experiences. I'll have to go to that city some day.")

I made a few dozen clones of myself and sent them off into the world. I wanted to see how big it was and to collect data on anything and everything. The me's that I sent of all changed their appearance, some are old, some are young. A few of them even looked like animals and bugs. Crafty little spies finding out all they can about there surroundings.

("Is this what a hive mind feels like?")

At the same time that I was lost in absorbing the new information being sent to me.

".... you listing to me? Hello!?" an unknown voice brought me back to reality.

I turn my neck to the right and look down to see a pair of beautiful, fierce orange eyes.

"Very pretty eyes." I mumbled to myself at the same time those eyes widened in surprise. Her oval face flushed pink for a few seconds before she regained her composer.

" Flattery will get you no where. Now move the carriage before I move it for you." She demanded.

"I will gladly move this carriage, but I don't know where to park it." I reply.

"What kind of crappy coachman are you, who can't even park a carriage in its proper place?" she snorted.

"I am not a coachman, this carriage was....." but before I could finish my sentence I hear..

"This carriage.... This is the PRINCESSES CARRIAGE!!" The girl with the beautiful fierce suddenly yelled as she withdrew her sword and pointed it at me. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO TO PRINCESS!?!?"

"Princess? I never met a princess before." I replied in an obviously confused tone.

" Don't play....." she started to say but was interrupted by another female guard who said, "Balam! What is all the noise over here? Where is the princess?"

"That's what I am trying to find out." Balam replied as she waved her sword in my direction. "Geu-Roo This man here is driving the princesses carriage but doesn't know who she is.".

"That is suspicious." Geu-Roo says to Balam then she looks at me and says, "Young man, what are you a teenager?" a puzzled look flashed quickly acrossed her face. "Where is the owner of this carriage?" Before I could reply 8 more female guard showed up and pointed there swords and spears at me.

I take a long deep sigh and start to open my mouth to reply. When the carriage door opens up and my sister, Yu Ming and Mei Lee all step out of the carriage.

"Big BROTHER!" Baozhai yells in surprise. Mei Lee and Yu Ming both yell "HUSBAND!!" At the same time.

"Princess you are safe." Balam says at the same time that Geu-Roo and a few other guards say, "HUSBAND?????"

Also at the same time Baozhai, Yu Ming and me all say, "PRINCESS!?!?!?!?" As the three of us stare at her in surprise.

"When was you going to tell your sister in law that you are a princess?" Baozhai asked

"I wanted to tell you and Tianlong but I was afraid that the two of you would treat me differently." She paused to look at me. "I liked the way you treated me. Like I was a normal girl. Everyone treats me with fake respect, afraid they will offend me and occur the wrath of my mother."

"Well, whats don't is done." I tell her as I jump down from the carriage and walk near Mei Lee and say, "MeiMei, Your status doesn't change the way I see you." As I reach to grab her hands.

"FILTHY MAN!!" A voice rings out " DONT TOUCH THE PRINCESS!!!!!" Suddenly two palms are thrown at my chest, followed by a loud cracking sound. As the two palms connected with my chest, the attacker slide back 3 feet from the force of her attack.

"GGAAAHHHHH!!!!! MY WRIST THEIR BROKEN!!!!!" Balam screamed as she seat on her knees looking at her limp hands, tears falling from her face.

"Why did you attack my husband?!?!?" Mei Lee and Yu Ming say in unison.

"Serves you right!" Baozhai says.

"I understand why you did what you did." I say to Balam as I squat down next to her..

She recoils in fear as I near her. "Monster! Just what are you made of?" She says in a trembling voice while never breaking eye contact with me.

"Your personality..... Sign...Your eyes, truly are very beautiful." I say to Balam as green orbs of light float to my hands accompanied shortly after by golden orbs of light. As the orbs of green and golden light appears in my palm, I point my palm at Balam. Balam's orange eyes began to glow a neon orange as she tried hard to swallow her fear. "What are you going to do? Kill me?" Balam ask me.

A smirk appears on my face as I say, "Killing is easy, but small acts of kindness are rare to find." With that said the golden and green orbs of lights shots forwards and shines towards Balams broken wrist.

Shortly afterwards the green and golden light disperses and Balam, as well as the rest of the female guards are left with shock looks on their faces.

"What just happened?" several of the guards asked their faces full of shock.

"My wrist...they are both healed!?" Balam said still in disbelief.

"It's only natural to think the worst in people when all people has ever done is show the worst side of themselves. But not everyone is the same, We all have are own beliefs. I know how cruel this world is and I don't want to be the cruel. I won't all of us to live long happy lives. It's a pipe dream I know, but one day." I say as I look into the sky.

"My husband really is like what the prophecy foretold." Yu Ming stated with a smug look on her face.

"Based off of what you told us, I believe he is." Mei Lee said, "As much as I hate to admit it." Mei Lee turn and looked at Balam and said, "Be thankful, if it was any other cultivator, you would have been died. Tianlong is very kind but I am not." With that said Mei Lee looked at Geu-Roo. Geu-Roo feeling Mei Lee's gaze upon her snapped to attention.

"Take Balam to a prison cell." Baozhai and Yu Ming both had the, this is what you deserve, look on their faces. Meanwhile Balam's face turn pale as she started to shake.

"MeiMei, is that really necessary. I mean her wrist where broken and..." I quickly stopped talking the look in Mei Lee's eyes and I knew that Balam was going to have a bad time.

With a sweat and scary smile Mei Lee looks at me and says. " Husband, her punishment needs to be severe to match her crimes. First and the main reason is the fact that she attacked my husband and future king. Normally that in itself would bring the death penalty...." I was about to say something when Mei Lee put her hand up and continued, "But since husband is so magnanimous she will live, thought her punishment will still be server."

All I could do was nod my head, "It's out of my hands then. Anyways we still need to take the Assessment program to see where our abilities stand." I say to the three of them.

"I don't need to take it since I already now what my assessment was." Yu Ming stated.

"The Assessment Program will be held tomorrow morning." Geu-Roo said to us.

"Tomorrow? Where will we stay until then?" Baozhai asked.

"Well, you and Yu Ming can stay at my Royal quarters." Mei Lee said

"What about big brother?"

"The Sect has a no male rule!" Geu-Roo stated.

"I don't think mother would...." Mei Lee trailed off as a strong force started to approach them from deep within the sect.