
So They Call Me A Monster In This World, Huh?

First, he was called a Killer, then a Vampire, then a Monster. This is a story of a young boy who got killed along with his family by a serial killer. Next thing he knew was he was reincarnated because of the difference that occurred in his senses. Then a goddess came to help him offering him a name but was kicked out of heaven for doing so. With that, the two decided to stick together as a humorous, enjoyable but a miserable, unfortunate and tragic fate awaits them.

Jhillen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Blood Active

"As for today's news, the police have been investigating a crime that has been happening nowadays. There have been several murder cases around the streets of Tokyo. The police will explain the rest."

"The suspect who have been going on a rampage is named Mitsuo Tagayaki who was once a prisoner escapee who once been accused for massacre in-"

"Man, the new's these days are nothing but murder cases, right?"

"Yeah, I even put a surveillance camera in front of our house just in case. Haha!"

"Well, nothing bad comes from being careful... We'd better be careful not to end up like that..."

"Yeah... Those victims died a gruesome death I heard... I hope the killer stops soon..."


'It's already late and I am sure to get some ear service at home today... Well, that would be fine since I'm used to it...'

"I'm home-"

I open the door and take a step in then see blood on the floor

"W-What the hell is this?!! Huh?!!"

I said as I tremble in fear looking at the scene before my very eyes

"D-Dad...? W-What... What happened here? Dad... DAD!"

I kneeled and shake my Dad as I call for him only to see multiple stabs in his neck and stomach

"Dad... Dad!! No....*sob... This isn't funny... Dad, no!!"

"Katsuo... Are you... there... Katsuo..."

I heard a faint voice coming from my Mom from the Living Room


I rushed to the Living Room and see my Mom lying on the floor, with her clothes also soaked in her own blood

"M-Mom... No! Not you too!! W-What happened?! Tell me!!"

"You're back... late again..."

I held her hand not minding the blood around her

"I-I'm sorry... I should've.... *sob... been home sooner...."

"Y-You've been a... a good child... Katsuo..."

She reaches for my cheeks but...

"Mom!! N-No, don't say that.. Mom!! Mom! Please, I'll... I'll be more obedient. I-"

"My... My son.... Katsuo...."

"M-Mom!! Don't leave me... I promise I.... -I'm sorry for... for being late. I... I-I-I won't do it again...I-I'm sorry for... for being late. I... I-I-I won't do it again... *sob.... Mom..... No...."

I couldn't think of a thing... My mind is going blank... I can't think of anything...

"T-The hospital... I've gotta-"

Suddenly, somebody stabbed a knife in my shoulder...

"Gwaaah!!!! Ahhh!!!"

"I'm sorry boy but you're gonna be joining your family. Now wouldn't that be good for you. Huahahahaha!!"


Katsuo tried to crawl back out but the killer stabbed another knife in his calves as he laughed demonically

"Gaaahhh!!!! It hurts!!!"

[Transport Commencing... Analyzing Last Moments]

[Character Status Making]

[Words/Actions to Skills Conversion]

"I could kill you instantly but that wouldn't be fun, would it? Gyahahaha!!"

He keeps stabbing my calves up to my legs and to my waist

"Gaaaaahh!!!!!! Stop!!!!!! Please stop it!!!!!"

[Passive Skill Acquired: Scream]

[Extra Skill Acquired: Pain Reduce]

"Gwahaah that's right!! Scream!!!"

I can't... I can't think of anything!!! It hurts!!

[Passive Skill Upgraded: Dying Scream]

Katsuo reached for anything that could help and he reached for a Guitar and he swung it right at the killer

"Aaahhh!!! Just stop this!!!"

[Passive Skill Acquired: Panic Attack]

[Unique Skill Conditions has been Triggered]

He took the knife stabbed from his shoulder slowly


[Unique Skill Acquired~Pain Series: Agony of the Weak]

"You goddamn brat! How dare you!!"

"S-Stay back!!! I-I will.... Just stop!!"

"Come over here!!"


I swung the guitar at his head while he is still lying down and again and the third time destroyed the whole guitar and stunning him unable to move

[Extra Skill Acquired: Deadly Blow]

[Passive Skill Upgraded: Raging Panic Attack]

"Y-You... freaking... I... I will kill you like... how I killed your... parents...."

The killer says lying down and facing the floor as he tries to turns his head to me

'I have to... k-'

"S-Stop.... Stop. Stop!!!!"

'Kill... I have to.. Kill him!!'

"I'm gonna enjoy... stabbing you while... you scream!!"

'I've got to Kill him!!!'

He looks at me with a wicked smile and a bloody head and a terrifying eyes


I crawled towards him and stabbed him many time as my strength can muster

[Extra Skill Upgraded: Death Blows]

"God damn you!! How dare you... kill my parents!! I... I..."

I continue to stab him as he screams in pain

[Passive Skill Acquired: Blood Rage]

Even when my whole lower body is hurting me as hell... I can't think of anything else... than to continue stabbing this guy!!

[Passive Skill Acquired: Blood Rush]

'I won't stop... He... He deserves this... And this feeling is... Addicting... So I won't stop...'

"Hehe...Hahahha!!!! Die. Die. Die. Die. Die!!!"

[Passive Skill Acquired: Bloodlust]

[Passive Skill Acquired: Bloodbath]

[Unique Skill conditions has been triggered]

'I don't know why but... I feel good... I wanna throw up but... I didn't know that it feels good to stab people!!'

[Unique Skill Acquired~Blood Series: Killer's Madness]

Katsuo slows down as his body weakens and he falls to the floor as his blood flows out continuously

I... did it... Dad... Mom... I...

[Character Status Making Complete]

[Relocating Transportation]

[Teleporting to Tifreda]


In the middle of a forest which seems to be an enchanted forest because of the floating spheres of light around the environment, Katsuo suddenly appeared out of thin air still covered in blood and stabs

[Importing Status and Skills]

[Passive Skill~Dying Scream, Raging Panic Attack, Blood Rage, Blood Rush, Bloodlust, Bloodbath Activating]

He landed on the soft grass while blood still continues to gush out from his stab wounds

"It hurts..."

(What is this.... What happened... I'm sure I was... Stabbed and was dying.... My body... it's weak... it hurts...)

I open my eyes and blink a few times and sees my own blood from my hands


I suddenly notice that my body was up and okay...

(Was my weak body just my imagination?)

As I check for the stabs on my lower body I notice that blood is still coming out and my head starts to hurt

"Guh!!! It hurts... my head..."

Then suddenly the pain stops and I look my leg and calves that my wounds are starting to fix themselves

"W-What the!! Guah!!"

No no no.... This can't be right... No... This is a dream... no you can't be hurt in a dream... I first have to relax...


Katsuo tried stood up while trying not to pay attention to his lower body.... He noticed that he's not at his home and he's in a different place...

Small spheres of light passes by him and brightens up the surroundings

Are these fireflies? What is this place? A forest? And this smell... Smoke? I need help... Maybe someone is here...

I stand up and see something stuck on the lower right side on my line of sight

"What is this..? Sta... tus?"

Then something appeared in front of me like in a game shocking me



Name: ???

Job: ???

Title: ???


Unique Skills:

Pain Series: Agony of the Weak

- Raises regeneration and resistances when health is low

Blood Series: Killer's Madness

- Curses the user with lust for blood

Passive Skills:

>Dying Scream

- Releases a deadly shout that causes nervousness, fear, paralyze and suffocate nearby enemies

>Raging Panic Attack

- Increases physical status and causes confusion and illusion to nearby enemies

>Blood Rage

- Increases Physical Status when 'Killer's Madness' is active

- Increases lust for blood

>Blood Rush

- Increases physical status and regeneration when blood rage is active

- Increases lust for blood

>Blood lust

- Increases Physical Status when sensing blood or when killing enemies

- Increases lust for blood


- Health and Status increases when killing an enemy or touching other's blood

- Increases lust for blood

Extra Skills:

>Pain Reduce

- Reduces feeling of pain

>Deadly Blow

-Delivers a deadly blow

>Death Blows

- Increases damage when hitting enemies


"What the hell is- Just... Just what the hell is happening right now... Could it be that I'm in another world?! Like in an anime?!"

I heard a rustle from a distance and noticed that there were eyes glowing in the darkness

'These aren't like the... glowing sphere things...'

Then I heard a howl and another after the first, they came out of the bushes


They appeared from the bushes and slowly approaching while baring their fangs

"N-No way... My first day here... and I'm already gonna die..."

I heard more growling from behind. They completely surrounded me... It's impossible to escape now

"G-Good boy... Don't touch me... I'm unarmed... right?"

This is the worst... Not only that i'm just a fresh isekaid person but to die first thing after arriving is too unlucky...

"Unarmed, you say... you give off such a malicious aura... Do you thing we would let you walk around in our grounds?"


It... It spoke... An animal just spoke to me!!

"A t-t-talking animal! W-What do you mean a... malicious aura?! I have no such thing!!"

"You understand our language? What a unique one we have here... But that doesn't change the fact that you are a threat in this forest."

"L-Leave me alone!!"

"You reek of fear, human. And nothing is more appetizing!! Ngrraa!!"

It bit me...


This guy is gnawing at my shoulder!! And the other wolves.... They joined in and bit my legs, my arm and my neck... They're going to crush me!

Katsuo squirms and swings his body and arms randomly to shake off the wolves but they don't let up and continues gnawing him

[Passive Skill: Dying Scream]


The pain from their continuous bites spreads as I scream the as loud as I saw some wolves got flung back and I heard some wolves whimper and the others still gnawing at me

[Caused Enemy nervousness, fear, paralyze and suffocation]

It hurts so bad!!! I turned to look at the wolves that are still biting me and I didn't notice that another pop up appeared on the middle right of my line of sight as I just struggled to get out of that situation

[Passive Skill: Raging Panic Attack~Physical Status Increasing]

As Katsuo felt their bite gets weaker, he unconsciously attacked randomly. He shakes his hands free and he grabs a wolf's head and ears and then spun to throw them. Next, Katsuo grabbed the head of the wolf in his shoulder and crushed it... spraying blood all over his face


[Unique Skill: Killer's Madness~Lust for Blood Active]

This is my original story. It's still new but I am quite confident about how cool the story is. Read my other story as well "DDD: Different Dimension Disasters"

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