
So I Reincarnated in Naruto?

I was just a regular guy when I found out I was reborn in Naruto. I'm still not shocked, but... What? Is Jiraiya my father?

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8 Chs

Jiraiya Sensei

Moving forward with slow steps, like a monarch in search of his long-elusive throne, I push the door of the sacred chamber with fury, finding myself face to face with the gleaming promise of a toilet. "Finally, my comrade, diapers will no longer have to bear the burden! These years of humiliation have come to an end."

Now, with one year of existence in my resume, I am capable of performing simple actions that once appeared as titanic challenges. Gracefully settling into a toilet, a majestic throne indeed, specially crafted by Jiraiya, my father and mentor in mysteriously absurd endeavors, I achieve a glorious milestone I had long yearned for."

Here sits a baby who transcends the limitations of the intestines, an achievement I have yearned for since the first breath of this world. Ah, the joy of no longer soiling myself with the undesirable remnants of my existence!

Jiraiya, in his constant search for words to compose his next literary epic, remains immersed in his activities. Finally, we have found a fixed point for our wandering pilgrimage, providing me with the opportunity to manifest my exploits with more stability. The man, eternally restless in his restlessness, seems astounded by my development.

Over time, I have become a sort of "superbaby," with abilities that defy all expectations. I was already walking with impressive agility, and my vocalizations were accompanied by admirable firmness. Months of relative inactivity leave a mind distilled by boredom virtually fluent in any language.

I tried to follow the cliché of characters who keep their abilities hidden, a theatrical performance of pretending to be foolish and defenseless, but the truth is that being a baby is more challenging than any ordinary ninja could conceive. My facade of foolishness was quickly exposed, as maintaining such a role proved to be an impossible feat. The first days of this reshaped life were a torment that haunts me to this day, a tale of nightly affliction that haunted me incessantly.

The Sannin, on the other hand, seems amazed by my growth, revealing surprise at the magnitude of my newly discovered abilities. A child prodigy, who could have imagined? However, none of this is a reason for pride, just another chapter in this surreal script that envelops us.

In rare moments of idleness, I turned to Jiraiya for knowledge, insisting that he teach me to read and write. Forcing him to open his literary bag of tricks, he ended up acquiring a stack of books to satisfy my insatiable curiosity. And, of course, I took the opportunity to pressure him about ninja arts, but I was met with the response that I was not yet ready. Oh, what a disappointment, this man only sees the perverted side of life!

I know that my journey toward strength is imminent, a path shaped by my privileged understanding of events to come. I consider the many possibilities unfolding before me: the chance to thwart the Akatsuki's plans or perhaps join them, just to cause even greater chaos.

I long for an encounter with other ninjas, as so far, my interactions have been limited to Jiraiya and a handful of others. I thirst to meet figures like Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Sarutobi, feeling like an early spectator of a show that is just beginning. And to add a touch of audacity to my horizon, I consider, with a mischievous laugh, the possibility of winning ninja hearts and making them my brides. "Hahahahaha."

"What are you laughing at, kid?" Jiraiya exclaims, annoyed by my intrusion into his sacred writing moment, his face contorted in a serious expression.

"That's none of your business, old man!" I exclaim, sticking my tongue out at him in a cheeky gesture. After all, the old man spends most of his time alternating between scratching his crotch and scribbling on his scroll. I barely have time to savor my small victory when Jiraiya decides it's time to give me a lesson. Without ceremony, he grabs me, suspending me upside down on a clothes hanger.

"Haha, learn to respect the legendary Leaf ninja," he mocks, making fun of my precarious situation. And as if that weren't enough, he closes the bedroom door, leaving me suffocating with the pungent aroma emanating from his departure.


My children's books have become a true ordeal, while the Japanese language seems to me like a sadistic creation. What's the purpose of inventing such a complex and treacherous language? It would be so much simpler to be reincarnated in a place where everyone communicates in good old Portuguese.

There were occasions when loneliness enveloped me, when the old man decided to go on his missions in the village, missions he didn't deign to share with me, by the way. Many times, I was left in the care of babysitters, and the experience was not at all pleasant. They forced me to sit, draw, or play with plastic kunai replicas, as if I were a porcelain doll.

Oh, my dear father, always absent in body and soul, didn't even deign to take care of his own offspring, let alone invest a single moment in teaching me ninjutsu or chakra control. I couldn't help but chart the path of self-sufficiency.

And so, resolute in my decision, I began my journey to master chakra. A task that proved to be a more complex challenge than any ninja puzzle. If I had had knowledge of the ninja world from my birth, I would certainly have started taming my chakra earlier. I will not be surpassed by Itachi or Kakashi, I can assure you of that. I will surpass all limits and become an unparalleled ninja, hahaha!

And so, every day, I began deep meditation, yearning to detect the subtle signs of chakra within my body. I felt as if there was a vibrant energy flowing inside me, but its exact location and, more importantly, how to channel it, were intriguing mysteries.

My attention turned fervently to the execution of jutsu by the old man. The hand seals, those sequences of precise movements, promised to be a non-trivial endeavor. It seemed that the only way to master these skills was through relentless repetition, a repetition that threatened to drive me to the brink of insanity. And thanks to the absence of modern distractions like cell phones or televisions, I was free from the temptation of procrastination. If I had those modern distractions, I probably would have given up my effort long ago.

In the end, it was boredom that drove me. The absence of any trivial distractions forced me to dedicate myself to training and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. But beyond that, there was a burning desire not to become a mere dependent spectator of the protagonists. I, Kazue, was born to shine in this world of challenges and mysteries. Hahahah, so be it!


In the middle of my meditation, a subtle awareness came over me. I could feel the strands of chakra snaking through my body, flowing like long-hidden rivers. Identifying them was a significant achievement. For someone who had never experienced the presence of chakra, the sensation was disconcerting, almost alien. However, despite this breakthrough, I continued to grapple with the uncomfortable barrier of not understanding how to channel this source of power. Frustration washed over me like an unsettling shadow.

Exhausted from my exercises, I decided to take refuge in reading, a frequent pastime. Bursting through the door with a crash, Jiraiya staggered in, an air of drunkenness hovering over him. Despite his irresponsible nature, he had always been an attentive caregiver, never allowing hunger to affect me and always bringing back little trinkets after his outings.

"Hey, Kazue! You should have known Minato and Nagato," he began to speak in a disjointed manner, tears welling up in his eyes. "They were the ninja I believed would change the world. Unfortunately, I failed in that prediction. Maybe that old toad was wrong."

After that statement, Jiraiya continued his stumbling journey through the house, knocking over furniture, and finally collapsing onto a mattress, succumbing to a deep slumber.

Seeing Jiraiya, the always cheerful teller of perverted stories, shed tears was a scene I never imagined witnessing. I felt that this revelation resonated within me, leaving a mark I couldn't ignore. Perhaps I was beginning to grow more attached to him than I initially admitted.


Today unfolded like so many other days, until Jiraiya uttered words that triggered a whirlwind of emotions.

"You need to interact with other children to grow up healthy," he stated, unaware of the storm his suggestion was stirring in me. The irritation I felt at that moment was an intensity I rarely experienced.

This pervert had left me in the care of a bunch of sticky-fingered brats who seemed destined to revel in the arts of getting dirty and running endlessly. The prospect of socializing with them was something my rebellious spirit vehemently refused. I couldn't even imagine how to become one of them. And, what was more perplexing, they didn't seem to have a positive inclination toward me either. Had my strangeness reached such a level that even children couldn't stand me?

Not even in my most timid moments in my previous life had I felt so disconnected. I remembered how I developed my social skills, making an effort to learn how to interact after an embarrassing incident in the sixth grade. The rejection I experienced at that time because of a girl had driven me to study the art of popularity, a pursuit that had yielded some success. While I hadn't been an absolute prodigy, at least I had my social circle.

As I internally grappled with this dilemma, Jiraiya remained by my side, trying to strike up a conversation with one of the mothers of the children. His nature remained unchanged, even in social moments, leaving me speculating if he had left me there only as an excuse to flirt with some of the mothers. It was not surprising that the women didn't seem particularly pleased with the presence of Ero-Sennin; after all, his unrestrained manner was anything but subtle when it came to the opposite sex.

With surprising audacity, the shameless man used me as a human shield to avoid the whirlwind of anger directed at him by the women. Once he declared himself a father, the intensity of their anger diminished, a clever ruse he used to escape.

Despite all his extravagance and the embarrassing situations he made me experience, I couldn't nurture any feelings of hatred for him. After all, whenever I found myself in a moment of solitude, at least Jiraiya was there to bring some fun and excitement.


About two years have passed since I landed in this new world. Today was the expected day when Jiraiya would give me some presents. Even though I was no longer a child, I felt palpable anticipation pulsating in my chest. I spent hours sitting, waiting for his arrival. My toy kunai was practically torn to pieces, a victim of the anxiety-induced bites I inflicted on it.

After a while of destroying my toys, my father finally appeared with a smile on his face.

"So, kid, are you ready for your present?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed with contagious excitement. In the blink of an eye, I felt transported back to my childhood.

"I'm going to teach you to be a true ninja. And you should be proud of that because not just anyone can have Jiraiya as their master. I see you've been practicing your chakra control, discovering it for yourself. Like father, like son," Jiraiya chuckled merrily, entertained by his own jest.

"Finally, you rascal!"

"Watch your mouth, brat. Who raised you like this?"


I'm not quite sure if I regret the idea of asking him to train me. After that day, every moment has been filled with exhausting physical exercises and endless runs. And it's not just that; he seems determined to make even the simplest tasks, like doing the dishes, more difficult.

How can a two-year-old boy have so many responsibilities? The old man is a true master of cruelty, there's no denying it.

In my past life, I was always active when it came to physical exercises. I started my journey down that path to impress some girls and make my friends jealous. However, over time, I came to appreciate the healthy lifestyle. I always had an affinity for calisthenics, the gym, and soccer, and fortunately, that has helped me adapt quickly to the routine imposed by my father.

I realized that the perverted Jiraiya probably overloaded me with all these tasks to ensure more free time for his peculiar extravagances. I just can't get completely angry with him; after all, I must admit he is contributing to my progress.

However, as I reflect on the rigorous training I've been going through, a sense of concern starts to arise. I realize that I must act cautiously in my actions in this world. Any change, no matter how small, can have a profound impact.

I feel that my presence alone may have already caused a butterfly effect. I am a disruptive element in this universe, and my mere existence has the potential to bring about profound changes. Therefore, it is vital that I remain vigilant and guide my actions to ensure events follow their intended course. This way, I can seize this unique opportunity to benefit myself in the best possible way.


Jiraiya finally began my education as a true father should. Ero-Sennin was sharing a series of stories about the world of ninjas. Although perhaps this was a tactic to instill reflection in my mind, as it was not expected of a mere two-year-old boy. My reincarnation gave me an invaluable advantage, allowing me to understand the sage's words with a depth that children my age couldn't grasp.

In the two years since my arrival, I had been confronted with the truth that this world was not as idyllic as Konoha. Misery was a constant presence, spread throughout the population. It was impossible not to notice that many ninjas used their power abusively, extorting the less fortunate. In Naruto's world, being an ordinary person meant living in poverty. Jiraiya, whenever possible, intervened to correct the abuses caused by these individuals, but even the legendary Sannin couldn't eliminate all injustices.

Nomadic life had its charms, allowing me to experience the various cultures present in the Land of Fire through the different villages. The richness of diversity permeating this country was truly astonishing. Irony struck me as I wondered why these cultural nuances weren't explored more deeply in the anime's plot. Perhaps it was a matter of time limitations to show such intricate details, even in filler episodes.

Throughout our travels, I eventually asked Jiraiya for a diary. It was clear that my memory was deteriorating, and I was losing important details, like my mother's face and my father's. Writing about future events was a crucial necessity. Naturally, I chose to do it in Portuguese and occasionally in English, a precaution to ensure that my notes didn't fall into the wrong hands, which could pose a risk of exposing my advantage of having knowledge of the future.


Another day of training in the dense forest. I was motivated to overcome a challenge: climbing a tree. The task proved to be challenging, but I felt that I was making strides, thanks to the lessons Jiraiya had provided me. Even though he wasn't willing to teach me climbing specifically, I recalled Kakashi's instructions from the times I watched the series. Now, at the age of four, my body was more agile and flexible, allowing me to attempt more daring maneuvers.

My mastery of taijutsu was noticeably improving. I felt the fluidity of my movements increasing with each attempt. The old saying that practice makes perfect became more real with each passing day.

I was inspired by Kakashi's example, who had become a chunin at the tender age of six. Even with my reincarnated mind, I tirelessly strived to achieve small milestones. Kakashi's extraordinary feat of becoming a chunin so early was truly admirable, especially considering his prominence during the war. He had proven that it wasn't necessary to belong to a renowned clan to surpass one's opponents, but rather to have a keen intellect.

Itachi was another impressive phenomenon. It was notorious that his advancements were unfathomable, even for someone like me, who now lived at the heart of Naruto's world. The gap between the abilities of an ordinary child and Itachi was abyssal. Traditionally, children and teenagers were expected to be playful and immature, yet figures like Itachi and Kakashi proved to be ahead of their time. Their minds were truly exceptional.

My aspirations drove me to continued effort. Despite having Jiraiya as my guide and mentor, the cost of progress was often frustrating. Sometimes, I felt consumed by the excessive effort required to surpass myself. Although I had a resilient nature, the challenge of striving for excellence seemed like a constant struggle.

During another training session with Jiraiya, he posed an intriguing question:

"What do you want to achieve in life?" This question caught me off guard. Until then, my only ambition was to be the strongest, but upon reflection, I realized that this goal wasn't as compelling as it seemed. Naruto and Sasuke were the protagonists of this world, always destined to overcome any adversity. It was undeniable that the plot was heavily aligned to favor them.

Upon closer examination of Naruto's journey, I realized that he had never taken a life, even in the face of the difficulties he experienced in his childhood. He possessed the power of the Kyuubi, which indeed gave him a significant advantage. Furthermore, his vast reservoir of Uzumaki chakra contributed to his remarkable resilience. Upon reflection, I couldn't recall Naruto taking anyone's life, even in intense battles. Although he had suffered at the hands of fate, I recognized that the Kyuubi's power and his Uzumaki lineage were determining factors in his path.

In contrast, I lacked a divine blessing like the Rikudou Sennin, which favored Naruto. This thought inevitably led me to desire a peaceful life, away from the tumult of the ninja world. Such reflection left me exhausted, and weariness washed over me, winning over the desire to sleep.

"Enough thinking for today. I'll just sleep."