
So, I Become A Side Villain Now?

A mercenary soldier from the future with the code Dark Saber is eager to retire soon. However, a dimensional crack disaster occurs on Earth, forcing him to fight against creatures from other dimensions. Despite Earth achieving victory, Dark Saber perishes in the battle. However, later he awakens in a strange place. "Wait, I know this place! It's..." ... He woke up in a game he hadn't played in a long time. And what's worse is, he possesses the body of an insignificant villain who is destined to die as the protagonist's stepping stone.

Gryphinne · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

Sentinel Striders (2)

I observed the alien-like monsters. Sentinel Striders, or Custos Hexapodus, are normally A-rank threats. Some can even reach S-rank if they live long enough.

Sentinel Striders are commonly found deep within dense forests, mountains, and rocky terrains. They are deadly hunters that rely on speed and defense.

Adult Sentinel Striders typically act alone and rarely gather like this. Since these are likely young or not yet fully evolved, maybe they huddle together for protection from threats.

So, there's a possibility that the pack of Sentinel Striders before me is probably only D-rank. Although they are quite large, about the size of an adult human, this is still small compared to A-rank ones.

Currently, with my normal stats being garbage, I'm at the Elite Soldier level. However, if I add my unique Arkium stats, I reach the peak Champion Soldier level. If I get serious without injuries or fatigue, I can reach the peak Elite Champion Soldier level. This is more than enough to kill several packs of unevolved D-rank Sentinel Striders without fatigue.

Below, there are eight Sentinel Striders in one pack.

'This request should be C-rank. This pack is enough to wipe out a D-rank adventurer,' I thought.

I crouched on the tree branch and remained still. I planned to confront the Sentinel Striders directly. I activated the Arkium within my body. This time, I wouldn't use Quantumorph Artisan to fight.

I drew a longsword with a black sheath from my storage ring, one I took from my room. The sword was made of Titansteel Mytrhrilforge, a blend of Titanite Steel and Mythril.

I could melt and analyze this sword for Quantumorph Artisan. However, my current level can't copy high-tier materials like Mythril. It would be a waste to melt the sword and analyze it but not be able to use it as a base for Quantumorph Artisan weapons.

Besides, I've never used this sword before. So rather than leaving it unused, I'll use it now. Edward hasn't named this sword, so I'll call it Hazslicer.

After hanging the sword at my left hip, I summoned the helmet I had previously dispelled. I gripped my sword's hilt and drew it.

I leaped to another branch, using it as a launch pad to quickly kill one of the monsters. The Sentinel Striders noticed my movement and looked up.

'I've seen strange creatures with disturbing faces before, but seeing them in real life is different from the game. They are terrifying.'

They immediately used Territorial Roar, a creepy howl meant to dominate an opponent's mind and instill fear, usually causing a freeze effect if mental or spiritual defense is low.

Their roar this time was like a mix of several madmen screaming and shrieking off-key, with hissing and rapid rhythmic tapping.

Of course, their Territorial Roar had no effect on me. Besides Arkium neutralizing their intimidation, I also have a strong soul, according to Yolina.

Once I positioned myself to dash at the monsters, with my feet planted on another branch...

'Mach Momentum Dash!'

I used a rapid movement technique from my martial art, Gallean Mystric Path.

My eyes focused on one of the Sentinel Strider's joints, a weak point. In an instant, I dashed and slashed my sword precisely at the joints of its right legs.

Thick yellow blood spurted out.

Before the monster could turn around, I stopped and spun quickly. Then, using Mach Momentum Dash, I slid under its belly and sliced it open. As I reached its neck, I leapt up and decapitated the Sentinel Strider. Its head fell to the ground.

I killed the first Sentinel Strider. This first kill was to test the hardness of its skin not covered by a carapace. The result was an easy cut. Adult, evolved Sentinel Striders usually have tougher skin that's hard to cut, but these D-rank ones have not yet fully developed. Moreover, my Hazslicer is made from high-tier materials.

"Now for the second one!"

As I said this, still in mid-air, the first Sentinel Strider I killed fell to the ground. All the remaining Sentinel Striders stopped their Territorial Roar. I had to kill another one before they moved.

Using Mach Momentum Dash again with Air Step, I targeted another one close to the first fallen Sentinel Strider. Since I was still airborne, it was easy to aim for its upper neck. However, it was covered by a carapace.

'Just break through!' I shouted in my mind.

With the help of Air Step, I found a foothold in the air and Mach Momentum Dash activated. I dashed downward toward my next target.

With high speed, I slashed the back of the second Sentinel Strider's neck. I landed precisely without damaging the ground, thanks to my Arkium control. The slash was successful, resulting in a clean cut. Although I felt a hard texture when cutting through the thin carapace, it happened very quickly.

'Two,' I thought.

At this point, all the Sentinel Striders were alerted. Instead of fleeing after two of their kind were killed, they charged at me. Fearless. This is the natural behavior of Sentinel Striders.

Two of them closest to me charged with high speed. One opened its mouth while the other aimed to ram me. The remaining four, farther away, used their tails to shoot blade-like projectiles. They also roared territorially again, this time louder and higher-pitched.

I quickly spun around, making a slashing move. I managed to split the heads of the two charging Sentinel Striders.

'If I used a cheap iron sword, it would have been ruined by now. Anyway, four down!'

Then I swiftly blocked the four projectiles shot at me with a strong, quick flowing motion.

While blocking, one Sentinel Strider rushed at me from behind with its tail extended, aiming its sharp, serrated blade at me after just shooting its previous blade.

'Quick reload.'

There was one more projectile blade I had to block, targeting my left side. The Sentinel Strider behind me aimed for my neck. I jumped and spun horizontally in the air, positioning myself between both attacks.

One projectile missed me. Then I deflected the blade aimed at my neck. The blade and its tail were thrown into the air. I quickly landed and faced the Sentinel Strider whose attack I had just blocked, ready to slash as it charged at me.

Sensing my intention, the Sentinel Strider quickly stopped and jumped back, avoiding my slash. I ended up slicing the air.

'Oh? As expected from Sentinel Striders!'

At that moment, the other three charged at me simultaneously with high speed, brandishing their long tails with blades.

I dodged their attacks and ran.

'This time, I'll test their speed,' I thought while using Mach Momentum Dash.

Noticing my retreat, the four Sentinel Striders chased me while firing blade projectiles from behind. They ran like cheetahs with their six legs.

While running and dodging trees, I deflected and avoided their shots.

They kept pursuing me, firing blades from their tails, quickly catching up while dodging trees, jumping, and using trees as footholds.

Then one of them, on my right, opened its mouth wide, almost splitting. It let out a loud, strange scream and released a wind shockwave from its mouth.

'Wind magic,' I thought calmly.

The shockwave hit me, throwing me to the left and crashing into several trees. My body tumbled through the trees.

At that moment, the Sentinel Strider on my left closed in rapidly, slashing its tail towards me as I struggled to regain balance, predicting my fall. Realizing this, I channeled more Arkium and used Short-Range Telekinesis on myself to position properly for defense.

I used some strength to parry the slashing blade. As our blades met, the Sentinel Strider's blade shattered. Time to strike back.

However, another Sentinel Strider opened its mouth wide again and releasing another wind shockwave. I was hit by the shockwave and bounced into the air again followed by three projectile blades shots. But since my position was more stable this time, I easily deflected them.

'Okay! Test is over. Gallean Mystic Path, Weapon Series, Flashblade Reversal!'

Using Air Step as a foothold, I paused briefly. Then, I dashed with Mach Momentum Dash and slashed each Sentinel Strider. With each slash, I changed direction like lightning, using the explosive power of Mach Momentum Dash aided by Air Step. Once the motion was complete, I stopped by braking with my feet on the ground.

"Quadra Kill!" I muttered in a flat tone with a distorted robotic effect. This time I used English.

The four Sentinel Striders spewed thick yellow blood from their necks and bellies. I delivered two slashes to each Sentinel Strider's weak points. They kept moving for a moment, then fell, seemingly unaware they were already dead.

Standing with my back to them, I wiped my blade on the folds of my upper and lower arm like cleaning a katana from blood. Then, I sheathed my sword.

I stood still for a moment, then shook my head slightly.

'Ugh... even I'm alone in the forest now, this is embarrassing. I'm an adult inside, damn it.'

After that, I walked over, sighing, to gather the Sentinel Striders' bodies into my storage ring. I stored seven of them, planning to drag the last one with a rope. As usual, this was to experience the sensation of carrying the hunt without the storage ring's help, to have some burden like traditional hunting.

This time, I hunted without excessively using Arkium, so my body could strengthen on its own. My body needs to be tempered again to raise my general stats. I think I used the strength of a mid-level Champion Soldier.

'Even though it's good practice, I'm only half serious. Or maybe quarter serious?'