
So I'm in another world, huh? - An Adventure Across Worlds

I died? It was instant at least. One second just standing there. The next a blazing heat at my back. Then a second after that darkness. Pure untainted darkness. After an explosion kills Kira, she meets a god named Tinyo who offers her another life she accepts while being skeptical. He then grabs her, and they both disappear, appearing in the orbit of a world like earth but slightly different. But to the shock of Tinyo, She is the worst thing imaginable, Special. Cover: FireGirlSam Writer: Avonturier Chimela Authors; YuiWolf002 AvonturierChimela FireGirlSam Parker3765 CrazyFireCrab This Series is on RoyalRoad, Webnovel and ScribbleHub

Avonturier · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 – Back on a Little Blue Marble

(A/N: On a roll because I got half-term this week. So got this one, next weeks and the first chapter of my other fiction done that I'm doing by myself.)

Jim's POV(Royal Surrey County Hospital – UK – Earth):

It had been Four months of black before the bandages came off he looked around as he brought a hand over his eyes to shield his eyes he looked and to the right of the bed was his dad with that same flat expression he always wore after mum passing included with a slight hint of what looked to be relief.

He turned his head sharply to see a doctor and nurse to his left as the nurse continued to remove the bandages covering his face.

He then exasperated in a grating voice. "Where is she?" At that his father's face changed for the first time in years to a look between sorrow and anger as the man's fist clenched. He then replied with just a shake of his head at which Jim looked down at his now bandaged free hands, his right one a pale white but otherwise normal. However his left was a shade of light red and was covered in scars and with of a look of horror on his face as he raised his right hand to the left side of his face to feel as he realized that he no longer had a left eye instead still covered by a smaller bandage.

In That moment his brain blanked out as hundreds of thoughts entered his head and began to swirl around and he started to fell lightheaded before drifting back into the voids embrace. In his dreams that day ran through his head again and again in excruciating detail. Feeling as though he was cursed to live it for eternity.

(2 Months Ago…)

A young man stirs from the restless sleep he experienced throughout the night constantly that question on his mind begging for the sweet release of a reply whether positive or world shatteringly negative he didn't care anymore. Tossing and turning for 5 minutes before finally rubbing his eyes and sitting up and stretching his arms.

He reaches for his phone and unlocks it with the 30-character long password and checks the notifications and lets out a sigh to see there is no message from her. He then spends 5 mins checking the news, YouTube and his Web novel sights to see if there's any more releases or interesting topics before connecting his Bluetooth headphone and putting on a random r/AITA Narration from Ripe one of the many different YouTube channels that make these types off content and sets its playback speed to 2.0X and gets out off his bed roughly straightens the duvet and pillows after re tucking the corner of the mattress cover that somehow untucks itself every night.

He then walks off down the hall to the shower and takes off the pair of boxers he wore that night tossing them in the laundry bin Setting his phone on the window sill starts the extractor fan and turns on the shower and as he waits for the boiler to kick in he brushes, flosses and gargles his teeth and mouth. Before sticking a hand behind the shower curtain to see if it is warmed up or not and feeling its warmed through, he jumps in and begins applying shampoo to his hair.

Taking deep breaths as he feels each drop of water and soap stud run through his thick chocolate colored hair and down his toned chest through the nether region and down his long but sculpted legs. He relished the sensations as his eyes remained closed.

After a few minutes he stepped out of the shower and realized he had forgotten a towel and cursed to himself as he unlocked the door and poked his head out and checked down the hallway to his brother's room as some steam wafted out of the humid room. He then walked down the hallway and grabbed a towel from the linen closet he then headed to his room as he chuckled t one of the stories He then headed to his room and dried off and increased the volume of his earbud as he turned on the hair dryer it making a gust of hot wind that soon dried his hair.

He then slipped on a pair of grey tracksuits and black t shirt along with a pair of slippers as he headed halfway down the stairs before walking back up to the bathroom and grabbing his phone. Nd removing one of the earbuds and turning it off as he went into the kitchen and saw Max a rottweiler sleeping with its head inside and the rest of its body outside the dog flap.

Jim chuckled to himself as he check if his brother Tristan had unpacked the dishwasher and seeing that he did he put the few dishes out from last night inside and after checking max had water and kibble which it looked as though someone had all ready done so he checked the front room to see his dad watching a Scotland versus cricket game from yesterday It was Scotland vs Namibia??? Or whatever Nam stood for

He returned to the kitchen and made a bowl of half corn flakes half Weetabix, 2 cups of tea and an easy peeler and then walked out the back door to a cabin at the back of the garden where his brother sat on a couch with the bifold open with one of the TVs on playing overwatch 2.

"Can I Join you?" Jim asked to which his brother replied with a shake of his head as his mercy was crushed under a hammer of an enemy. "These games full but you can join me in the next one."

"Sure." Jim then booted up the Xbox one as he placed a cup in front of his brother on a rdr2 coaster for his brother and his one on a Minecraft one and plopped himself down on the other side of his three-seater and began to munch on his monstrosity of a cereal bowl. His brother then made a face of disgust and said "How in God's Earth do you eat that, bit anyway thanks for the cup of tea to which he took a sip as he was waiting to respawn. To which Jim replied "I like this you like Dr.Pepper which should be classed under the Geneva convention as a chemical weapon" in response to which Tristan just snorted attempting to hold back laughter.

They continued to play, jab and make jokes for about flourish hours play some overwatch, Fortnite, COD, PUBG, Battlefront II and Goat simulator at which Tristan beat Jim in almost 90% of the time. Tristan was invited to a group to preview a new RPG called bloom: memories.

Jim Booted up his PS5 which he had only recently gotten off Facebook. And saw that GTA 6 had finally finished installing as he booted up the game and waited for it to load. Hearing his brother talking to other people through his headset.

He pulled out his phone and checked for messages again see none he let out another sigh and for the first time today checked the time a saw it was only 11:37am. He then went back to the game as he heard police sirens and began to play and figure out the game from scratch he reminisced the thousands of hours he put into GTA 5 being one of the few people who had recorded a glitch less level 8000 and the dread of realizing he would have to do it again.

His brother had recently reached one million subs on YouTube and 2.7 million on TikTok before it was banned in the UK. Jim himself had a few thousands subs and followers on twitch mainly due to association with his brother the famous Yui Wolf.

'Ding' the sound reverberated through his ears as he glanced at his phone while his Deluxo was hit with multiple RPG shots and crashed into a ball of flames with the classic wasted appearing on screen as he saw the text come up at the top of the screen the sound dulling out the r/HFY narration by Agro Squirrel ending and the sound returning to normal volume as the pop up disappeared and transferred into a Tumblr compilation videos.

[Kira – Can you come over? We need to talk.]

He Got up Grabbing his phone and Walked out after turning his console off and waving bye to Tristan he walked back into the house past his dad as he said bye and that he was heading to Kira's to which his dad gave a chuff back while going back to some drama that was playing on the tele.

He grabbed a coat, His keys and wallet before heading out and yelling to the front room. "Front doors unlocked" to which he got the reply of "Got it."

He then walked over to the Electric converted Toyota on the driveway parked next to an Isuzu D-Max and a Mercedes Van. Unlocking as he neared it, he got in and the car started by itself as he selected manual driving mode and drove towards Kira's place in town he parked in one of the guest spaces with a sign saying Saxon Weald: Guest and residents parking only. He then got out as the car flashed to show it locked and he continued and walked over the grass towards the block of flats. He saw Kira standing by the door as she turned to look at him and a bright smile appeared on her face as she saw him.

There was a loud pop sound as a bright glow appeared behind her it then surrounded her as it continued towards him the sheer terror on his face as the realization of what was happening hit him. Time seemed to slow as he felt himself go weightless, he was actually flying because of the pressure wave. Then searing heat hit him as the world went blank.

[Breaking News – There appears to have been an explosion in a residential area in Aldershot this afternoon. We go to our correspondent on scene now.]

{It appears that around quarter to one earlier this after noon a gas main in an apartment building in the distance amongst the rubble detonated causing 4 of the surrounding apartments to instantly collapse.}

Footage fan to an aerial view of the rubble a firefighters and other rescue personnel and volunteers dig through the rubble.

{So far another 12 Apartments have be set alight and the surrounding residents within a 2 mile radius have been evacuated. So far, the confirmed Casualties is at one-Hundred and fifty-seven, thirty-four of which are fatalities along with another eighty-one unaccounted for. This is the largest civilian gas accident in history and most likely will cause the government to push forward the proposed bill on removing Britain's reliance on gas for heating.}

Jim Wept in his bed after the staff and his dad had left him alone for a while. She was dead just gone from existence just like that. He continued to silently just sit there in a catatonic state after his tear ducts squeezed themselves dry. He then prepared to go home.

He now stood in the mirror looking at his new appearance The white dress shirt, the black suit, polished shoes the wig that covered his short slowly regrowing hair and most of all the black piece of cloth covering his left eye with a tiny blue flame embroidered on it.

A call came from down the stairwell as he looked at the door to his room and headed down the stairs after tying the knot of the bandana and grabbing the walking sticks. Along with a piece of paper that was sitting on his dresser a slight smile escaped the side of his mouth but not one of joy but one of a person who realized that life is life.

The funeral was small, and Jim was holding back tears the only people actually at the crematorium was Jim his dad and brother all three of her grandparents and a few of her classmates and teachers and a couple of her fellow streamers who were closer to her.

Her mother's funeral was yesterday and her ashes were being flown back to Japan by Kira's grandparents to be put in the sea a few miles off Akita. Kira's Ashes were going into space courtesy of Celestas space burials cause she always said she wanted her funeral like that to rile up her mum.

Jim focused on meditating to keep his composure as her grandpa on her father's side came on the stage and in his smooth Spanish accent told a few funny stories about Kira as a kid and then one of her teaches Miss Cowley came up and did a small talk about how she was a great student. All this while Tristan films with a big movie style camera that is livestreaming to her fans who are watching Kira or who they knew as Fire-Dance for the last time.

The teacher then went on to talk about the fact that she had been offered a place at Cambridge for engineering when she was done with her A levels even though she had only just got her GCSE results.

Then it was Jim's turn to go up on the stage. His dad put a firm hand on his shoulder and whispered, "You'll be fine." In response to which he just nodded and got up as he hobbled up to the podium and his crutches.

He then began to read off the piece of paper having had all the words leave his mind. He made a light cough as the attendant adjusted the microphone to his height. His voice at first came out hoarse but he tried again. "Kira has some words she left me."

He thought to himself why she had left this with him as he started to read.

"If i fall into the voids embrace, the world will go on.

If i see the sunrise again, the world will go on.

If i crawl in a hole and wither away, the world will go on.

If i stand in the face of oblivion and stand steadfast, the world will go on.

In all the world, in all these times has anything ever changed.

i hope that i at least i had a ripple on time."

Goodbye – Kira

P.S. I want master of puppets to be played at the end."

The audience chuckled at the last bit as the casket was lowered to be burnt as the music began to play.

Hope You Enjoyed