

Fire Wyrm - A new ability and or perk is gained every level up.

-Light Magic-

A new Spell is learned every level up, here are the Spells utilized by our Protagonist:

• Illuminate - A ball of light which is considered a corporeal object that can be used as a weapon.

• Light Arrow - An arrow of light, duh.

• Light Beam - White Laser that goes pew pew~

• Light Cannon - A white cylinder that shoots out bursts of light, and can also be used to shoot out other magical projectiles with amplified power.

-Heretic Magic-

• Phantom Discomfort - Gives the feeling of someone tickling your pubic hair.

• Phantom Pain - Gives the pain of having your limbs cut off.

• Phantom Insanity - Glorified Joker Gas.

• Illusion - Illusion.

• Rend Soul - Spell that damages Souls.

-Attack Skills-

Attack Skills are used to imbue a certain attribute to your attacks, Spells, body parts, and weapons. Most of these Skills are gained by the Wyrm's use of Greed;

• Light Attack - Imbues Light.

• Heavy Attack - Increases or Decreases the weight of the user/target.

• Acid Attack - Gives acidic properties to attacks.

• Heretic Attack - A small portion of the Spell "Rend Soul" is imbued to attacks.

• Magic Power Attack - Sacrifices MP to strengthen attacks.

• Energy Attack - Sacrifices SP to strengthen attacks.

• Blood Attack - Sacrifices HP to strengthen attacks.

• Poison Attack - Attacks become poisonous.

• Fire Attack - Burning Attacks

-Special Moves-

Sphere of Annihilation - A Ball of Light created by Illuminate is imbued with all of the Wyrm's Attack Skills, several Spells are also thrown in for good measure.