
So, I'm a Dragon, What of it?

It was just supposed to be a regular day in Highschool, but then he woke up in an egg all alone, desperate for anything to happen... Follow our protagonist as he finds out the truth about the world and the reason for his entire existence. No Harem, a Kumo Desu fanfiction.

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57 Chs

33 - I Should Not Have Upgraded My Penis Q_Q

Chapter 33 - I Should Not Have Upgraded My Penis Q_Q

Written By Curiostyx

~〈The Wyrm〉~

"Ho... So I have four Brains? That means I can get four upgrades, Phantasmal..." He praised the System before making his choice.

"Warfare and Matrix are a must, as for the other two... Hmm, let's go with Hivemind." These three were obviously the best choice, but he still considering which upgrade would fit his 4th Brain...

"Ah, I almost forgot about you... Go, Psychic Brain, I choose you!!!" He didn't really need Isolated Brain. In hindsight, it would probably just make his Greed worse...

Now to the other upgrades...

"I'm gonna need better senses... Let's go with the Eyes first." The Wyrm decided.

His capacity to process information had been uplifted all the way from the Mariana Trench to the height of the Taj Mahal, but his ability to get the information in the first place still remained mediocre.

After giving his Eyes 5 Units, the selection screen appeared.

—Choose Specialization—

• Sniper Eyes

• Laser Eyes

• X-Ray Eyes

• Visage Eyes

• Camera Eyes


The Wyrm analyzed each option as he considered the choices. X-Ray Eyes were immediately eliminated since he didn't want to look at Larry's bones, ain't no way was he a man of homoerotic descent.

Of course, he was joking. The real reason X-Ray Eyes were eliminated was because they were pretty impractical in his current situation. He wasn't Goddamn border control...

Camera Eyes allowed him to take pictures of what he saw and store them in his brain... Yeah, he wasn't really the sentimental type, so he discarded this option.

Visage Eyes gave a boost to Charisma, he could influence the other party's perception of him with direct eye contact... Insanely useful if he wasn't stuck underground where Charisma mattered little.

"That leaves me with the both of you..." The Wyrm muttered as he stared longingly at the last two options... Well, they were actually the first two, but that didn't matter.

Sniper Eyes was accurate to its name, it enabled him to "Zoom" his vision as if looking through a Sniper Rifle's scope. It also produced an imaginary dot to predict where his shot would land...

Laser Eyes... Honestly, he really wanted this... Imagine, fucking Superwyrm flying through the skies of New York, roasting every villain he saw to dust...

But Laser Vision wasn't really all that useful to begin with, he already had Laser powers as Light Magic LV 5 actually granted him a Spell called "Light Beam" which wasn't exactly Laser Vision, but it was good enough for him.

So while it sounded immensely phantasmal to shoot out beams of pure heat from his Eyes... He opted for Sniper Eyes instead.

"Now that my vision is secured, let's get down to the structure of things... My Bones." The Wyrm said as his skeletal structure came to mind.

A lot of choices appeared in front of him... A lot. So much so that the Author just skipped the options.

So he with a simple yet practical one that would give his enemies a nasty surprise.

Hemoacidic Bones.

Blood is produced in the bones, such a fact was merely common sense. So if you wanted acidic blood, acidic bones are what you actually require.

And yes, the Bone Marrow is considered by the System as a part of the Bone. So all of the blood produced would possess acidic qualities...

"I'm starting to look like a fucking Xenomorph... Just missing the weird dome head thing and the tongue..." No, he wasn't getting a mouth-tongue.

That would probably be a major turn-off for women—The reptilian Shrimp concluded.

He then decided to fully commit to his Skeletal Structure as 10 Units disappeared into his very bones...

Hemoacidic Bone Armor

A phantasmal upgrade. His skeletal structure would grow outward, covering his skin in a protective layer of bone as acid leaked out whenever even a slight crack appears in the armor.

Next are the Muscles, can't go around walking like Sans the Skeleton, right?

Without wasting any more words, the Wyrm invested an additional 5 Units into his Musculature as the options flooded his vision...

Dynamic Muscles, Muscles that constantly adapt to the body's needs. Contracts and burns energy at a rapid pace when in battle, Relaxes and conserves energy when not.

"Now, I have 40 Units remaining..." With Evolution just 5 levels away (Probably), he decided to keep these last few points for the future as he initiated Chrysalis.

The pain assaulted the poor Wyrm like Truck-kun when he sees a Japanese Person.

A tar-like black substance covered him from head to toe, it was like what Venom usually did to Eddy Brock as the Wyrm's screams resounded through the surrounding lands.

An intense, world-shaking migraine took over him as his Brain was flooded with the strange black goo, breaking apart and building itself back up as the pain drowned out the bizarre sensation of a Brain mutation...

His bones shattered like a thousand, million pieces of glass. His flesh ripped itself apart as the black goo devoured the waste matter...

Drips of darkness streamed down from his eyes like the eyes of an edgy teen's OC crying tears of black...

And worst of all...

"AAAAAGHHHH, MY DIIIICCCCKKKKKK!!!!!" Press F to pay respects, boys. Then press G to say Goodbye to the Wyrm's future kids.

The Wyrm frantically shoved a dead Milepede down his throat as he tried to distract himself by chewing food.

The Milepede's whole entire skeletal structure broke like a twig under the Wyrm's bite force as he bit down with the pain still enveloping his senses.

「The Skill ~Pain Mitigation~ has leveled up. LV raised to 8.」

Even that didn't stop the pain as the Wyrm bashed his head against the floor, hoping to snuff out the universal threat that was his migraine.

「The Skill ~Pain Mitigation~ has leveled up. LV raised to 9.」

The Wyrm leaped inside the lava, somehow forgetting the fact that he was immune to its heat, probably because of the pain.

「The Skill ~Pain Mitigation~ has leveled up. Max LV reached.」

「The Skill ~Pain Mitigation LV 10~ has evolved into ~Pain Super-Mitigation LV 1~.」

The pain did not go away.


"Is it just me, or do most Authors on this site have a dogshit naming sense? Just look at the Cultivation genre." -Remark

Stones, or I'll give you up, say goodbye, turn around and dessert you.