
13 - Chrysalis

Chapter 13 - Chrysalis

Written By ChatGPT (Nah, lol)

~[The Wyrm]~

~{Unknown Location}~


That was all he saw on the horizon, a pitch-black abyss devoid of any color and life.

The Wyrm sat with his tail tucked between his legs, he had activated the Chrysalis Skill and had fallen into the embrace of lord Sandman.

He concluded that this place must be some kind of dream realm inside his mind, since no way he got teleported to the Minecraft void.

Such a concept should be pretty common in those Light Novels she always read. He was never quite into them though, preferring a more interactive type of entertainment; like video games.

Weirdly enough, the void he was in had a floor. The foundation he stood on could not be seen nor felt, but it was definitely there since he wasn't endlessly falling.

A glimmering spark manifested before the Wyrm, as a translucent hologram made in the image of the Wyrm was formed. The hologram was colored a light blue, however.

A gleaming yet colorless Coin depicting a pair of Blue Feathered Wings on one side and a pair of Black Scaled Wings on the other continuously spun as it rotated above the hologram.

'Woah... Is this supposed to be me?' The Shrimp in front of him looked much derpier than he imagined...

He concluded that the one who sent him to this world really did him dirty.

The Wyrm moved here and there as he observed the surroundings. The hologram did not move an inch from where it was created, but it always faced his direction whenever he looked back.

'Creepy...' This shit was even more peculiar than that Real Horror Girl from his class.

And that was saying a lot considering that Negishi girl had a bizarre case of edglady syndrome.

The Wyrm returned to the hologram and he inspected it further. He did not want to get lost in this void, that would certainly be one of the deaths ever.

The hologram remained completely stationary as the Wyrm tried touching it, his hands passing through.

Clearly, it wasn't an actual physical object but an astral one instead.

However, when he made contact with the hologram, a screen suddenly flickered in the dark void

~Chrysalis - Metamorphosis~

~Pure Essence: 3 Units~

• Teeth

• Hide

• Bone

• Muscle

• Brain

• Magic Reactor

• Magic Processor

• Stomach

• Jacobson's Organ

• Fire Gland

• Eyes

• Nose

• Blood

• Wyrmroost

• Tongue

• Limbs



'Ho ho ho... What do we have here...?' The Wyrm muttered as he appraised the panel.

It seems like this Skill allowed him to upgrade individual parts of his overall body to a certain degree, he concluded.

The Pure Essence gain was inconsistent, he realized. But it made sense if the Essence yield gradually increased every level up. LV 2 granted him 1 Unit, whilst LV 3 gave him 2.

'Now, what should I choose...?' he thought as he scrolled the panel, it seems to go on forever and ever as if boundless.

There were even some obscure organs that had completely mysterious names like Maleki' and Furmesk which had no Earth equivalent and therefore did not translate to Japanese.

'Wyrmroost... What could this be?' He muttered as he paused the scrolling.

『Wyrmroost: The special Organ that denotes a Wyrm from the other types of Monsters. The various Racial Wyrm Skills actually derive from this specific Organ.』

The panel flickered as a root-like organ below his spine was highlighted a bright red.

'I wonder... Would Fire Wyrm's level increase if I invest in this?' He mused.

This was such a brilliant idea that the Wyrm made no hesitation in immediately purchasing the upgrade.

The highlighted organ glew a faint yet bizarre golden color before disappearing from the hologram.

He didn't just put 1, however. He actually invested 2 units of Pure Essence in the Wyrmroost!!!

That ought to be enough to at least increase the level, right?

Fire Wyrm was an absolute godsend of a Skill, it provided him with the quintessential "Dragon" abilities and should be prioritized. It was also the most useful Skill he could upgrade with Chrysalis.

He then decided to spend the last unit on his Brain, perhaps he would finally become smarter or something. He desperately needed a better Brain to work with...

The hologram's Brain released a shimmering golden light before it abruptly vanished.

The hologram began to dissolve into dust as it flew into the Wyrm, entering through his physical body and merging with his Soul.

It was as if the lights had been turned on as the once pitch-black void now became an endless space of pure white.


The space around the Wyrm cracked and shattered as his consciousness was pulled into the realm of slumber. He felt rather peculiar as if he had just experienced going inside a dimensional blender...

But he wouldn't be conscious to complain.

~[The Wyrm]~

~{His Cave}~

Inside a small yet comfy cave, an obsidian black statue made in the image of an Elroe Gunelift lay asleep on the floor, looking like a petrified Gorgon victim.

-Crack... Bam~!

Cracks appeared on the statue as the strange rocky material that comprised the statue withered into dust, revealing the soft flesh inside.

The outer layer fell and dissolved in the magma as the Wyrm moved his limbs out and about, breaking his hard bondage apart.

'I guess this is why its called Chrysalis...' He commented as the rest of his rocky cocoon dissolved, returning him to freedom's erotic embrace yet again.

'I'm so fucking parched!' He complained as he opened his maws wide and inhaled the surrounding lava like some sort of Kirby.

A peculiar itch dominated his spinal area, seducing him to scratch his own body to relive the discomfort.

The Wyrm made a big brain move by casting Discomfort on himself as to build up a resistance.

Though it just made the itch much worse, leading him to wonder if upgrading his brain actually did anything at all.

『The Skill ~Heresy Resistance LV 1~ has been acquired.』

...Or maybe it did, who knows.

The itch immediately toned down as the Skill was fully integrated into his Soul. For some weird reason, it was also considered as pain by the System, so Pain Mitigation also helped a lot in this case.

He concluded that this peculiar itch must be an aftereffect of Chrysalis, one that he hoped would not get worse as he uses the Skill more often.

As the itch gradually died down, his gains were finally revealed.

『The Skill ~Fire Wyrm~ has been raised into LV 3.』

『The Skills ~Dragon Scales LV 1~ and ~Concentration LV 1~ has been aqcuired.』


"For the Colony! Embrace the Diamond!" -Remark

Stones are needed to surpass dimensional chatgroup harem edgelord fanfics, so where are they?


Dr_Armstrongcreators' thoughts