
Snow White and the seven Lords

Everyone has heard the children's tale of Snow White, but the real story is much darker and erotic. The so-called dwarves are actually anything but cute and small, and her journey to find her prince was much darker.

elouis · Fantasi
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2 Chs

prologue: Snows entrance

Snow couldn't believe her luck! She ran through the shrubbery ignoring the sting the thorns left on her pale legs. All she had wanted to do was leave the bar in peace! And now she's pushing thru a dead bush to sneak down an alley! These two creeps had continued to make her uncomfortable, she had tried to let it go, but when one had the nerve to try to cop a feel she made a quick exit by excusing herself to the restroom.

Thankfully the back door to dive bar was right by the restrooms so Snow made her escape noting to herself that perhaps her friends had been right that she takes too many risks going to bars and clubs on her own. Stuffing her hands in her pockets she moved quickly down the dark alley.

"There!" she heard the deep voice exclaim behind her. It was the tall beefy blonde guy who had been the most insistent.

"Hey cutie where you going?" Followed the thin one with a mustache that belonged in an 80s porno.

Shit. She cursed to herself realizing she was in and even more dangerous predicament. She sped up her pace grateful she had worn flats instead of heels. Her relief was short lived when she heard the sound of two sets of feet heading quickly in her direction.



The voice in her head screamed pushing her forward. Snow didn't want to imagine what those two thugs might do to her if they caught her, she doubted it was going to be legal or pleasant. She kept running even though the painful burn in her side begged her to stop.

Glancing back she realised only the big one was behind her. Mr. Porn-stache had vanished. She then saw that up ahead there was only two directions free, a dead end or another pass on her left. Just as she prepared to turn porn-stache appeared at the end of that! she had been hearded into a corner like a sheep!

Trapped...She was trapped.

She started backing away from the two advancing brutes which was effectively backing her further down to dead end. She rolled her blue eyes at her own irony...a dead end and here she's going to die, accurate title.

"Hey you left without saying goodbye sweetheart, you hurt me and my friends feelings." The big blonde stated looking like a cat with a mouse.

"Yeah I think you owe us an apology." His friend joined in on the mockery.

"Help! Help!" She screamed hoping anyone would hear and save her. Isn't that what always happens in stories....except this wasn't a story and she wasn't some damsel in distress. All Snow was about to become was a statistic.

A strong arm gripped her hips and pulled her backwards. She screamed out in horror thinking somehow they had pulled in a third guy to help. Darkness enveloped her vision and she realised he was looking at stars. That can't be right though...you can't see the starts in the city, all the light pollution blot them from view.

Her debate over the stars was muted when she realised it was grass under her butt and there was still the presence of someone behind her. Snow pulled a stray brown strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. Her surroundings began to come into focus. She wasn't staring at a closed door or a wall, what she was looking at was impossible. A Forrest. She was looking at the edge of a Forrest. Somehow she went from in a busy city to a large field surrounded by forrest in seconds.

Am I dreaming?

Ahem. A musical voice cleared their throat behind her. Snow jumped to her feet and twisted around. Fight or flight still pushing adrenaline though her veins making her heart thunder in her ears.

He was beautiful. It wasn't normal to call a man beautiful, but that was exactly what he was. He was tall and slim. His face was almost feminine with large emerald eyes and long fair hair. The almost musical voice didn't help matters. He had a strange power to his face that prevented you from forgetting he was still male.

"Who are you." Snow asked quickly shocking off her initial shock.

"You called so I answered," he replied with a mild look of annoyance.

"When did I call, I didn't even have my cell out!"

He looked at her as if the answer were obvious. He then turned and motioned for her to follow.

"Wait. Wait! Where are we. Who are you?" She called out still standing in place.

An audible sigh escaped the man's lips and he turned back to face Snow.

"Forgive my lack of manners for not giving an explicit introduction when I was rescuing you from men that were far from honorable," his voice nolonger hinted at annoyance. He was definitely annoyed. "My name is Alek, I am what we call a time walker, and I pulled you from yours to mine. As for our destination, it is late, I assumed after the shock you have been through, warmer clothing and a full stomach would do wonders." He then turned away and walked towards a faintly visible dirt path.

I have to be dreaming, she thought to herself. Any moment now I will wake up in bed realizing none of this ever happened.

Looking around, the option to follow this easily annoyed man who hasn't showed any inappropriate behavior looked alot more preferable than standing alone in a field surrounded by woods in a place she highly doubted was near her home. Hell if thos was a dream it could be another planet or dimension! She quickly jogged after Alek.