

© 2021 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved.

I have at least an hour and a half before Saniyah would be coming to pick me up. Hanging with Irene for these past few hours went in a blink of an eye.

"Here, I put in an extra for Maliq."

Irene beamed, handing me two full-size pies in a small bag.

"Thank you."

Maybe I didn't want her to worry or I was just determined to do this on my own. I could tell she sensed I wasn't telling her something. Usually, I'm more expressive, especially around people I like, but this time she continuously spoke about everything, me voicing an opinion here and there.

"Call me anytime, okay? I'm not as busy as you think."

I gave her a small smile, pursing my lips holding in all the words that pushed to spill out. I stared into her eyes silently begging her to ask what was wrong again. If she asked one more time then maybe I'll tell her. By the way, she stared back at me I could tell she wanted to say more but decided to say nothing. I decided the same.

I nodded in reply thanking her again for the pies and started the walk back to my place. I walked the few blocks swiftly back home.

I passed by the house after house finally making it back. I kicked off my shoes at the front door walking down the hall towards the kitchen to be greeted by Maliq rummaging in the fridge. Sensing my presence he popped up with an apple in his mouth.

"Where you been?"

"Irene's, she made us pies"

Setting them on the table, I left him as he attacked the bag rushing to pull it out. Walking in my room picking up anything else that didn't have a place I hurriedly found it one. I huffed as I started to grab each suitcase and dragged it towards the front door. After the third Maliq came out of the kitchen sticking his head out with crumbs on his face.

"Do you need help?"

I scrunched my nose at the few crumbs dropping from his mouth.

"Um no, I'm done, go check the mail."

Stacking my suitcases on top of each other neatly by the door. I noticed he hadn't moved. I glanced up to see a sad look in his eyes.

"Maybe if you apologized then she'd let you stay."

"No, she won't." I sighed standing up straight.

"She wants it her way, not an apology, and I can't give her that."

"Why not?"

"Wasn't you the one telling me that I should follow my dreams despite all of this?" Pursing my lips I looked at him struggling between being agitated or sympathetic, knowing this was a big change.

"Yeah, well that was before you were leaving, I mean how long is this going to last your just going to leave forever? What about me?"

" I don't know how long, it could be forever, but it doesn't matter. I'm still here for you, you can always call me."

"Yeah I guess, I still think you both are being ridiculous" he breathed heavily upset.

I walked over to hug him, squeezing him close.

"Yeah, you're supposed to, you'll be fine do your homework, and don't give mom a hard time."

He finally wrapped his arms around me.

"Fine whatever."

"I'm gonna miss you, what am I supposed to do when you're gone."

"You'll be fine. We'll still see each other just not as often. Like I said just call me."

"Are you still gonna walk me to baseball practice?"

"Yeah, maybe not every day, but most days yes."

I picked up my last bag when a knock sounded at the front door. I hurriedly walked over and opened to see Saniyah standing at the front. Hair in a half-up bun and an afro in the back. She wore her work uniform, showing she had just clocked out, but her face was still bright wide awake.

"Hey girly, you ready?"

"Yeah, I have these four suitcases and two duffel bags."

30 minutes later all bags were packed in the car and backseat.

"I can't believe you're leaving," she exclaimed, slamming her trunk closed.

"I mean I know we talked about it, but for you to be officially doing it it's crazy."

"Yeah I know, it's a little surreal to me too."

I couldn't help but laugh at her giddy expression.

"Aren't you excited though? I mean how long did we talk about living together!"

I nodded in reply. Being best friends since the 10th grade we always spoke about being roommates, but gradually diminished the topic once she became serious with Terrence. Freshly graduating from high school she quickly moved in with Terrence and I decided to stay home, always thinking I couldn't make it on my own anyway.

I'm gonna go get my last duffel bag and say bye to Maliq again. I'll be back. I jogged back to the house while Saniya slid back into her car. I went to Maliq's room to see him lounging on his bed scrolling through youtube.

"Alright give me another hug."

Rolling his eyes he got up wrapping his arms around me.

"Like you said Imma see you it's not that big of a deal."

I laughed pinching his cheeks

"I know but you'll always be my Lil baby."

He shook his head, slapping my hand away.


Jogging to my room I looked away seeing if there was anything else I wanted to bring right now and what I was going to leave to get later. Mostly furniture and a few more shoeboxes I decided to leave behind for now. Bitter thoughts started to resurface in my head but I breathed them out I'm tired of holding in all this stress and anxiety, it's time for me to choose myself.

Walking towards the kitchen to grab my pie. I heard shuffling through the front door. I noticed my mom as she walked in placing her purse on the kitchen table.

"So you're leaving? That's it."

She crossed her arms leaning against the wall. I picked up my pie wrapped in the bag and looked over at her.

"Well, you gave me an ultimatum. I chose."

"Don't make this decision on an emotion of hate towards me, that show's just how immature you are. Think about your future."

I scoffed "I don't hate you, what are you talking about? Just because somebody doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they hate you. Okay? I'm doing this for me and solely me."

Walking out the kitchen I picked up my small purse bag slinging it over my shoulder. I heard the scuff of her feet as she walked into the hallway. I glanced over my shoulder to see a deeply sad look in her eyes. For a split second, I felt the little girl come back out of me. Wanting to just change my mind and say nevermind I'll just do what you say. I almost wanted to apologize. Which made me upset to think about, I am always one to feel bad for making my own decisions. Like what do I have to apologize for? I'm grown. I didn't even do anything.

I gave her a small smile and walked out the door. Closing it behind me. With tears filling my eyes I walked towards the already running car sliding in the passenger seat.

"Holy shit! What happened? I saw her walk in, I ducked in my car when she walked past."

She giggled, making me roll my eyes.

"What you duck for she knew I was leaving."

"Yeah but your mom's intimidating." I shook my head "Common, let's go, I brought pie."


© 2021 by Ireland Rea. All rights reserved.