
Getting to know each other.

22nd, February 2020,

Me and Smilte are currently going out, well in actuality we've been going out for 3 months and in these past few months I've met some of her friends (most of them don't approve of me), but I met one of them that was especially nice, her name was Rose and introduced me to her boyfriend 'Eden Pussyfoot' he was an emo person it was very weird, but because of our last meeting I wanted to get to know him better plus Rose was telling him to leave his comfort zone and meet someone new ( this was all very new to me because the Eden I was seeing was obedient and silent, while at school he was dark and not as silent meaning he always said things to the wrong people making it virtually impossible for him to get friends), anyway that meeting happened 2 months ago and now we're pretty decent friends, but still he's not as close to me as Ben and if I had one complaint it would be that he sometimes says weird things like how he hadn't been the same after his experience with the Licht and how he wished he could reverse his mistakes, when I asked Rose about it she said that he mustn't have been taking his meds and told me not to worry about it which made me feel like there was something weird there, but I thought I was taking the piss and told myself she was a good person, after which I got a call from Smilte she asked me if I was free on Saturday and I told her I was, to which she followed up with want to go shopping I need a new outfit for when we go on our trip, so... ok I'll take your silence as a yes.'

The reason I didn't reply was that I still wasn't used to how she was speaking casually, after all, I according to her was the only person, she talked like this too. This was a little ego boost for me, but you know you take what you're given. Well, I was ready, but one problem my mum dressed me- she put a hoodie on me, black trainers, skinny fit joggers, which honestly wasn't a bad selection. When we got to Trinity we went to the lower ground to the McDonalds and ate chicken nuggets with chips and barbeque sauce while Smilte ordered a salad with apple slices and orange juice. After which we went to boots and other whatnots, but finally at the end of the day I was carrying 3 bags, now you may say this isn't much and I agree because she was holding a good 17 bags and when I asked how she simply replied with I shop because I like it and I don't like much (also I forgot to mention her father was a judge in the highest circuit of the courts meaning she had no problem with money so she could spend as much as she wanted) continuing, at the end of the day she gave the bags to the chauffer and lastly gave me a kiss on my cheek leaving her scented lipstick lingering on my skin and honestly I was astonished after all I had no experience with love before…


I will never write anything like this again.

Pen_Studiocreators' thoughts