What if Albedo wasn't changed by Ainz? What if she remains to be a slut? What matter of creatures or individuals is she going to fuck?
"I am the Warrior-Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff. By order of the King, I have been visiting each of the frontier villages to exterminate knights from enemy countries who have been making trouble here."
The leader's deep voice echoed through the village square, and it seems he is not alone, behind him was a squad of soldiers on horseback, they were not fully armored like the knights earlier.
Ainz looked closely, and he saw that each of the horsemen had the same emblems on their chests, which resembled what the Chief had said about the Kingdom's emblems.
Gazef looked at the Chief and said, "You must be the Chief of this village. Can you tell me who is the person beside you?"
Ainz interrupted the Chief, who was about to answer, before nodding to Gazef and introducing himself.
"There is no need for that. Pleased to meet you, Warrior-Captain-dono of the Kingdom. My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, and I am a magic caster. This village was attacked by knights, and so I stepped in to save them."
Gazef immediately dismounted, his armor clattering loudly as he did. He bowed deeply once he was on the ground.
"Thank you for saving this village. I have no words that can adequately praise your kindness."
One could tell Gazef's character from the way he was ready to dismount and bow to Ainz despite their difference in status.
"There is no need to thank me, Warrior-Captain-dono, I was traveling, you see, and I just happened to pass by. I am nobody famous."
"I have a couple of questions… may I know who that is?"
Gazef is now looking towards Albedo, analyzing her.
"She is my servant, her name is Albedo. Albedo introduce yourself"
"As my wish my lord"
A seductive voice can be heard, within the horned helmet. Ainz then silently cast an illusion spell so Albedo may look human.
As she removed her horned helmet, the warriors behind Gazef were awestruck by such beauty.
Meanwhile, Albedo was disgusted by the attitude of these humans, looking at her with a perverted gaze, but on the other hand, being lusted over by inferior species like the humans somehow managed to make her feel hot. Seems like her masochistic side is acting up.
"I am a servant of Lord Ainz, a pleasure to meet you, Warrior-Captain." She said as she bows her head with a blank face and a serious tone, but deep inside, the humiliation she felt as she introduces herself is making her climax.
Gazef nods in respect, which Albedo appreciates, It seems this human knows his inferiority, which makes her smile a bit, perhaps these humans could be useful.
Then, one of the horsemen ran into the square. He was panting heavily and had an urgent report. In a high-pitched voice, the horseman said:
"Warrior-Captain! We sighted a lot of people around the village! They've surrounded the village and they're closing in!"
"I see… so there were people out there."
Gazef peeked out at the people surrounding the village from inside the darkened house. He could see three people within his field of vision. They were slowly advancing on the village while maintaining an even separation from each other.
They were unarmed and were not wearing heavy armor. This suggested that they were magic casters.
However, it was the winged monsters floating beside them that confirmed their vocations.
Ainz was watching them with him from the side while Albedo is behind him. He asked Gazef, who did not know anything and could not gauge their strength.
"Who are these people? What do they want? I don't think there should be anything that valuable in this village..."
"Gown-dono, you do not know either? ...Well, if it is not wealth they seek, then there can only be one other answer."
Ainz and Gazef locked eyes.
"They must really hate you, Warrior-Captain-dono."
"It comes with the job of Warrior-Captain. However… this is troubling. Judging by the way the other side has so many people who can summon angels, they must be from the Slaine Theocracy."
Gazef shrugged, indicating the difficulty he was in. He did not have enough men, he was under-equipped for a battle like this, and he had no plan in mind. In short, he had nothing. Although, there might still be a trump card he could use.
"...Is that an Archangel Flame? It looks similar enough, but… what is a monster like that doing here… could it have been summoned by magic too? That means…"
Gazef turned to look at the mumbling Ainz. With a hopeful look on his face, he asked:
"Gown-dono, if it is all right with you, would you be willing to let me hire you?"
There was no answer, but Gazef could feel the weight of Ainz's gaze beneath the mask.
"I decline"
"I see"
"Then, please take care, Gown-dono. Thank you again for saving this village"
Gazef reaches out his hand, and Ainz did as well.
"I am truly really grateful, but please protect this village, I beg of you"
Gazef let go of Ainz's hand, making to kneel, but Ainz extended his hand to stop him.
"...There is no need to go that far… Very well, I shall protect the villagers. I swear that on the name of Ainz Ooal Gown."
After hearing Ainz swear on his name, Gazef breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank you very much, Gown-dono. Now I have nothing more to worry about. All I need to do now is charge boldly ahead."
"...Before that, please take this with you."
Ainz took out an item and handed it to the smiling Gazef. It was a small, strangely carved statuette.
"If it is a gift from your good self, I will gladly accept it. Then, Gown-dono. Time grows short, but I must now leave."
"I see. Then, I wish you all the best, Warrior-Captain-dono."
"And I wish you a safe journey home, Gown-dono."
Ainz quietly watched Gazef's back shrinking into the distance as he rode off. Although her master seemed to be thinking about something, Albedo did not inquire further.
"...Haa… when I first saw the humans here, I could not help but think of them as insects… but after speaking with them, I have come to be fond of them, like small animals."
"Is that why you swore on your glorious name to protect them?"
"Perhaps… no, I should say that it was in response to how he bravely rode to his death..."
Ainz admired it.
Albedo also silently looked at the charging warriors, such a waste, she thought.
When Ainz and Gazef were conversing earlier, Albedo uses her enchanted vision to look past the armor and clothes of these warriors, and she is quite happy at what she discovered, some of those men were gifted with huge cocks and looking at those meat sticks, she can't stop drooling.
It's a shame some of them are going to die, perhaps she can make a request to Momonga-sama.
"M-Ainz-sama is it possible to use those men as part of our forces? They are going to die, so perhaps we can use their corpses, why not make them into undead"
Albedo proposed. The benefit of it all is that Gazef will live but his warriors won't.
Momonga put his hand on his masked chin as he thinks about Albedo's proposal.
"Hmm, You are right, Albedo please contact Shalltear to open a [Gate] and retrieve their corpses the moment the Warrior-Captain returns to the kingdom"
Albedo smiled, deeps inside she was excited. She can't wait to be surrounded by rotting zombie cocks, as she licks her lips. She can even invite Shalltear, she is a necrophiliac after all.
"Yes my lord, I shall go and inform Shalltear-sama now"
Albedo then uses her [Message] magic to contact Shalltear.
Shalltear's voice can be heard from the magic communication device.
"Yes, what is it Albedo?"
"Momonga-sama has given me an order, he wants you to open a [Gate] and retrieve the corpses of the fallen warriors in this village later. Also, Shalltear, do you want to have a blowbang party with the rotting warriors later? I have checked them with my eyes they are huge~"
"Ohhh, is that so, I can't wait~"
Shalltear replied, as she ended the message, she was excited, she can't wait to lick and suck those rotting dicks and fill her throat with their cum.