
Slow life in Pokemon

Yes it's me again trying to write a Pokemon fanfiction. I gave up on my 2 previous Pokemon fanfics as I couldn't write battles properly so this one is going to be like Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer by AgentMonke if you haven't read it give it a read its a good slice of life comedy vibe. The Mc dies from a stress-induced aneurysm while studying for his final year engineering exams meets a ROB gets 3 wishes and is reincarnated into the pokemon anime gaining to live a slow life while still having fun.

Jordan1908 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 7 the Hoenn Elite

It's been almost a year since I started my journey and I've just turned 11. A lot has happened in the past 9ish months since I met with the Indigo League.

Firstly I became a full Pokemon professor specializing in Fossils, breeding (due to my research on egg groups and egg moves, terms that I 'coined'), and alternate forms due to most of my Pokemon looking different.

Secondly, I went to the Orange Islands to catch the Crystal Onix Ash saw in the anime. Imagine my surprise when a diamond-looking Steelix popped out of the water and roared at me. My Steelix managed to calm her down and talk to her which let me find out that she was originally a normal Onix however her trainer abandoned her on Seafoam Island where she ran into an injured Articuno. She took care of the Articuno and nursed it back to health and it let her stay in its den, over time due to the frequency of her getting in contact with the Never Melt Ice in Articuno's den caused her to evolve into an ice type which is called Freezix. Then my Steelix inquired why she was being territorial over the whole island as he tried to intimidate us before we got anywhere close to her den and she informed us that she recently managed to store enough energy in the tip of her tail to form an egg before splitting it off. I then offered her a safe space on the island with her egg and with the help of Steelix convincing her I managed to convince her to relocate with her egg. The paper I wrote on the Freezix was the final piece that won over the peer review board to grant me a full Professorship as it was the only paper written on an alternate form that I had found since my first one, which caused the peer review board to realize that I wasn't going to be like the 'Old' professors who sit in their labs I still plan on going on a 'journey' but the one I want to go on will be different from the conventional kind.

Thirdly I got to intervene in my first proper cannon event. I saved Misty's parents. In the anime Misty's parents weren't talked about much aside from the mention that they ran the gym before her sisters took over, so I had Metagross monitoring them using his psychic abilities. When Misty's parents were out in their boat they got caught in a storm and almost drowned. I got Metagross to teleport them to the island when they had passed out and called Agatha in a 'panic' saying that I had found 2 unconscious people in the sea near my island and brought them to the island and didn't know what to do. She immediately teleported over and upon seeing them informed me that they were the co-leaders of Curlean Gym to my 'shock'. She immediately called Lance and informed him of what had happened and he immediately teleported over with a Nurse Joy, who immediately got to work and said that they would be fine all we needed to do was wait for them to wake up. After an emotional awakening, Lance informed them of where they were, who I was, and the need to keep the existence of the island that they were on a secret. They were grateful and fully agreed to keep the existence of the island a secret before they left and invited me to visit them.

Fourthly I was exploring near Rota and found a Spritomb. The Pokemon was hostile from the get-go and almost feral, I immediately ordered Gengar to knock it out after it kept trying to attack my Archeology team and caught it. I then proceeded to call Agatha and informed her of the feral ghost type that I had just caught which led to her teleporting over and demanding to see it. After a while it was clear that Agatha would be able to tame it so I transferred ownership of the violent ghost type to her, which led to her actually hugging me and declaring me an honorable grandchild like Daisy and Gary, before she started cackling and said she couldn't wait to rub this in Samuels's face.

Finally, I have a meeting with the Hoenn League requested by Steven Stone new champion. Steven requested the meeting a few months ago when he beat Wallace to take over as champion but due to the amount of work he had to do couldn't make the time to arrange a meeting. I have a rather good opinion of Steven due to my dealing with Devon but that's mainly because Sliph tried to copy my patent and tried to patent it under their own name, when the patent office noticed the similarities in the patents they informed the League which lead to a massive court case which ended up with me revoking all my patents (my car and bike) from Sliph and banning them from using any of my patents, unlike Devon who negotiated with me for permission to use the patents. I also permitted them to use my patents that Sliph originally had control over. So now Metagross is teleporting me to Evergrande City to go to the meeting. The meeting is to be with Steven and his Elites before the meeting I got Pokemon and items to give them as gifts.

Walking up to the receptionist in the league HQ I said "Good morning, my name is Kai. I was told to come here as I have a meeting with the Honnen champion and his Elite 4."

"Ahh yes, Professor Kai Seto's 10 am appointment is scheduled to last the whole day. Please give me a moment I'll let them know and lead you to the meeting room." She said politely.

After waiting for 5 min she led me to the meeting room where Steven and his Elites were waiting.

"Nice to meet you, Professor Seto, my father speaks quite highly of you." Said, Steven

"Nice to meet you to champion Stone please just call me Kai I'm still new to this whole professor shtick," I said

"I'm in the same boat, just call me Steven," he said chuckling "These are my elite 4 Sydney, Glacia, Phoebe, and Drake" indicating towards them as they nodded to me when their names were mentioned.

"Nice to meet you. But why was I called here?"

"We wanted to ask if you wanted to explore our region. As you know we have a large amount of forests and mountainous areas that remain unexplored and Lance mentioned that you would be up for it."

"I would love to," I said cheerfully "However I still haven't finished exploring Kanto just yet do you mind if I hold on to that invitation for a year or 2 until I finish" I said thinking about how long it would take to finish on my plans for Kanto.

"That's fine we're still integrating into the PWL that Charles Goodshow is trying to set up so it would be best if you did wait a couple of years." He said thoughtfully before our conversation went sideways and me and Steven started talking about rocks, metals, and fossils.

Before I left I said "Oh yeah I also came bearing gifts. Before taking out a Pokeball and a metal coat made out of Hihiirokane to give to Steven. "This is a custom metal coat made out of a metal called Hihiirokane when used to evolve a Pokemon it will gain the fire typing like my Onix, I'm not sure what it would do to a Scyther though. I also have a Beglam from my colony to give to you, as you saw earlier my Metagross is incredibly unique and it has a higher psychic threshold than others of the Metagross line."

" I'll use the metal coat on an Onix the same as you I am raising one currently as I wanted a Steelix for my main team and I'll Raise the Bedlam well I have my own colony that I look after" said Steven chuckling

Taking out 2 eggs I gave them to Drake.

" These are eggs of the Garchomp and Tyrantum line. Garchomp is ground/dragon and Tyrantum is rock/dragon."

"Thanks, lad I'll take good care of them," said Drake grinning

Taking out another egg I handed it to Sydney "Now before you complain this is something that took me a while to get my hands on. It is a dark-type Zigzagoon egg. The dark Zigzagoon colony that I have is the only one that I know of in existence and I have not seen one in the wild even Professor Birch doesn't know I have a whole colony of them so I'd like you to keep that to yourself. The colony allowed me to give you one after I explained you are one of the best in the world raising dark types. Its final form Obstagoon is a dark/normal type."

"I'll raise it well," said Sydney slightly wide-eyed

Taking out a Pokeball I placed it on the table "Phoebe to be honest with you I'm on the fence about whether I should give this to you. This Pokemon is a Spiritomb. Not much is known about this Pokemon aside from it being a ghost type and it's very aggressive. This one here is split off the one that I gave to Agatha so it is rather strong. If it wasn't for Agatha vouching for your strength as a ghost-type master I wouldn't have considered giving you one. One warning to you before you start training it make sure you have 2 Pokemon from your main team out to protect you, I wasn't joking when I said it was aggressive." I said sliding to Pokeball over to her.

With a grin, Phoebe said "Don't worry me and my ghosties are besties, give me a bit of time I'll have it purring like a kitten"

Taking out an egg and a dawn stone I gave them to Glacia "This is an egg of the Aurorus line. The Pokemon is a rock/ice type and are rather friendly Pokemon they also have a good affinity for healing moves. And this is a dawn stone, as you have a Glalie on your team I'm sure you are aware of their other form. From my research there are 2 conditions to evolve them into the second form, the Snotrout has to be female and it has to have made contact with a dawn stone. Froslass is a Ghost/ice type and are extremely affectionate so take care with raising one as, if their heart gets broken by you they can be extremely vengeful."

"I'll take care of it" said Glacia rather primly.

"Well folks that my gift giving done I'll see you next time." I said theatrically with a bow as Metagross teleported me back to the island.

'ugh gotta get my canto pans done ASAP' I thought 'gotta keep an eye on Flint, Lola just abandoned the family so it shouldn't be too long before he goes AWOL I'll start then.'