
Slow life in Pokemon

Yes it's me again trying to write a Pokemon fanfiction. I gave up on my 2 previous Pokemon fanfics as I couldn't write battles properly so this one is going to be like Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer by AgentMonke if you haven't read it give it a read its a good slice of life comedy vibe. The Mc dies from a stress-induced aneurysm while studying for his final year engineering exams meets a ROB gets 3 wishes and is reincarnated into the pokemon anime gaining to live a slow life while still having fun.

Jordan1908 · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 Death and Wishes

"Greeting's young one, it appears you have died" was not what I expected to hear today when I woke up this morning. 

A few hours ago I sat down to study for my upcoming exam stressing hard as this is going to be the hardest exam of my life so far. The last thing I remember was sitting down at my desk with my notes before everything went black.

"What happened?" 

"You had a stress-induced aneurysm while preparing for your exam and by the time your father had found you, you had already passed away."

"I see. So what now I didn't do anything remarkable enough in life so why am I here? shouldn't I already be passing on to the afterlife?"

"Ah you see, you weren't meant to die just yet. You were meant to die in your late 50s alone with a lot of money after forsaking making new relationships in place of making money."

"WTF. Late 50s I thought I would at least live longer than that?"

"No come back for the alone thing I see."

"Please, with my social skills its not surprising."

"I see either way as you have died before your time I am contractually obligated to give you 3 wishes, a choice of world and time you want to be reincarnated into."

"Will I be able to keep my memories?"


"I want to be reincarnated into the Pokemon anime."

"Why the anime specifically if you don't mind me asking"

"I loved the show when I was a kid but had some problems with the overall lack of strength of gym leaders, so I figured I could live a slow life while giving them rarer Pokemon to train"

"Where would you get the Pokemon to give to the gym leaders?"

"That ties into my first wish, I want a non-sentient system that I can use to buy anything from Pokemon to training manuals to things that don't exist in the Pokeverse I also want it to have a daily Gatcha function that will give me something random every day."

"Okay, second wish?"

"I want a type of sky island that I can fully customize to use as a base of operations and a home for my Pokemon. I want it to be fully automated so Pokemon will still be fed even when I'm not there"

"Sounds interesting final wish"

"Hmm, I want infinite system points."

"I see but wouldn't that make life boring"

"Yes and no you see I died from stress in the real world and I intend to become a professor in the Pokemon world but I plan to do that only with discoveries I 'make' in the Pokemon world so I plan to go do archeology and I don't really want to study. I also plan to make a company to make money and let it run with me submitting blueprints for things bought from the system."

"I see you are basically aiming to live on easy mode"


"Okay what do you want your name to be and what region do you want your birth to be in"

"I want to be reincarnated as a 10 year old orphan named Kai Seto and I want to be on sky island can you put my region of birth as Kanto."

"Okay you will be born and raised in an orphanage in Lavender Town that is financed by Agatha of the elite 4. She personally gives each orphan a Ghastly as their starter so you will have one and you will have left the night before you wake up to start your journey."

"Sounds good, thank you for taking care off me"

"No worries it my job, good luck in your next life and have fun."