
Sliverblood Online

This is a story about a male human named Aaron, Aaron was playing a videogame when something strange happens. Aaron gets reincarnated.

Sliverblood · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


My name is Aaron, I am playing a video game called Silverblood Online, Sliverblood Online is a game where when you kill monsters they turn into orbs, depending on their power the bigger the orb, and you can travel through space to different worlds, it is like a rpg.

I then see a black orb, I never seen a black orb before and it is on the ground, I pick it up, and my screen changes.

I then pass out.

24 hours later...

I wake up to see that I'm in a bed and I see that I'm in a room, I also see a beautiful female robot.

(Female Robot) - "Welcome, you have been reincarnated, you are reincarnated in a universes like Sliverblood Online, you are reincarnator 158907, you can bring up your stats by thinking or saying status, with you need anymore info then just ask."

(Aaron) - "So I was reincarnated, let's see my stats, status."

[Name: Aaron] 

[Race: Human] 

[Gender: Male] 

[Age: 19]

Strength: 20

Skills: None 

(Aaron) - "Hey robot how do I get stronger."

(Female Robot) - "By training, or by eating monster orbs."

(Aaron) - "Where am I exactly, like what am I in."

(Female Robot) - "Your spaceship."

(Aaron) - "Can you drive it to a world."

(Female Robot) - "Yes, just choose the world."

She shows me a hologram of the worlds and it has info about them, I see one that is fun, so I pick the world Nomloum.

The spaceship lands on the planet Nomloum at a city, I get dressed and get out of my spaceship, I see different races and some of them are reincarnators.

I need weapons so I go to the weapons store, and I see the receptionist, the receptionist is a female elf, I walk up to the receptionist.

(Receptionist) - "Hello, my name is Luna, I am a reincarnator."

(Aaron) - "I was wondering with I start out with money."

(Luna) - "Yes you do, you just need to get a credit card, you can get it at the bank."

I go to the bank and I see a female Minotaur receptionist, she looks human, but has Minotaur horns and tail, I walk up to the receptionist.

(Receptionist) - "Hello how can I help you, my name is Lily."

(Aaron) - "I am a reincarnator, I need a credit card."

(Lily) - "Ok here you go."

She gives me a credit card and I see the stats on it.

[Credit Card] 

[Money 1000] 

I then go back to the weapons store.

(Luna) - "Oh your back."

(Aaron) - "What can I get under 1000 dollars."

(Luna) - "Well you can get a level 1 laser gun for 500, and you can get a level 1 iron dagger for 450, everything else is expensive."

(Aaron) - "Then I would like both of those things."

Luna gets a level 1 laser gun and a level 1 iron dagger, and I buy them.

(Aaron) - "Oh Luna I have a question, what did you do when you first were reincarnated."

(Luna) - "Well I went to this world, and I hunted monsters, but I then didn't want to do that anymore, so I got a job as a bank receptionist."

(Aaron) - "Well, I will be going now."

I leave the bank and I go out of the city to the forest to hunt some monsters, I walk around in the forest for a while and I see a cave.

I walk into the cave and I see giant bats sleeping, there is only 2 of them, but they can kill me easily, I need to get stronger, so I decide to try and kill the giant bats.

I aim my laser gun at the giant bats and I shoot them, and it doesn't hurt them at all, the giant bats wake up and I run away.

After a while the giant bats stop chasing me, and I look for weak monsters, I see a small salamander, it is still a monster, it is a fire salamander.

I hide behind a bush and I shoot the fire salamander and it puts a hole in the fire salamander, and it dies, it then turns into a small monster orb and I pick it up.

I see the stats of the monster orb.

[Fire Salamander Monster Orb] 

Skills: Fire Breath

Strength: 1

So I can get the skill fire breath by eating the monster orb and get 1 strength?

I eat the monster orb and I see that I get the skill fire breath.

[Name: Aaron] 

[Race: Human] 

[Gender: Male] 

[Age: 19] 

Strength: 21


[Fire Breath](Level 1)

I walk around to see if I can find another fire salamander, I find one and I kill it the same way I did the other one, the stats on it are the same as the other one, but I'm going to sell the monster orb.

I go back to the city and I go to the weapons store.

(Aaron) - "Luna, where can I sell monster orbs."

(Luna) - "You can sell them at the monster orb store."

Luna tells me where the monster orb store is and I go to it, I see the receptionist is a female vampire.

I walk up to the receptionist.

(Receptionist) - "You smell good."

(Aaron) - "What are you talking about."

(Receptionist) - "I can smell your blood, and it smells good, well my name is Lucy, with you want you can sell your blood to me."

(Aaron) - "Well I just want to sell this fire salamander monster orb."

(Lucy) - "Then you will get 5 dollars for that orb, but with you sell me your blood I would pay way more money."

(Aaron) - "Mabey later."

Lucy takes the fire salamander monster orb and gives me 5 dollars.

[Credit Card]

[Money 55]

(Aaron) - "Thank you."

I then leave the store and I go back to my spaceship, and I go to my bedroom to see the female robot still in my bedroom.

(Female Robot) - "Would you like to give me a name."

(Aaron) - "Yes, your name is now Ruby."

(Ruby) - "Thank you for naming me."

I then go to sleep.

