
Sleeping Next to the Pirate King

After 18-year-old Mila’s cruise sinks she wakes up naked next to a handsome man! But wait the man she woke up next to calls her wife? And he’s known as the vicious pirate who destroys ships and steals their loot? As Mila grows accustomed to living as this man’s wife she finds out that there is a billion dollar reward for his head. As well as a map for navigating through the Bermuda Triangle. Mila’s purpose thus changes as she finds ways to turn him in. Will Mila survive in this new world by handing over the handsome pirate or be taken captive by his love?

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133 Chs

Glitter and Gold

"Miss Mila, Miss Mila. Please wake up Miss Mila."

I pried my eyes open as I groggily looked at a teary Lutious's face. I blinked a couple of times before jumping out of my bed. I then hugged Lutious close to me and said.

"Who was the fucker who hurt you? Who was he? Actually, you know what a name is enough. A name."

Lutious looked at me confused.

"A name?"

"Yes, a name. Give me the name of the person who had insulted you or made you cry. I will make them fucking walk the plank. Oh Lord, please ignore the last sentence. An innocent soul like you shouldn't hear words like that."

Lutious started giggling as he hugged me. I smiled as I patted his soft hair.

"No one hurt me Miss Mila. There was something weird on deck that Mister Baron and the crew found this morning."