
Slayers Will

LegendaryKing13 · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Those Who Wield And Those Who Create

Many decades ago the world's balance was almost restored when a group of young slayers and hashiras defeated not only all the upper moon demons that caused turmoil and chaos to this world for centuries but the demon king born from hatred and anger. But, could you believe it all started with one crucial mistake.

The demon lord, Muzan Kibutsuji, attacked the Kamado family after his confrontation with his worst nightmare, DEATH. This attack had caused the birth of a demon who could walk in the sunlight and a slayer that would put that same demon lord at death's door. Those two's names were cemented in history and their names were, Nezuko Kamado and Tanjiro Kamado, the last of the Kamado family.

These two defeated the likes of Lower Moon 5: Rui, Lower moon 1: Enmu, Upper moon 6: Gyutaro and Daki, Upper Moon 5: Gyokko, Upper Moon 4: Hantengu, Upper Moon 3: Akaza, Upper Moon 2: Douma and Upper Moon 1


With the help of their friends and comrades

All while gaining friendships that would last decades, even after death. But these slayers supposedly defeated the demon lord, some believe that he's not dead at all and is still waiting patiently for his return. All I know is that the world is now in peace, free from the chaos that these demons brought to it and there is nothing that can set it back to the way it was.


In a dark and deep cavern swarmed by bats stood the kanji symbols of the first 6 numbers placed in a circular shape on a stone wall. A shriveled veiny hand was placed upon the wall and the numbers began lighting up. The stone wall began breaking apart and emanating the same light as the numbers. The wall broke off into 6 chunks and hovered in the air.

A dark shady figure walked through an opening made by the broken chunks and fell into a dark void below. This figure casually glided through the air as their descent became faster. Within a minute this dark void revealed a beautiful paradise housing unknown plants that lit up the area. At the roof of this beautiful caved paradise stood upside down sand like temples that held tubes containing beings of unknown origin that looked like undeveloped fetuses.

The shady figure fell into an enormous forest and burst through its leaves. Shortly afterwards they landed perfectly and unharmed on a muddy swamps surface. The figure stood still for a moment before the muddy surface dragged them in like quick sand. Within a couple of seconds they were completely submerged in this quicksand like mud. Underneath the quicksand the figure suddenly flipped and rose out the quicksand.

The underground world that was seen before was much different from before. Instead of the lustrous greenery and luminescent plant life there was only darkness and destruction. Wherever darkness stood death lurked inside. Skulls stood dormant on the walls of the roaring cavern along with ignited torches and at the farthest corner in this almost desolate cavern stood a giant throne made from bones.

On the throne sat a singular being, a creature, a monster that's presence shook the room itself. The figure walked towards the being revealing their look as the light from the torches shone around them. They had dark blue and white hair, pointed ears and blue pupils with the symbol for six (6) encarved in it. This CREATURE bowed before the one that sat on the throne. The bowing demon began speaking and as words began forming screeches echoed through the cave or at least so it seemed for all who inhabited it. In truth the language they were speaking was something more traditional, a Sengoku era form of Japanese.

The bowing demon spoke as if they were giving in a report and what they said clearly was shocking if it had made the Demonic creature who had sat on the throne of bones with an aura that could shatter the bones of a mere man.

``We found them``

``We found them all``

The demon rose from it's throne and begun smiling, showing its demonic fangs. A thick, hot haze slowly released from it's mouth.

``Excellent, upper moon 6.``

``After 60 years we will finally put an end to those pitiful swordsmiths, then our carnage will begin``

The demon laughed before summoning all of their higher ranking demons. Like flies they swooped in and all bowed before them.

While these demons were preparing for a raid, in a peaceful village hidden by mist and several acres of forest a secret group of craftsmen prepared highly concentrated blades that all wore masks expressing different emotions. This group wasn't the only craftsmen in this village, for the entire village was made up of craftsmen, more specifically SWORDSMITHS.

These swordsmiths made blades with special properties that could kill demons even without the help of the sunlight. These blades were called nichirin blades, famously used by the demon hunters/slayers. Some of these blades wouldn't even be blades but different types of weapons that were specifically made for a singular person.

In a nearby forest close to the residential area a small child wearing a kitsune mask with light blue stripes ran through the bushes followed by other children wearing similar masks with red stripes instead. As they ran through the bushes they stumbled upon a flowing river with stepping stones. The child with the blue kitsune mask easily skipped on the stones till they reached the other side.

After reaching out the other side the child called out to the others to follow his steps. Hesitantly they skipped across the stones before reaching on the other side. Not even giving them a second to rest after that treacherous journey the child blitzed off while laughing.

``Come on!``

The other two let out a deep sigh before continuing to pace behind them. Soon the child in front stopped behind a row of large and soft bushes. After the other two arrived the child placed his index finger around where his lips would be and shushed them. The two complied and quickly became as quiet as the forest around them before the child with the blue mask ventured into the bushes along with the others.

It was a scurry filled with many pointy twigs pricking them and leaves obscuring their vision but in the end it was all worth it for on the other end of this wall of bushes was a spectacular display of skill, precision and power.

On the other end of the bush was a sparring ground surrounded by bamboo and in the middle of it stood a singular large man holding a kendo stick. His eyes were closed and his dark luscious brown hair flowed backwards with the wind. The children watched with confusion before in a blink of an eye two others swooped in. One with black dreads and green clothing similar to that of a ninja and the other with burgundy hair with tints of tan on the edges and a mahogany hair with thin, visible tan strokes on them.

The two that had now appeared swung their kendo sticks at the large man, gunning for his hamstrings. The large man smirked at them before countering their attack with an upward swing out of nowhere. The large man rooted his left leg into the grassy ground below him before swiftly slamming both of them with the side of his kendo stick also known as the tsuru(cord). The dread haired warrior flung the other into the air before taking the blow. His body ragdolled onto the ground but stopped himself by implanting his right leg into the ground to end his momentum.

The other that was flung in the air spun around as elegant as a ballet dancer on their tippy toes. Using the momentum from the spin they brought down their kendo stick, attempting to hit him right on the cranium. The large man with his hair as messy as a bush used his right leg to jolt himself to the side, trying to avoid the attack. It was effective but the stick still landed upon his body, more specifically his neck which damaged his sternocleidomastoid muscle(responsible for helping with rotation of the head). His neck throbbed in pain after the impact of the swing but it did not phase the brute. He swung his kendo stick at his opponent but was disrupted by a kick from the dread haired warrior.

The burgundy haired fighter leapt back after his feet came in contact with the ground as the dread haired warrior swung his blade up after kicking the large warrior, hitting his chin. The man's head pivoted upwards upon the impact and he saw a third warrior, a female with long blonde hair, a white blindfold and a white haori with blue patterns placed on the inside similar to snow flakes holding the kendo stick directly above her hip.

``Breath of the winter, First Form: Ice Slash``

The kendo stick began to freeze in various spots as the attack began but just as she was about to swing the ringing of a gong could be heard making her quit the attack before it could even be released. All of the warriors stopped their fighting and turned to where the gong was struck. There sat a man with dark hair which flowed down his back, a striped black and white haori, a small snake mask that covered his eyes and a cobra that wrapped around his neck like a scarf.

``That's enough, Hashiras.``


Kiraya Otono

The large man that almost got his ass beat if not for Kiraya walked forward and began talking in his deep but joyous voice.

``Come on Kiraya, the fun was just about to start``

The Forest Hashira: Zekiel Haganzuka

The female warrior scoffed before talking sarcastically about what had happened.

``Yeah you definitely were gonna win, oh please spare me the tough talk.``

The Winter Hashira: Yurigane Kaguya

The dread head warrior chuckled while scratching his neck rapidly before commenting on the situation.

``C'mon don't be so hard on the block head.`

The Mantis Hashira: Gyu Tsushigane

The burgundy haired warrior whisked away to the side while awkwardly blushing before whispering some words to himself.

``That was a truly terrible performance``

The Desert Hashira: Sunahara Kitsu

The children watched the famous Hashira as they communicated with one another in awe and amazement. ``I wish I was a Hashira too, they look so cool`` said the child with the blue mask. His peeping session was ended by something suddenly tugging him away. Both his friends looked behind them as the child was dragged out the bush by the back of his collar. After being dragged out he was suspended in the air.

The child vigorously tried fighting back by aimlessly throwing punches in the air while his eyes were shut. As he threw his punches all he could hear was laughter. The child opened his eyes and saw the brown hair of a man with blood red pupils and a scar on his right eye. He also garnished a wrapping covering his left side and unlike all other Hashiras he wore no haori, only a traditional Chinese blood red shirt called a Changsan.

``What do we have here?``


The man removed the child's mask revealing a feminine face but it was still identified that the child was male. Upon seeing the child's face the man sighed.

The child yelled at the man to let him go but the man simply placed his arms around the child's waist and patted his back. "You know you're not supposed to be here, Aveno`` said Hiroshi with a smirk on his face. The child who's name was revealed to be Aveno frowned and folded his arms before saying that he was well aware of his unwelcome presence here, but did he care, No.

Hiroshi would slap him across his back swiftly after that comment making him feel a stinging pain. Hiroshi asked him to repeat what he said and with no fear Aveno yelled it out at him again, making him receive a second slap. As he whooped the idiotic Aveeno his friends took the chance to crawl away but were told to freeze by Hiroshi. They froze in fear before Hiroshi told them to emerge from the bushes.

They complied and left the giant bush shivering. Hiroshi asked them if they knew Aveno with a cold, stern look on his face but they shook their heads. Hiroshi put on a friendly smile before sending them off.


Hiroshi chuckled before telling that the two of them were alone. Aveno became encapsulated by fear and shut his eyes. A few hours later Aveno was now home covered in paintings from head to toe similar to a clown sitting right beside Hiroshi and directly right in front of his father who looked at him with visible displeasure. Aveno's father was an idolized member of the village for his exquisite craftsmanship and refinery. He believed that everyone had the power to be great and that every action has consequences. So as Hiroshi explained his reasoning for doing this to his dear son the man understood and sent Hiroshi on his merry way.

After Hiroshi left Aveno's father began questioning his son for the reason he went.

``Aveno, you know your not supposed to go to the Hashira's training grounds``

``I know…``

``So why do you still refuse to follow my rules``

``Because I want to be a demon slayer so I thought if I had watched the strongest slayers maybe I…``

Before Aveno could finished his father cut him off with a sigh of disappointment.

``We have had this talk before son, you know being a slayer is not an option.``

``Why not``

``We were born to refine and create swords not wield them. Our purpose is to create strong and sturdy swords to help the slayers that use them and one day when my time comes you will have to be the one to take over.``

Aveno tried pleading once more with his father but he was shut down and told to forget about the matter. His father rose from his mat and left the room leaving Aveno sitting there clenching his fist in anger. He wanted his father to understand that he could be greater than some swordsmith and that he would be greater with or without his approval.

With a determined look Aveno rose up from his sitting position and yelled out:

``I will be a slayer, you'll see``

Aveno's proclamation to the world was interrupted by something or someone being flung through his wall. After the thing had landed inside, dust and debris obscured Aveno's vision. Soon Aveno could hear footsteps drawing near. The young boy stood in place as the dust whisped away revealing a dark creature that looked like a shadow and a glowing red eye on its forehead that had a number, 5.

``Poor pitiful soul, trying to latch on to the fruits of life.``

What is that thing?

That thought continuously played in the boys mine before his eyes landed in what was thrown through the wall.
