
Slayer Fūjin

Daily chapters! Luis Tramontana, your ordinary teenage boy, just wants to live a normal life. But Luis’ plans are interrupted when a demon attacks his family, and Luis is roped into becoming a professional demon slayer in order to protect the ones he loves.

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221 Chs

Grover, Tobu, and Haruku vs Nick, Part 2

"Wormhole: Knife Storm!" Grover shouts, as he pulls his hands out of his pockets, flinging a flurry of Cursed Power infused kunai knives towards Nick, who hops out of the way, without even needing to use his Electricity. The Cursed Power stockpiled into Grover's knives explode, opening miniature wormholes all around Nick, so many that Nick can't escape. 

"Not bad…" Nick smirks as he peers around.

Grover then flings even more Cursed Power infused knives towards Nick, which disappear into his wormholes, flying out of different wormholes towards Nick, dozens upon dozens of Cursed Power infused knives, all flying Nick's way.

"There's no way that even the Bumblebee can dodge that many knives!" Haruku exclaims.

But much to his surprise, Nick activates his Electricity and ducks and weaves through Grover's knives, without even a scratch on him. I've seen you fight too many times, Grover, you're going to need to use something new," Nick says.

"Don't worry, I've gotten a few tricks that you haven't seen before!" Grover replies. Grover then begins his hands together, charging up an emission of Cursed Power. "Wormhole: Taser Tag Arena!" Grover shouts as he thrusts his palms forwards, firing off a laser beam of Cursed Power, which flies into the nearest Wormhole, then exits out of another wormhole, before entering in a different wormhole, which then exited it out of yet another wormhole, the entire area is filled with Grover's laser beam of Cursed Power, all connected by his Wormholes.

"Woah!" Nick cries as he activates his Electricity, barely able to dodge the speed of Grover's attack. At one point, Nick is cut off balance and is forced to limbo under one of Grover's laser beams, but Nick is barely able to dodge in time before Grover's laser beam flies over him, singeing the tip of his nose. Nick then pops back up to his feet as Grover's attack dissipates. Nick then turns to face Grover, seeing a beaming smile on his face.

"I got an attack off on the strongest Pro Slayer…" Grover gleefully says to himself.

"Well it looks like I've underestimated you too much, Grover-" Nick begins to say as, at last, he removes his hands out of his pockets. "Your speed against mine, let's put it to the test!"

Nick electrifies his entire body then zips over to Grover, faster than Grover can react.

Until now.

Nick aims an electrified roundhouse kick towards Grover, who -in the blink of an eye- teleports behind Nick, aiming his own roundhouse kick towards Nick in response, who spins around and brings his Cursed Power Barrier reinforced hands up to block, perfectly countering Grover's kick. Grover feels his leg go numb due to Nick's paralyzing Cursed Power.

"They're…so fast!" Haruku marvels from his place hiding behind a nearby rock for cover.

"If we joined this fight, there's nothing that we would be able to do!" Tobu replies.

Nick electrifies his entire body again and zips over to Grover, as Grover teleports over to Nick in response. In the blink of an eye, the two exchange hundreds of blows. To everyone in the audience, the two are moving faster than the naked eye can see, just flashes of yellow lightning and green Cursed Power. But to Grover and Nick, time seems to slow down, as their speeds surpass even the speed of the world itself.

But the more that Grover fights, the less accurate his wormholes become. Opening wormholes in the wrong spot, teleporting to the wrong place, wormholes fizzling out too quickly. And soon, Grover finds himself overwhelmed by Nick's lightning.

"You can't keep this up for much longer, Grover," Nick begins to say as the two continue zipping around and trading punches and kicks. "You're barely matching my speed, and not my strength. And all of this teleportation can't be good for your body."

"I can keep this up for as long as I need!" Grover replies as Nick aims an electrified spear-hand towards Grover's gut. Grover teleports behind Nick to dodge, but still feels himself get pierced by Nick's spear-hand, causing Grover to yelp in pain.

"What the-" Grover begins to say as he turns and peers towards where he was previously standing, seeing that everything from his chest down didn't teleport. It's just standing there, Nick's spear-hand puncturing his gut. Grover then looks down, seeing that everything below his chest…is gone. Below Grover's chest is a wormhole, which connects to the wormhole on top of his chest and legs, where his upper torso should be. 

Grover lets out a scream as Nick slowly turns around to face the torso-and-up half of Grover. "Grover…what happened?!" Nick cries.

Grover doesn't respond, he's too busy staring at his lower half in response. But then, when Grover realizes that he can still feel his legs, his eyes widen. Grover's frown of distraught curves up into a smirk as he snap-kicks Nick as hard as he can, sending him tumbling away. Razzled, Nick sits back up and rubs his head, staring at Grover's lower half. Grover's top half then teleports back on top of his lower half.

"My wormholes connect two places in space instantly, so, if I create wormholes connecting parts of my body, I can separate my body without any repercussions!" Grover exclaims as he aims both first at Nick. Grover's fists and wrists then shoot off of his body, connected to the rest of my arms by a set of wormholes. Grover's fists fly towards Nick, punching him in the face, before teleporting back to the rest of Grover's body.

"That…can't be good for you…" Nick begins to say as he pushes himself off of the ground.

"Being a Pro Slayer isn't good for you either!" Grover begins to say as he opens up hundreds of miniature wormholes around his body. "Never in a million years would I have come up with this on my own! It's time to see the apex of what I can truly do!" Grover then attempts to enter his multitude of wormholes, but when he does, a wave of pain courses through Grover's entire body, as Grover drops to his knees, spitting up blood. "It feels like…my entire body is being torn apart!" Grover groans.

"Grover, stop, you're killing yourself!" Nick cries.

"No…this is…something that I can do!" Grover roars. "PUSH PAST THE PAIN, PUSH PAST THE PAIN TO BECOME STRONGER, GROVER!"

Grover then drops to the ground, his body unable to take the pain.

"Grover!" Nick cries as he rushes over to the boy, assessing Grover's wounds.

"No way...am I going to die here…" Grover grunts. "Not even protecting people, not even fighting an enemy, just…dying by my own crucial mistake?" Slowly, Grover's eyes flutter closed. But then…Grover feels it.

Tha pain has stopped.

When Grover opens his eyes, he sees Nick wide-eyed staring at Grover. Grover looks down at his own body, seeing miniature wormholes covering his entire body, like Grover himself has become one big human-shaped wormhole.



Demons were everywhere, as far as the eye can see, surrounding the young, defenseless Grover. Horrible, disgusting, grotesque creatures with the yearning to feast on human flesh. Grover's flesh.

But how did young Grover find himself in this situation?

Well…allow me to show you.

Despite the loud, obnoxious, outgoing persona that you know now, Grover was far more reserved and timid as a child. That is because, ever since birth…Grover was constantly targeted by demons. Unbeknownst to Grover and his family why, Grover lived in constant fear and dread, anticipating that, at any moment…a demon will burst through the walls of his house and swallow the boy whole.

The Slayer Organization, of course, knew why Grover was constantly being targeted by demons, but since the general public doesn't know much about demons nor anything about Cursed Power to begin with…Grover and his family hadn't the slightest inclination as to why their son was the constant target of demon attacks. And when Grover's family asked the Slayer Organization for help, they simply shooed them away. The mighty Slayer Organization has bigger quarrels than the life of a singular boy.

The reason that Grover found himself to be the constant target of demon attacks, is because that he was born rich in Cursed Power, like some very few people are. Though why demons prefer to attack and consume those high in Cursed Power, still remains a mystery.

And so, as I said earlier, young Grover lived his life in constant dread. Almost every time Grover left his house, he was attacked by a demon, and needed to be saved by whatever nearby Pro Slayer was fortunately on duty. Every time Grover left his house, he put those around him in danger. This eventually grew to the point where Grover stopped going to school, since demons would follow him there. Even simple trips to the grocery store were out of question for the boy, and Grover became a shut in.

That is until one day…Grover had to leave his house…