
Slave To The Alpha

Omega Asher's life hasn't been a bed of roses, a fate that he didn't decide to be born with but his Father makes it more difficult for him and after his mother died at the hands of his father he ran away from home, As fate will have it have its way, Asher will be saved by the Head Alpha, Governor Theodore, which didn't have interest for Asher at first, but Asher desperately volunteered to hand over his life for him, pretending to be who he is not, A Beta that he will never be. Governor Theodore saved him for an unknown reason meanwhile Asher felt a bond connection with Theodore and immediately he knew they were fated mates but his life turned out to be what he least expected.

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14 Chs

Attempts for that fellow.


I strode reluctantly to the dining room wondering if that fellow is still with Alexander, the maid had started setting up the plates, and l sat down mindlessly thinking about what they might be talking about, "Get Alpha Alexander here for dinner, " l said to Jason.

"As you wish, Governor."

My finger began fidgeting nervously, scraping the flesh beside my fingernails, l went on aggressively thinking if l made a bad decision to bring that boy here, why did l accept to take him in the first place, didn't l give it a deep thought?

The faint sound of the large bowl plate that clicked on the table snapped me of my thought, food was ready.

"Governor, he will be here soon," Jason mumbled, l felt an uneasiness in his tone, "What is Alexander up to? " l asked in a stern tone.

"He is in the room with the Beta you came back with and…..and they seem pretty of close, they were at each other faces."

"Oh, get enough information about him like l said, don't miss out on anything, I don't care what they do, but anyone can have ill intention against me."

"Yes, Governor."

"Get going, " l groaned and immediately l picked up my spoon. Alexander walked in, "l thought you were gonna skip dinner for my mere maid, " l scoffed getting a spoonful of my rabbit soup in my mouth.

"That will make him uncomfortable so l won't skip dinner for him, l already asked him," Alexander mumbled with a confident tone as always, "l see, l didn't realize my new slave will be your type, now l will purchase a replica of him for your fun because l can't allow you to knead his skin and damage them like you normally do."

"You don't know anything about him and that is my happiness, so what favour does he owe you? Because l know he is good at being in debt."

"I see you, he doesn't owe me a favour, he only holds me his life, he said he would do what l want in return he works for me, he was desperate just like a hungry crocodile and l took his words for It, he didn't listen to my term and conditions when he fainted so l just sealed his word for it."

"That is cheating, he doesn't know what he got himself into."

"I only gave him what he wanted and why do you care about him anyway?"

"I want a favour from you, Theodore, " He muffled and l wondered what a great Alpha like him will need my help for, not like l don't have an idea of what l can do, but Alexander is still one of the greatest Alphas in our generation and l sometimes wonder how we get along, "Depends on what you want, l don't bargain with the devil."

"It's not that deep, but hand over Asher for me, let me take him with me, let him live in my Pack and become one body of the Phoenix Pack, " He shrugged and my eyes widened at the unexpected request, how come l never thought of that.

"What do you say, Governor Theodore? Mmh?"

"You seem interested in him, did he ask you to plead with me to let him go? Is he regretting his decision already? " l scoffed, shaking my head vehemently.

"He didn't ask for all of that, it's all in your head, I'm Interested in him but l haven't told him yet, but he sure agrees to leave to my Pack with me if you approved."

"I don't approve, he is not going anywhere, he will stay here because l said so."

"Ah, l didn't expect you to just give him to me, you don't know how to share, you can name a price l might take into consideration."

"Even at the expense of your Pack? " l taunted."

"Don't play with me, Theodore, he is precious."

"Well, l guess your precious thing has to work for me now because l haven't raised a price for him yet, l haven't used him yet either."

"I will advise you not to do that thing with him, you might regret it for a long time."

"Are you threatening me over a slave that begged me at my feet to save his forsaken life? Tsk, don't ruin my appetite, Alex."

"I only want to take care of him, nonetheless, he lost the token l gave him thanks to your incompetent maids."

"What token? " l retorted.

"My self-made amulet, l can't believe he threw such a symbol of authority away," He muttered and my mind went back to earlier when he said he lost something important, l thought it will be some family heirloom, l can't believe he went through the trouble of not being able to walk probably to look for a gift from Alexander?

"You can make it easier for me and get me the guard that was in charge of his well-being."

"Did you come to discuss about my slave? How is Elder Elizabeth's condition?" I bellowed, getting fade up about a mere boy I met yesterday. He has already taken up an entire conversation worth a good time. He is already a topic of discussion among my friends. He is already in my head space.

"Elder Elizabeth will be fine for a while, at least for now, you can go see her for yourself, as long as the medication l gave her builds an antibody inside her she will be able to walk around and do her normal activity, she is an old lone wolf, l can't do much."

"Whatever you do, make sure she stays alive."

"Why don't we talk about Asher?"

"What about him?"

"You can't treat him badly, since you disapprove of giving him to me but l won't give up either."

"He belongs to me, l can do anything I want."

"I'm warning you this time, Theo."

"The gut? I would watch my tone if l were you."

"You will surely give him to me."