
Chapter 6

Throughout the journey there was no conversation between Yuni and Rafael.Rafael, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was too focused on the steering wheel, while Yuni, who was sitting next to him, was nervous. At first, Yuni refused to sit next to Rafael, but Mrs. Tari insisted, saying that Rafael was not Yuni's driver, so she told him to sit side by side.

"Um..How old are you?" Rafael asked suddenly making Yuni feel surprised.

"I-I'm 16 years old Sis." Yuni answered by looking down, she called Rafael "Sis" because she was confused about what to call him.

"It turns out you are still very young, yes, but why did you choose to work?" Rafael asked again, actually curious about Yuni's life, which was so sad.

Yuni immediately looked down at Rafel's question. Indeed, thousands or even millions of people have wondered why she chose to work rather than continue school because of the economy.

Yuni took a deep breath and began to organize her words to answer Rafael's question.

"At my young age I should have been at school, but seeing my parents' economic situation, I decided to leave school to work." Yuni answered, looking at the empty street through Rafael's car window.

"Do you still want to continue studying or working?" Rafael said while glancing at Yuni from the side.

"Actually I want to go to school but who will look for food for my parents." Yuni whispered with her eyes watery.

Rafael didn't dare ask any more questions, he already knew enough about Yuni's family's condition.

He wanted to help Yuni, but of course her mother would feel suspicious.

But Rafael's human spirit just overflowed.

"What if you go back to school and take employee classes?" Rafael asked carefully, afraid that Yuni would be offended again by his question just now.

Yuni immediately burst out laughing, and immediately amazed Rafael. Why is Yuni laughing like that? Is Rafael's question funny? She thinks.

"Brother Rafael told me to go to school, in the morning and afternoon I work at Mrs. Tari's place

Where do I have time for school?" Yuni answered, shaking her head.

"Then how do you choose just one job so you have time for school, and can work in a more decent place than working at Mami's place." Rafael's suggestion provided an idea that he thought was good.

But Yuni just smiled faintly as she said.

"My problem is not that simple, I need quite a lot of money that's why I work day and night like this." Yuni explained at length.

Yuni couldn't understand Rafael's thoughts, which she thought spoke so lightly.

"How many people do you support in your house?" Rafael asked again.

Hearing Rafael's question, which was too blunt, made Yuni stunned.

"I live with my father, mother and my two brothers." Yuni said briefly, pretending to be holding the cellphone so that there would be no further conversation between the two of them.
