
Slave Debauchery House-Club Room. (R-18)

Hello guys thanks for coming to read my novel, as I had enter the contest of this month WPC with revenge theme. I hope everyone will help me in this contest and for that, I have set-up a goal as follow. 50 Above Powerstone _ 2 Extra chapter this week. 90 Above Powerstone_ 4 Extra Chapter this week. 120 Above Powerstone_ 6 Extra chapter this week. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In a parallel world akin to modern Tokyo, Kazuma, an unassuming and somewhat overweight young man with an average appearance, finds himself trapped in the relentless grip of bullying. His tormentors, led by a cruel clique in his class, have subjected him to relentless ridicule ever since he summoned the courage to propose to the class's beloved beauty, Yuri Hoshino. _____________The rejection stings, but worse still, it isolates him from the world he so desperately wishes to be a part of. Kazuma's life takes an unexpected turn when, three months after his father's untimely death, he stumbles upon an enigmatic system. With a sarcastic sigh, he reluctantly activates it: "[Target: Yuri Hoshino has been locked!] [Activating Slave Club-House Room!] [First Mission: Create the Club and register using the form given by the system.] [Club Form: Club Master: Kazuma Itoshi Members: Yuri Hoshino (Not registered)] Kazuma can't help but roll his eyes at the system's audacity. 'Slave Club-House Room? Seriously?' [Note: For creating the club, host is needed to make one of the members join the club through their own willingness.] [Time limit: 2 days] [Failure Result: Death] [Allocating Beginner Package.] "What's a 'Beginner Package'? Some cheesy superhero outfit?" As Kazuma grapples with the newfound abilities bestowed upon him, he begins to see a glimmer of hope. But he soon realizes that power alone won't mend his fractured life. With every girl he recruits into his fold, he delves deeper into the complexities of their relationships, their desires, and their autonomy. _______________ As he navigates this perilous path, he must confront the moral implications of his actions and grapple with the choices he makes. In this intricate tale set against the backdrop of a Tokyo-like world, The Enigmatic Nexus explores themes of power, consent, and redemption. Kazuma's journey is not only about building a "slave harem" but also about understanding the true nature of control and connection. Along the way, he may unearth the secrets of a society rooted in a bygone era, where benevolence often disguises itself as subjugation.

Shubham_Gosai_2019 · perkotaan
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5 Chs

Slave Club-House Room.

Dip! Dip!

"Haaa... Argh, Ha..." The still room echoed with the sounds of a man who was clearly in pain and breathing heavily.

It was a child, he appeared to be between the ages of 15 and 16. He was rolling on the bed, gripping his head, and tears of agony were streaming down his face.

However, even in this state, there was no sign of the child's family, who could have comforted the crying child in their arms as his suffering continued for two days.

'Hmm... Thirsty.' The child let out a murmuring sound as he slammed one hand to the ground to support his collapsing body and walked toward the refrigerator to get something to drink as he felt his neck being scourged.

"Even here! In this world too, I am left alone to suffer." The boy finally managed to mutter while sipping the iced tea and staring out at the empty room with intelligence far beyond his years and a terrifying coldness burning in his eyes.

He was also staring at the setting sun on the horizon with a glint in his eyes.

'But it is now alright! As long as I have these memories.'

The young man pondered as he set down the glass, sighed as he observed the empty refrigerator, walked over to the wall's edge, pulled his wallet from the drawer, and examined the saved cash.

Tokyo, Sakura Country...

Eastern Continental Side!

A small island nation called Sakura was formed when seven different, similar islands came together and covered an area of more than 50,000 kilometers for every single island.

Similar advances in technology have been made in this world, but due to the galactic invasion their planet was carrying out over the other planet, they have made some additional strides in the field of warfare.

One might argue that joining the military is the best career choice for the average person if they want to make money and gain notoriety.

Yes! It is just more widespread because those with significant connections were aware of how pointless it is to enlist in the military and become an explorer.

Sakura Country!

Tokyo City, Sector B!

Benko Building, Apartment 24-1, Commoner Ward!



"Hello! Mom..." After his father's death, it was the second time that Kazuma's mother made a call to him to hear if her son was alright.

She never imagined that Kazuma would answer her call and even call her mother, causing the woman in a particular building to shed a small tear and respond to her son inaudibly with a hum.

Kazama knew that his previous self was only being stubborn and knew that his mother had her own reason to leave his father, plus it was he who chose to stay by his father's side.

"Are you alright, my boy? It is the first time that you have called me mom after such a long time." Mother of Kazuma spoke to him after a brief period of awkward silence and asked him with a trembling voice.

"I just wanted to hear your voice, that's all." Even though his memories of his previous life had begun to blend, his life habits—which he had been practicing for the previous 12 years—were still having a significant negative impact on his mental health and manner of expression.

Kazuma shook his head at the filthy notion and considered how much his current self might resemble Tsundere from his previous world. Because, in his opinion, there could be no question that he was a real man.

"Hihi! Yeah, that's right? But always know that I am still here and you can always come back to me." In Ayumi's mind, Kazuma's priority lies at the top.

In addition to her business and her staff, Ayumi Kazuma believed that he was the only reason she was still having trouble in this world and kept in touch with him. Although he had previously been ice cold to her, his words may now contain a hint of sadness.

"Then I'll cut the call." The words "I am sorry" never left Kazuma's lips during this brief call, as he considered how difficult it was for him to express his regret for everything he had done.

However, for some reason, he had a strange echo in his chest that made him fear something.

'It will take some time, I guess!' After giving it some thought, he immediately fell asleep in his bed. Later, he heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it. When he did, a delivery man was standing there, handing him something.

"Kazuma-san, right? This is your order." Kazuma was perplexed as to why something had been delivered to him when he had not even placed an order.

It was not until he noticed the order number that he realized it was his mother who had placed the order.

"Also, this is the mail receipt from the one who ordered the food for you." Taking the package, Kazuma signed the board, watched the other guy leave the apartment, then he opened the package's top receipt to reveal the receipt.

'Don't just eat junk food. This is some healthy food you can eat or throw away! Given from now on, I will keep on sending to you every night!' As he reads the note, a smile spreads across his face and flickers of black flame appear within his eyes.

Chirp! Chirping!

The alarm Kazuma had set started to buzz, jolting him out of his dream as the bird's chirping began to reverberate throughout the silent room.

'Fuck! student life is hell; who would go to school every morning at around 7 am.' With the silent curse, Kazuma forced himself out of bed, which was holding onto his ass, and began to get ready for school. This helped him overcome his laziness.

Although he initially appeared quite reluctant, after leaving the apartment and strolling in the brisk summer air, he began to enjoy the quiet environment free from the ringing of the noisy car and other outside noises.

'Hmm...' A middle schooler appeared to be being surrounded by a group of students at that moment, and as he turned to look at Kazuma, he appeared to be quite alarmed by the sight.

"Ahh. What a pain in my ass?" Despite giving it some thought, Kazuma continued to move toward the group and grabbed the first person he met.

This caused the man with the sneer to turn and look at Kazuma with a frown on his face.

"What the fuck, man, just go and suck your mother's tits before messing with us." As soon as he opened his mouth, he began to fart out coarse words that caused Kazuma to get a little angry.

He then grabbed the human shoulder's weak joint and caused him to scream like a banshee and fall to his knees.

Originally, the older Kazuma was not a weakling or anything; instead, he had a sturdy build and a slightly protruding belly.

But because of his lack of guts, he was a frequent target of bullying. Had this not been the case, Kazuma's single punch could have seriously broken the nose of some petty child easily.

'Huh!!!' The other two delinquents finally turned to see the man standing next to their brother, who was writhing in agony and clinging to Kazuma's hand, which had a firm grip on his shoulder blade.

"I say bastard; did not your mother warn you that you frequently fart from your mouth? So, mind keeping it shut, given today I have a nice mood, but you bastard hard to come and mess with my mind early morning."

As the man slumped to the ground with tears streaming down his face, Kazuma tightened his hold on his shoulder, causing the squealing to grow louder like a slaughtered pig.

"Fuck! He is a devil man..." The other two fell back, as they could tell that Kazuma was not someone they could mess with.

"Let's go..." They did not even bat an eye to leave the squealing one out of the group and ran away like frightened dogs.

"You can go too, but at least keep your hand off some kids." Kazuma released his hold on the man's shoulder and spoke to him. The man turned to face Kazuma with fear on his face, but he also appeared to be sorry, so Kazuma did not play around and began to leave the area.

"Sorry, excuse me!" The frightened kid rushed toward Kazuma with quick feet and called out to him with a slight choking voice.

'Hah!' Kazuma sighed! The child, who was on the verge of crying, was walking toward him and pointing at the bench on the side as his step came to a stop.

He turned to face the child, put some coins into the vending machine, and grabbed two juice cans.

"Here kid! Also, wipe off those tears, given that, as a boy, you should not cry so easily!" It took some time for that kid to calm down. Kazuma grinned as he remembered how he used to be like this, but the young boy was more attractive than he was.

"Thank you!" The kid whispered as he looked at Kazuma and sighed, thinking how Kazuma today looked awesome and much cooler than him, who could cry and be helped by others with his weak body.

"Just remember, when you get into that situation, be prepared to be hurt, but make sure that you beat the shit out of at least one of them, which will make them fear messing with you on the second run."

"As the saying goes, even if they have a large number of people behind them, humans are afraid of mad dogs." Kazuma snickered, causing the kid to nod as he paid close attention to Kazuma, who was telling him everything with sincerity and hoping that the kid would learn to deal with those types on his own.

"Yes!" With a nod, the child jumped off the bench and ran out of the park, holding the can in his hand.

"Good! Then it is time for me to leave too." Kazuma thought as he also rushed toward his school with quick feet.

Ding! Dong! Ding!

Kazuma finally took a breather as he sat on his seat, feeling exhausted. He was reflecting on how close he had come to being late for class when he fixed his gaze on the girl who had just entered the room, and a black fire began to burn within his eyes as a result.

[Target: Yuri Hoshino has been locked!]

[Activating Slave Club-House Room!]

[First Mission: Create the Club and register the form given by the system.]

[Club Form:

Club Master: Kazuma Itoshi

Members: Yuri Hoshino (Not registered)]

[Note: For creating the club, host is needed to make one of the members join the club through their own willingness.]

[Allocating Beginner Package.]