
Skyrim: Hevnorak

In one of the provinces of Tamriel, Skyrim, a group of mercenaries is born, who are known for all the tasks they have completed. We will be watching one of the creators.

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Something incomprehensible

At the same long table in the cave, all the same people were sitting, except perhaps Hrankorn and his team, since they were on a mission, another person was sitting in their place. He, too, was a nord – the second-in-command. At one end of the table sat Linovet without her team, but this did not mean that they were absent, their faces were worried, because usually if the captain of the organ sat separately, it meant about some punishment in the direction of this body and as a rule it was appointed by the captain himself, and if it was too soft, the Archon or the one who occupies it could hold a vote and apply a harsher punishment or even a penalty.

It should be clarified that the penalty and punishment are very different, since the latter is much more lenient. The punishment can be issued by the captain, the deputy Archon and the Archon himself, while the penalty can only be imposed by the Archon or by a unanimous vote, but if at least one vote is against, except for the captain of this body, the penalty is not applied.

The woman sitting next to Linovet's second-in-command asked, " August, why is our captain there?" Have we failed somewhere? Punishment or punishment? August answer me! a bunch of questions from the red-haired Nordic girl flew in the deputy's direction as he tried to figure out what was going on. - Me! Don't! I know! August hissed at her and began to look at those present, perhaps this will give some answers, and after some inspection, while everyone gathered and sat down, he carefully and almost imperceptibly pointed in the direction of Linovet, Nemesis and Arkon:

"See! Our captain sits in the place where we usually get punishments.

"I know that. the stupid but beautiful girl leaned over and said.

"Look carefully!" Nemesis is sitting at the other end of the table.

"And?" – I still don't understand what her friend is driving at, the girl asked, to which August rolled his eyes, continuing:

"Don't interrupt me. She sits where the Archon's deputy usually sits. It means…

"It means -" the girl repeated after August.

"Ilir, you can't be that stupid, can you?" "the imperial guy immediately got hit on the head by the girl he called stupid, after which they felt someone's angry gaze. Turning around, they realized that their captain had noticed their behavior. Swallowing, August continued to calmly explain to Ilir what he had come to:

"It means we won't be punished." Perhaps the matter does not concern us at all.

- *Exhale * Thank Talos! August stared blankly at the girl for a while longer, then looked around the meeting place.

Arkon was sitting next to Nemesis, staring into his glass of ale and thinking about something, when Nemesis got up and started the meeting:

"Comrades ... Captain Linoweth and I have gathered you all here, because we have come to some conclusions and suggestions. - many visibly relaxed, and Nemesis noticed how her companion nodded and continued: - Not so long ago, Ayrilet, the huskarl of Balgruf the elder, approached us with a tempting offer. She offered us Fort Greymoor, as well as help in cleaning it up and restoring it. "As I said earlier, Linoweth and I have come to the conclusion that Fort Greymoor may play a significant role in our current and future plans." before she could continue, she was interrupted by Hrankorn's permanent and permanent second-in-command, his smooth voice resonating with the cavern.:

"Fort Greymoor is an important point for Whiterun, through which the nearest route to Markart passes, and the trade route from Falkreath to Markart itself lies nearby. - without stopping and looking directly at her, Nord said: - This fort is known to many, because whoever occupies this fort will not stay there for long. as soon as he finished, the Bula from the orc team Mufalta continued:

"A good place for our group, but a very dangerous one.

"In addition to the material advantages we understand, by accepting this offer we take the side of Jarl Balgruf, which gives us a certain advantage in the political sphere. I'm beginning to understand a little more of what you're getting at. August said. Nemesis hesitated for a moment, as she hadn't expected this, and when she saw Linoweth nod for her to continue, she obeyed:

"Exactly… as you have noticed, Fort Greymoor still has more advantages and fewer disadvantages, so we suggest that you make the fort our base. In addition, you know perfectly well that the rest of the mercenaries are beginning to complain more and more about the cave, you can not stay in it in winter. - everyone started discussing something with each other when Mufalt asked: "What does Arkon think?" "an unexpected question, but an important one. Linovet beat him to it and answered: "The Archon's second-in-command, Arkon, ignored this suggestion. We felt that this issue should be discussed.

"A lie! "All the mercenaries in the group were aware of the offer to move to the fort, but you're right that the matter should have been brought up for discussion. So shall we start voting? - everyone nodded, while Arkon was thinking about something and raised his head, watching Nemesis, then Linovet, and said in a barely audible voice: "I get it…

Nemesis only cast a sidelong glance when she asked, " Who is in favor of Huskarl, Jarl Balgruf the Elder, Ayrileth?" - 90% of all those here raised their hands. Only Hrankorn's deputy, Holdvor, Arkon, and Mufalt and their team did not raise their hands.

"Then we've decided. I - " before she could finish, the other de Nord spoke.


"What do you want with Holdvor?" Linovet asked.

"Why is the Elven team captain leading the meeting?" The mercenaries looked at each other again and waited for an answer from one of the two women.

-We just wanted to raise this issue. Linovet replied: "We've been without an Archon for a long time, and I think it's time to choose one.

- I agree!

- I support you!

Many people shouted in agreement, but only Mufalt, Arkon, and August understood where the conversation was really going.

"I believe that Nemesis-the captain of the Eyeball Squad-should take the place of the Archon!"

A deathly silence descended on the cave, and no one moved or breathed. Everyone was trying to digest what the Archon's left hand, namely Linovet, had said.


I believe that Nemesis-the captain of the Eyeball Squad-should take the place of the Archon!"

"Wait, wait, I thought that Arkon's current deputy should take this place. Ilir said uncomprehendingly, looking at the mercenaries.

- Let's hold a vote and that's it! Nemesis is one of the three original founders and the second most powerful among the mercenaries, and since Arkon is the current Archon's second-in-command, Nemesis is the best choice among them all.

Fifteen minutes of argument had passed when Mufalt was the only one who had thought to address Arkon directly.: "What do you say, brother?"

Everyone fell silent as he stood up and said, "Since I'm the deputy and I have to take part in this..." looking at his old friends and smiling at her under his mask, he continued: "I vote for the right hand of the Archon and the captain of the Right Uppercut squad, Mufalt!"

Disbelief and even a bit of desperation filled Nemesis as the argument began again among the mercenaries. This went on for a long time, but eventually Nemesis was chosen as the Archon. It really didn't end there, she had to get an oath from 90% of all the mercenaries.

Leaning against a tree and watching nature on a small rock stood the current deputy of the Archon, the strongest mercenary of the group "Hevnorak" - Arkon. Heavy, undisguised footsteps slowly approached him. Without even turning around, Arkon knew who was there.

"Nemesis, what brings you to me?" a cool breeze blew away Arkon's hood, revealing his long, night-black hair, tied back in a ponytail, which rested gently on his shoulder.

"Why not?" a faint voice came to him.

"I should be asking."

"I... wanted to… I thought that if you didn't want to and couldn't take responsibility, then I would... at least once help you. - coming closer and removing the mask from her face, Arcona said.

"Your mistake is that you need help, not me. If you help yourself, I won't need any help.

"Don't lie. Don't Lie! DON'T LIE TO ME! I don't need... help…

"Remember, every time you tried to help me, it only caused more problems.

"That's... not true!" Arkon would never have said such a thing. "Tears rolled down Nemesis' beautiful face and fell to the damp ground.

"We've grown up a long time ago, Nemesis, and it's time for you to let me go." I no longer want to burden myself with a small, resentful girl who can't sort out her feelings. I want freedom. I want to be free of the Archon's promise, I want to be free of you, of this group. - passing by the elf, Arkon spread his hands to the sides and looked directly into the emerald eyes of the elf.: -I want to explore the world, magic, start a family and get away from this path of uncertainty. Go there or over there, wherever I want, and not where the Archon says, where I will be summoned or sent.

"You're not him!" Arkon would never say such a thing, he loved what he did, he respected the Archon even after death!

"Hahahahaha! It's me, the same Arkon you know and knew, and maybe it was all just a masquerade.

"How... is that so?!" I loved you! Arkon ... loved, and you betray me?!

"Did you?" I'VE PROPOSED TO YOU FIVE TIMES! Five... times! How long did I have to lie at your feet for you to accept me? I've waited and waited, I've even thrown myself into building and strengthening this damn group, I've spent a lot of time and money building our business, but you! You've ruined it all, just like you're going to ruin this band! - pinning the elf to the tree, the dark elf hissed through his teeth.

"Never, I swear by all that I have, to you and to all the gods that have been. The group we created ... ah! - the blow landed in the stomach. Nemesis stood up shakily and finished her sentence, " Become even more powerful!"

"Hahahah!" I'll see what the band can do without their new leader. An ebony blade appeared in Arkon's hands, and he smoothly raised it above his head and brought it down with a sharp swing directly on the head of his former love. Before the blade was even halfway through, the weapon was struck by lightning from somewhere to the side, thereby changing the trajectory of the blow. The blade still caught Nemesis, leaving a wound from the beginning of the forehead running along the right side and cutting straight into the eyebrow, cutting it.

"What are you doing?" Linoweth's startled voice rang out.

"Why yell like that?" All the mercenaries will be here soon, Li-no-wet. Arkon said softly.

"Who are you?" the Imperial woman asked warily as she approached.

I, Arkon. he said firmly, still gripping the ebony blade tightly in his right hand. There was a clatter of feet, and almost all of the Heavnorak mercenaries gathered around the trio.

"What's going on here?" Mufalt asked, pushing through the crowd.

"Looks like I should leave." Good-bye, oh yes! Keep the mask, it's... a parting gift. "The dark elf is gone, as if he has vanished into thin air. It wasn't like the Invisibility spell, it was something else.

-I don't know what happened here, but it looks like we have a new deputy position. All but the deputies and captains to search the area, perhaps Arkon is still here, " Holdvor ordered.

That day turned the life of the entire group upside down, but most of all Arkon and Nemesis changed.