
Sky pirates

This is inspired by the God of fishing novel. This novel probably isent going anywhere but you can take the risk of putting it in your library.

Etiger789 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 5

Rhett" The hell are you talking about, I brought her back because she was all messy, and muddy. She even has twigs in her hair." He said pulling out a twig as an example." You go clean her up while I go and make some dinner for all of us."

He didn't let her refute his request as he quickly ran back outside to get some ingredients from the storehouse.

After grabbing all the things he needed he headed towards the kitchen to cook while Fran and Yoshino go take a bath and wash up.

While cooking Rhett heard some...rather odd sounds but he tried his best to block them. When he was done he brought everything to the living room table where Fran and Yoshino were already seated.

Rhett" Shrimps, clams, and iron lobster. With a seaweed side. Dig in."

Fran didn't hold back and started digging in and so did Rhett. Yoshino was the only one hesitating to eat. Rhett noticed this and sighed, he picked up some shrimp with his homemade fork and placed it in front of her.

Yoshino surprised looked at Rhett, then the fish, then back to Rhett. This continued until Rhett motioned to open wide.

Rhett" Awwwwwwwwwww"

Yoshino hesitated for a bit before finally giving in" Awwwwww" she copied Rhett's actions in a shyer manner. But once the shrimp was in her mouth, her low cast eyes were full of energy. Her once slumped back straighter than a swordfishes nose.

Yoshino" Awwwwwww" She opened her mouth cutlery wanting more, and Rhett obliged by feeding her as well as himself.

Fran looked at the duo's interaction and smiled faintly.' One down, 7 more to go.'

After dinner it was time to sleep, though Yoshino has come out of her shell more, she was still too embarrassed to sleep in the same room as him, so Rhett would sleep on the floor while Fran and Yoshino would share the bed.

30 minutes after sleeping and Rhett felt a sudden weight on his chest. This feeling was all too familiar to him. Opening his eyes he sees Fran not on the bed but laying down cuddling in his sheets.

Rhett' The hell are you on my bed for. What's more comfortable the floor or the bed.' He looked towards Yoshino and yoshinons direction.' Looks like she's sleeping peacefully and well, which is good.'

After that, he went back to sleep. He had the thought of leaving early, but then remembered the last time he left to early, Fran didn't talk to him for 3 days. Something about not having her favourite pillow by her side.

It was 4 am and his human alarm clock( Brain) had switched on. Like always he battled his way out of Fran's arms to make breakfast.

But this time he would have to make double the amount because now he had an extra mouth to feed.

After making breakfast he didn't go on his normal town run but instead went straight to Angel hill.

The reason being is that when he woke up he felt a change in his body, it wasn't a physical change but a spiritual one.

And he thinks it has something to do with one of his three spiritual awakening fish. He asked for a Nightfury, a giant Kraken, and isoubu from naruto.

He only felt one connection, so it was only one of the three. But he had a feeling it was most likely the dragon fish, Nightfury.

After arriving at Angel hill he sat down in a lotus position and calmed his breathing, looking into himself, his very soul, his own ocean.

When he reopened his eyes he wasn't on Angel hill anymore but a dark sea like location. The water was muddy and murky and barely any sunlight was visible.

Rhett was confused and swam around but no matter were he swam it lead him to nowhere. He tried making heads or tails of the situation but couldn't figure out what he had to do.

( Mhhhhhhhh)

That was until he heard it...a call, no a signal to where he had to go. I swam to the direction where I thought I heard the sound. Every once in awhile the sound would be used to direct me if I was going the wrong way. This continued until the sound was right next to me.

Then I saw it, I saw him, and his predatory cat-like eyes. But I didn't fear them if anything I felt I deep connection to its eyes. I brought my hand up without any fear and placed it on his head.

The once predatory eyes were now filled with kindness and kinship. The murky water had disappeared and a clean crystal blue sea was now in its place.

Without the blindness, Rhett could finally see his new companion. His scales obsidian back with blue lightning-like marks running down his body from head to tail. Unlike the movie Nightfury, his had gills though they were well hidden.

[ Nova Nightfury: Name

Type: Baby Dragon/ ??????

Rarity: Mysterious

Level: 1

The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Nova Nightfury, are the kings when it comes to speed and attack. Once fully grown they could move faster than the speed of light, and warp the fabric of space itself with just a flap of their wings.]

Rhett could only say one thing after reading its description' Holy shit. What kind of monster will you become in the future.' He thinks to himself while stroking his new companion.

After calming himself down he says one final goodbye to his new dragon. As for its name he will think of one by the end of today.

When he came back to reality, He noticed that the sun hadn't risen yet, but it would be soon.

And since he had spiritually awakened he decided to take a break and have this day as one of his rest days.

He ran back home and saw that no one had woken up as of yet. Seeing no reason to disturb them he also went back to bed. Not to sleep but just to meditate.

If there are any spelling mistakes please point them out so I can fix at a later date. Thanks for reading.

For those that think this is a one piece fanfic, It isent.

Etiger789creators' thoughts