
Sky Dragon's Court

After fusing with the memories of a fallen god, a boy with no hope to become a martial artist will rise from a meek cripple to an unyielding genius. Witness his rise to godhood as he turns the world upside down in his quest to the reach the elusive and legendary God Realm.

DuskFalcon · Fantasi
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6 Chs

Sky Dragon's Court

Logan opened the glass flask containing the alchemist flame and used his vast spiritual strength to guide the flame inside his body and towards his dantian, where his spirit root lay dormant. Normal martial artists would use their cultivations to absorb the flame be they alchemist or forge masters.

Sadly, Logan didn't have a cultivation base at the moment and he didn't want to absorb the flame. He had to use his spiritual strength to guide the flame into his dantian and shroud his spiritual root with it. The entire ordeal was an exercise in patience and control. Thankfully he had the memories of the Forge God to help guide him. Since controlling one's spiritual flame was a necessity for forge masters, his memories gave him an edge in this.

As his spiritual root started to bathe in the alchemist flames, at first nothing happened. Logan felt disappointed but wasn't surprise, he knew this was a possibility. A trash alchemist flames wasn't the same as a beast flame, the flame he had was not strong enough to awaken his spiritual root.

Logan groaned in his frustration; this was his only chance. Without a strong enough flame to awaken his spiritual root he couldn't cultivate. He looked at the pale orange flame again and then noticed the reddish pink remnants in the center, a crazy idea started to form in his mind.

It's not like he didn't have a beast flame. Technically he did it's just that it was too weak and could scattered at any moment.

Going on instinct he fed some of his spiritual strength to the that reddish pink center, at first nothing happened then the little pink center started to greedily drink his spiritual power and began to grow.

"Hahhaha Yes! Eat as much as you want" Logan said delighted that his idea work, however he soon stop as he saw what the flame was doing. "Shit, wait don't eat it all you pig." He cursed

The little pink center was like a bottomless pit the more Logan fed it the more it demanded it. Soon the pink center hand overgrown and devoured the pale orange alchemist flames with tyrannical glee. Once it finished absorbing the alchemist fire it continued to take in Logan's spiritual power.

"This little bastard is going to suck me dry."

Logan could feel the arrogant nature of the beast flame, in life it must've belong to a very powerful magical. His whole spiritual root was bathed in a pink reddish glow. His spiritual strength was been drained at an incredibly fast pace, his whole body was cover in sweat and he felt like he was burning up from the inside out.

He tried to cut the supply of his spiritual strength, but he couldn't, the pink bastard had wrestled his spiritual strength away from him.

"Hey that's mine you gluttonous pig, give it back."

Logan raged against the beast flame and try to fight to get back his spiritual strength. He began a tug of war with the flame, however he was on the loosing side. Logan felt he was getting weaker and hotter. Just when he thought he was going to get burnt to a crisp, his Primordial Flare Root blazed to life.

He felt as if an ancient beast had awakened as the spiritual root was blazed with golden flames, the golden flames carry an air of heavenly might. When they noticed the arrogance of the pink flames they roared and began to eat them. The pink flames screamed in fear and tried to get away, but the golden flames were having none of it and soon the pink flames were absorbed.

Logan wipe some of his sweat away. "Finally, it's over…oh shit!"

He saw as the golden flames started pulsing, slowly at first like a heartbeat. The flames condensed themselves into a small mote in his dantian before exploding outward.


A muffled explosion came from within Logan's body as the flames rage from his dantian and began to course through his clogged meridians. The gunk that had blocked his meridians was been melted away. A groan of pain escaped him, but he gritted his teeth and held it in.

A normal cultivator used the qi from their spiritual root to slowly open their meridians but due to his dormant spiritual root Logan couldn't do it nice and slowly. He had to use what little spiritual strength he had left to guide the flames through his meridian.

"This pain…aghhh, I'll remember this pain." Logan gnashed his teeth as he held in the pain. If it weren't for the stupid doctors who diagnosed him as a cripple his meridians wouldn't be so clogged, and he wouldn't have to suffer so much.


One by one small explosions rattled his body as his meridians were being opened. Every time a meridian channel was opened, intense pain would wreck his body.

After two full hours of torture his meridians were all opened, and his spiritual root had awakened. Logan wanted to pass out from the pain several times but held on until the end. Once they were finally cleared, the medicinal properties that were stuck on his body were finally released.

A cool refreshing feeling soon invaded every part of Logan's body. An unexpected benefit of been almost cooked alive was that the golden flames from his spiritual root had purified the energy within him, burning out all the impurities leaving only the most pure and potent energy behind.

Logan used his spiritual strength to guide the medicinal properties to heal the dent on the back of his skull, once that was heal there was still a lot of energy leftover. He let out a breath of relief and laid down for a moment to recuperate his strength.

After half an hour rest he felt better. He grinned at his awakened spiritual root and the left-over energy circulating around his body. "I can finally cultivate."

Logan threw a punch out and a small breeze whistle from it. He never felt more powerful in all his life than now. Normally a cultivator needed to sense and opened his meridians one by one before they could enter the first stage of the Qi Condensation Stage.

But Logan had taken an alternate path and used his golden flames to open all the meridians in his body at once and since the flames were so tyrannical in nature, they had the added effect of widening his meridians and purifying his channels.

He could now hold twice the energy that normal first stage Qi Condensation cultivator.

Logan grinned like a maniac. "All the pain was worth it. Now I just need to find a cultivation technique suited for me. I wonder if the Forge God has anything good."

But Logan's disappointment the memories of the Forge God were fragmented other than forging he couldn't find a single cultivation technique not even the Forge God's own personal cultivation technique.

He was about to give up when he saw a glowing speck at the back of his mind. He looked through it and was amazed to find that it was a cultivation manual. An extremely rare one.

"Sky Dragon's Court. What a domineering name." Logan nodded as he began to read.

From the memories he had of the Forge God this was a cultivation technique that he had found in an ancient ruin on the south side of the God Realm. He had been going there to look for materials to forge a weapon for his wife when he stumble upon the ruins. As he traveled within he fought many dangers until he reach the center of the ruin. There he found a book made from a thin material and on it was this technique. He was amazed by it, but also felt disappointment that he couldn't cultivate it. The requirements were too steep and he was already a god so he took it and was planing to handed it down to his children when he had them.

The more Logan read the more he felt like this cultivation technique was perfect for him. The Sky Dragon was the king of the heavenly dragons and chief bodyguard of the Dragon God.

According to legend the Sky Dragon and his eight subordinates were all in charge of protecting a specific area of the dragon clan. But their ultimate duty was to the dragon god himself. When the dragon god fell it was only after his nine guardians gave their lives to protect him, the last one standing was the Sky Dragon who used his own body to take a blast meant for the dragon god's heart.

If what Logan was reading was correct this cultivation technique allowed the user to absorb spiritual flames and evolved them into the unique dragon flames used by the Sky Dragon and his subordinates. Dragons were the undisputed king of beasts and their flames were said to be able to scorch the land and boiled the sea. The ones chosen to guard the Dragon God were the best of the best, so their flames were on a level higher than any beast flame and most spirit flames.

His Primordial Flare Spiritual Root allowed him to absorb as many spiritual flames as he like so it was perfect.

"Perfect let's star now."

Logan excitedly sat down to cultivate according to the Sky Dragon's Court. He circulated the residual medicinal energy through his meridians. The medicinal energy started to course through his body at incredible speed, his meridians sucked in the energy greedily. Soon Logan felt his power started to rise, from the first stage of the Qi Condensation all the way to the peak of the third stage and stopped just before entering the fourth stage.

"So much power. I'm no longer a cripple." Logan was amazed at how much more powerful he felt.

As he inspected the changes in his body, he noticed that at the center of his dantian were nine colorful seeds. He prodded each one with his spiritual strength and was shocked to hear a loud dragon's roar coming from them.

"What are these things?"

The seeds were no bigger than a needle's head. He searched through the memories of the Sky Dragon's Court and soon realized what they were.

Cultivators if they wanted to become an alchemist or forge master, they needed to ignite their Qi into a flame, this became their pill flames or forge flames. As a cultivator grew in strength their flame grew with them. However, the strength could not compare to a beast flame or spirit flames which is why both professions would seek them out.

Pill flames were use in tandem with spiritual strength to control the heat to purified herbs as an alchemist made their pills. Forge Flames were basically the same for forge masters, they use the flames guided by their spiritual strength to melt and purified metals before forging them into weapons. While these flames could be use in battle their main purposes was to aid in their professions. Of course if one had a beast or spirit flame then using the flame to both battle and cultivate was a boon.

Logan had planned to ignite his forge flame once he recuperated his energy but now, he didn't need to. According to the Sky Dragon's Court these were the seeds that belonged to the guardian dragons. Because of this Logan didn't need to ignite his Qi to obtain a forge flame, on the contrary, all he needed to do was feed his Qi to the seed.

The seeds had two stages an embryonic stage which was when the seed was only fed with Qi. Only once the seed reached saturation was when Logan could feed a stronger flame be it beast or spiritual flame to the seed to make it evolve into an actual dragon flame. The stronger the flame the better.

"This is more complicated than I thought. Better recuperate my energy before feeding the seed."

Logan sat on his bed meditating for two hours as he needed to reach his peak condition. Once he recovered, he prodded the seeds with his spiritual strength, but they remain inert. Next he used his Qi and that sent a ripple through the seeds. The seeds all look at his Qi with hungry looks. One by one they all pounced at his Qi and Logan was afraid that they would all drained him dry.

Suddenly out of the eight seeds the orange looking one roared at the rest and the seeds backed away fearfully. Logan could sense an air of arrogant majesty coming from this seed. As if it was an emperor looking down on all of creation.

The orange seed roared again and another seed this time a bright yellow one moved forward and pounced on his Qi. The rest of the seeds went inside his spiritual root leaving only the yellow one floating in his dantian.

Logan suddenly felt a connection being established between the yellow seed and himself. As he began to feed his Qi to seed, the seed fed him images directly into his mind.

He saw a grand celestial palace high in the sky. Hundreds of dragons were flying in an out with happy looks on their faces. Suddenly a massive shadow bloated out the sun, he couldn't make out what the beast was, but it looked wrong; black scales covered it from head to tail, it had the head of a goat, the mouth of tiger and the body of a lion.

The beast opened its mouth wider than Logan thought possible and a huge sucking force emanated from it. It began to suck in all the nearby dragons eating them all one by one.

The dragons started to flee in terror of the massive beast. As hundreds of dragons were devoured a huge heaven shaking roar came from within the palace and a massive dragon flew out.

The dragon was huge with bulging muscles, bright yellow scales along the top of his body while the underside were gleaming white ones. Above the dragon's right eye was a massive scar. He looked at the dark scale beast and roared.

"Baxia you dare intrude on this sacred space? Are you looking to die?"

The dark beast Baxia finished chewing the tail of a pink dragon before grinning at the yellow dragon with bloody teeth. "Seren, you presumptuous muscle idiot, today is the day that your Sun Gate Falls. Death to Dragon Clan."

"Courting death!" Seren roared as yellow flames started shroud his entire body.

The dark beast Baxia shrieked at the Sun Dragon Seren as they both clashed in a titanic battle that shook the very heavens. The battle lasted for seven days and seven nights before both parties retreated to heal their wounds.

As the images faded from his mind Logan saw that the sun seed had awaken to its embryonic stage and it was emitting a pale yellow flame with a white core.

He opened his hand and willed the flame to life. Soon his hand was shrouded in yellow flames. Logan felt a tingling sensation coming from his hand. He also tried to summon the golden flames from before but couldn't willed them to life, so he focused on the yellow ones he could summon.

"According to what I saw, the Sun Dragon Flame while not the hottest among the subordinate dragons was incredibly powerful. The Sun Dragon used his flame to boost his physical power and regenerative abilities. Through out the whole fight with Baxia every time the dark beast injured him, Seren would heal himself with his flames. As he attacked every blow was coated with flames and the shock waves were so powerful that no one could get near them."

Of course, Logan didn't have the actual Sun Dragon Flame, what he had now was the embryonic Sun Flame. While it carried the same attributes, it was as strong as the fully condense flame.

"I have to test this out."

Logan ran out of his room to the courtyard at the back of the house where his father's old training equipment he moved towards a large gray block. The block was a measuring tool for punching force. The average human had a striking force of 40 kilograms. A cultivator at the first stage of Qi Condensation had double that at 80 kilograms. And with every new stage they would gain around 60 kilograms of force.

An average third stage Qi Condensation cultivator had the striking force of 200 kilograms.

"My meridians are a little wider and purer than the average cultivator. So, my strength should be a little higher."

Logan gathered his cultivation and punch the gray block; a string of numbers began to appear on the block. The numbers began to rise until they stopped at 265.

"So, my base strength is on par with a fourth stage Qi Condensation Cultivator. That's crazy. Now let's see how high it goes with my sun flame enhancement."

A slight yellow glow shrouded Logan's body as he punched the stone block again. The numbers began to rise until they stopped at 325.

"That's crazy, with the sun flame boost my strength can compare to that of a fifth stage Qi Condensation Cultivator?"

One would think a boost of stage wasn't that big of a deal but in the cultivation world every advantage helped and technically speaking with his pure meridians and sun flame boost he could fight enemies two stages above his own. That was unheard of.

"Now that I got some strength to defend myself, I need to come up with a scheme to make money."

The Rao Family was completely broke, and cultivation required resources so he needed money as quick as possible and lots of it.