
Skirl POP!

Lynnon, an 18-year-old girl who will soon be a freshman in community college gets an offer to move to Japan for skateboarding! She joins a well-known skate team and plays in a bunch of tournaments, but it comes across her she still has to attend college. A team member and their mother agree to pay for Lynnon's education while she's in Japan since they were the ones who called her over. Over her time in Japan, she meets and falls in love with a cold, and quiet yet rich and handsome guy before she has to make the choice whether to stay in Japan or leave and risk losing the love of her life. --------- A romance story of course! Please excuse the many grammatical mistakes* --------- Art done by me. My DeviantArt has more visual stuff on the novel like outfits and scenes if you want to see how I envisioned everything. DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/jujufn

JujuValo · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs


(Hours go by and it quickly began to get darker and darker. Lynnon takes another break and sits next to Ezekiel)

Ezekiel-" You think you're ready to go home. It's getting late"

Lynnon-" Home?... Yeah... but... I want to talk to you about something"

Ezekiel-" Hm"

Lynnon-" Well..."

(Lynnon looks a bit down and connects her knees like glue)

Lynnon-" So you remember... this whole living together thing... it was temporary"

(Ezekiel's eyes enlarge. He didn't want to hear what he thought she was going to say)

Lynnon-" Well I..."

(Lynnon becomes nervous, trying hard not to cry. She didn't want to do any of this but she thought if Ezekiel didn't like her back, might as well end everything then and not have to worry about having a broken heart later)

Lynnon-" Well the money your mom's been giving me. I've been saving it all up and... I think I'm able to buy a small apartment soon"

(Ezekiel himself began to worry inside but didn't show it. What he feared most actually happened)

Lynnon-" I wanted to get a job after I left so I wouldn't have to bother your mother anymore... I don't want to bother you anymore either... it seems your family has given me everything without me giving anything In return and here you are today, buying me a diamond necklace"

(Lynnon sadly scoffs)

Lynnon-" I'm grateful but I thought it might be time for me to fend for myself here"

(Lynnon gets up and walks forward to the ramp to grab her board. Ezekiel gets up after her and the two stand in front of each other in the middle of the concrete. It was late so no one else was in the park to run into them)

Lynnon-" So yeah. I guess, after a day or two, I can leave. I won't bother you and you don't have to worry about caring for me anymore"

(Lynnon was a bit disappointed in herself that she had just talked about leaving with such ease. It would be so hard on her to leave the person she loved. Ezekiel stood in front of her frozen and deep in thought. Lynnon didn't make eye contact, because she feared that if she did, she would begin to cry. The two of them stood in silence, having only the few skatepark lights giving them the ability to see each other. Suddenly they both feel a bit of rain. At first, it was a few drops here and there but it quickly became strong. Lynnon covered her face with her hand)

Lynnon-" We got to go!"

(Though Lynnon was ready to get out of the cold rain, Ezekiel didn't bother to rush. As Lynnon begins to walk away, Ezekiel finally speaks up, projecting his voice so that Lynnon could hear him over the rain and small distance between them)

Ezekiel-" I forbid you to leave!"

(Lynnon looks back in confusion)

Lynnon-" What…"

(Ezekiel walks up to her)

Ezekiel-" I forbid you to leave me"

Lynnon-" But I have enough money. You wanted me to go. This doesn't make sense-"

(Lynnon begins to walk again)

Lynnon-" Let's just go!"

(Ezekiel pauses again and decides whether to do something very risky)

Ezekiel-" I don't want to keep acting like we're friends, because we're not!...

I love you Lynnon!

(Lynnon stops in her tracks. She didn't turn around)

Ezekiel-" I forbid you to leave because I love you! OK?! I never thought I could but I do. I have ever you since came to live with me I just never fully realized! And trust me when I say it isn't just a CRUSH. I truly love you. I understand if you don't want to stay but… I don't know what I would do without you here with me… I don't care if we'll still see each other sometimes, you'll be away from me either way and I can't bear that"

(Lynnon turns and looks at Ezekiel as he continues to ramble on, not knowing she was looking at him)

Ezekiel-" You remember that time you came home late because you were hanging out with Hikaru? I was so insensitive to you when you came back but I was just jealous! I was jealous that you were hanging out with another guy. Jealous that it wasn't ME!"

(A knot suddenly started to appear in Lynnons throat)

Ezekiel-" And that time you had that really important project that you spent days without sleeping on. I kept checking up on you and I brought you food and drinks but I was honestly so worried about you. You were overworking yourself but you got through it. I was so happy to know that you cared for me when you thought my plane crashed. You wouldn't let me go that night and I want it to be like that every night Lynnon! I enjoyed all the little moments we had together, and just seeing your smile makes me happy. You just… CAN'T leave. You mean too much to me"

(For the first time after beginning to talk, Ezekiel looks up. He sees Lynnon crying)

Ezekiel-" Y-You're crying?... I'm sorry"

(Ezekiel hugs her)

Lynnon-" Happy tears. They're happy tears"

Ezekiel-" What?"

(Lynnon looks up, and without warning, stands on her tiptoes and kisses Ezekiel. He was caught off guard by it at first. He chuckles after a quick second of letting the shock run out)

Ezekiel-" You pulled away too quickly…"

(Ezekiel pulls Lynnon closer and holds one of her cheeks while he kisses her again. This one being longer and more passionate than the last. Lynnon drops her board and wraps her arms around Ezekiel's neck. The kisses become sloppy as they take short breaths of air in between them. They slowly settle down as Lynnon jumps up and wraps her legs around Ezekiel's waist. She hugs him tightly while digging her head into his shoulder. Ezekiel holds her head with one hand and keeps her up with the other. He closes his eyes as he kisses the side of her head, his face a bit covered by her hair)

Lynnon-" I just want to stay… I always did. I was just afraid"

(Lynnon hugs him tighter)

Lynnon-" I love you too Ezekiel"

(Lynnon laughs)

Ezekiel-" I guess Mei was right"

(Lynnon loosens up and looks back up to see Ezekiel's face. The only one she wanted to see at that moment. He still held her and it didn't seem like he planned to let go until she wanted him to)

Lynnon-" How are you so strong?"

(Ezekiel rolls his eyes and smiles as he carefully lets Lynnon down. Hinting to her that they should leave before they get sick. He kisses her one last time before they rush to the car and drive to Lynnon's now permanent home)

The two halves of a heart have finally found each other

Man its makin me awe and I wrote it

JujuValocreators' thoughts