
Skinwalkers: based on a true tale

They are relentless and ferocious. They hunt men as though they are animals. They do not fear any weapons man made or otherwise. Worse of all, they take on a shape that we trust, they can be your family, friends, or even your pet. Be wary of everything. I write this now because I feel that this story must be known to all, even at the risk of my own life. What are these creatures called? The American Indians called them skinwalkers, those that walk the world as monsters in human skin, other legends call them vampires, werewolves, even trolls. Join me as we explore what these creatures have done to a small town in southern Colorado. These events are based on a true story. Thirty-six eyewitnesses have came forward and told their side and this is the story I have pieced together.

Mr_Eppeak · Seram
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10 Chs

Part X

The sounds of twigs snapping underfoot could be heard all around me. I stood in the forest that lead to the old Milton home contemplating the… things I have seen. Some years had passed since the horrors this town had experienced and time had taken its toll on the buildings.

Research had driven me out this way and I'll be damned to say, for once in my life I wish I had never started a story such as this. The cool Colorado air whipped past me sending chills dancing along my spine. Well, it may have been the wind but a part of me knew it was something… more. Something that had followed me ever since I learned of its existence.

I began to write this as a way to tell others the story of the horror the people of this town had experienced, but now, I only tell it to warn others to not come looking for these creatures. I feel their eyes on me wherever I go, seeing them staring at me as I walk by.

Why do they leave me alone? Many thoughts have crossed my mind, maybe it's because they want me to live out the rest of my days in fear, or maybe it's because they want me to finish my story. Who knows, but one thing I know for sure is that I cannot trust anyone anymore.

I take a deep breath as I prepare myself to enter the home where it all started, the home of the beginning and end of our story. As I stepped out of the tree line and approach the door, a familiar face greets me from the shadows. Barky, Tommy's old dog, watched as I slowly place my hand on the door nob.

A low whine came from his direction causing me to turn my head ever so slightly to peer at him, but he was gone. Vanished into thin air and was replaced by a barely noticeable ripple in the air. They wanted me to know that they are watching me.

Quickly turning my gaze back to the door, I began to steady my breathing and slowly turn the doorknob. As if expecting me, the door swung wide open on oiled hinges. I stood in place for a moment wondering who had taken care of the door and even joked out loud.

"So you… things can oil up hinges but not take care of the building. What about the resale value?" I said with a nervous chuckle, trying in vain to ease the tension I felt building up inside. "Or was this all done for me so that I could spread your tales to the world?"

An eerie silence fell upon me, no sounds, not even the wind or creatures of the forest stirred. This must be my answer or perhaps they are simply hiding from something they fear more than death itself.

I took three calming breaths, trying disparately to calm my nerves and control my movements. My body and mind shouted out at me to run, to get as far away from this horrible place, but I knew, if I ran, it would be the last thing I did.

I moved slowly, shakily into the house. An alien feeling attacked all my senses as soon as I took in the living room, dried cracked blood still lingered as if time had barely touched the inside of this house. Noises came from the basement, the sounds of children being ripped apart as they screamed for help. The scent of old decayed bodies invaded not only my nose but my mouth as well. And finally, the air that felt stiff and stifling as if it didn't want me to make a sound or move from the spot I found myself planted at.

An hour goes by, what felt like minutes of me being trapped in place unable to move, and a sound splits the air. My phone was ringing and it had torn me from the torment of what lay in that house. Now free from whatever curse had been placed upon me, I turned for the door and ran out as fast as I could and continued to run through the forest of trees, across the shallow waters, and passed all the houses of the town.

I ran with all my might as the adrenaline pumped through my veins, I could feel the breath of those creatures I had been calling Skinwalkers lapping at the back of my kneck as they ran behind me. I did not allow myself to stop, not even when I felt like my body was about to give out from the exhaustion. Only when I saw the blue Honda accord did I slow down but I did not stop until I saw Tommy in the driver's seat, ready to leave this God-forsaken town.