
Skin and Bones

"I hate you," I growled, glaring up at him, tears streaming down my face and neck. "Oh, and why is that, My Dearest?" He asked, a taunting bit to his voice adding to his bravado. His black leather boots, matching his pants and jacket, scuffing against the wall, causing them to fray. 

"I hate you because you tricked me, you bastard!" I screamed. "You lied to me! You've been lying to me this whole time!" I was shrieking now, not able to see from how glassy my eyes had become. "You said if I could trust anyone, I could trust you! You swore you'd keep me safe!"

"I have never lied to you, princess," His voice came out so calmly it was infuriating. It kept the same tempo that the water splashing from the stalactites in the cave's entrance did. 

One. Two. Three. Four. His rhythm should have calmed me, but all I could think about was running away. Running away from him and this cave and this forest and this whole fucking world. "I told you who I was..." he started. "No!" I screamed, "No, you told me who you were on the outside! I needed to know who you were on the inside!" I paused, my breath shaking. "I showed you who I was on the inside; I showed you more of me than I had ever shown anyone before!" 

I needed to get out of there, turning around and preparing to run. "Aurora!" I heard Nate call after me. I could already feel him catching up to me. I was fast for a half-human girl, but compared to a fae warrior, I might as well have been a blind old mouse and him a cat. 

I knew I would never be free again once he caught up to me. Not physically; if I wanted him never to touch me again, he would make a point not to do so. But that wasn't what I was worried about. It was the emotional part that frightened me more than anything. 

I knew that if I forgave him this time, there would only be another and another and another. The lies would back up like a clog, and we would not be able to get through them again.

"Aurora, stop, please!" I heard him call closer right before I felt his long, hard body crash into me. Before I could fall, though, he spun us around, his back hitting the rough granite of the cave instead of my front. Stunned for a minute, I only realized he was talking when I heard the words he had whispered to me in my sleep every night. 

"Wrap me in your skin and bones," he panted, wet breath in my ear. "you're electrical. Make me want to lose control ...and I will lose control only once you pull me close."

"Is your love true or just a spirit of deceit?" I asked, hearing his voice echo from around us and back throughout the caves. 

He looked at me, and I could see how our bond connected us for the first time. His face looked like how I imagined mine did. Tears so thick I wiped them away. 

"There's honey dripping from your teeth."

"Baby, give it all to me."