
Skill Creator God

Jake was a normal guy who played the wonderful game of league of legends, he always thought to himself: "Man! These skills are overpowered! If I had the ability to make and balance skills I'd do it much better", usually after dying for the 12th time and having 0 kills. One day he died in this game and as he was raging in real life, the sword struck him through his monitor, killing him! He awakes in another world where he was chosen to become the Skill Creator God, his job is to balance and provide skills to a normal fantasy world without skills or jobs prior to this. Will he prove himself as the all powerful skill creator? or will he just create an unbalanced mess?

Salisbury_Steak · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Decisive Battles in History

Seconds later the entire canyon turned into a bloodbath. Many people were already dead at this point, including Long Dong.

Jake had no chance to spare to mourn Long Dong's death as he was currently thinking of a way that he could mend the situation, but this just made him unfocused on the fight.

Screams erupted into the air from both parties, screams of both agony and pride. Through all this Jake refocused and saw that there was no quick remedy to the situation. The only thing he could do is fight.

"Don't leave a single alive! This is what they get for messing with our party!" Yelled out the warrior that was leading the adventurer party. Jake also heard this.. and got jealous.

I should be saying something for morale as well..

"Kill every last one of them and feed their bodies to lizards. Once they are all dead we will go to their homes and finish off their families as well!" Jake yelled out.

This shocked the entire battlefield as the cultivators looked at Jake in a new light. They didn't really have anything serious against these barbarians, but their leader was so amped! They couldn't just not show their motivation.

The cultivators that were above began throwing shot after shot at the barbarians, mostly missing. This didn't bother them though as they didn't expect to be able to shoot precisely from their distance and just focused on shooting more and more.

But what they didn't realize is that they were also shooting friendlies.. On top of this, Jake's party didn't have any healing types with him. The adventurers did.

Jake just sighed and ignored the shots and decided now was the time to join the battle.

Jake took out a sword made of Qi and dashed at his first victim, instantaneously stabbing the poor man in his chest. He screamed as Jake forcibly exited his chest with his blade and blood squirted outward as his corpse drooped and fell to the floor.

"Why?" Escaped the man's lips as he died. Jake didn't feel bad. He had begun to think of this world as a game. This was proven when he acted the way he had during recent events..

Jake laughed in a frenzy as he was drunken on the blood, dashing from foe to foe, swinging his blade. One slice chopped off an arm, another someone's head, he even cut somebody in half while moving swiftly on his feet.

The adventurers looked on in horror. Their healers could only do so much, there was no possible way to keep up with the bloodshed that Jake had been creating.

"Retreat! They're too powerful!" Shouted out the leader of the adventurers.

"You're not running away from me!" Jake screamed angrily. He then activated his special skill he had made for himself and cut down a large chunk of the retreating forces.

The leader of the adventurers saw this and a pained panic appeared onto his face. He took an item out of his bag and threw it in front of him. A portal appeared and the entire retreating party ran through the portal. The portal dissipated quickly after.

Jake began to calm down after exhaling deeply and the Qi Cultivator's cheered and screamed out in victory. This was such a surprisingly easy win. If they had known the adventurers were this weak, they would have done this long ago!

"Hidden Mission Complete: You have altered a point in history where Cultivators would lose and eventually die out. This has allowed for them to continue to survive. Points awarded.." The system rang out into Jake's mind.

Afterwards he was given an option via a holographic screen that appeared in front of him.

"Do you wish to return to the present godly plane?" "Yes" "No"

Of course Jake clicked yes. During this time he had enjoyed his meeting with these cultivators from the future, but he had better get back to the point in time where it meant something. Sure, this helped shape the future, but so did the present. Doing events in different periods of time was actually dangerous because of how things might end up, and should only be done to grind points.

Jake's mind then transferred as he saw blinding lights flash in front of him and then he was back to his godly plane during the present time.

"Did I miss anything?" Jake asked the system and he looked around the planet.

The system ignored him but Jake didn't mind, as he had just found out what he missed. There was a war.

The dragons were at war with humanity. Part of the planet was currently undergoing a serious apocalyptic event that could extinct humanity.

Many different towns and villages were raised to the ground as dragons flapped around causing havoc. Nobody could stand up to them and defend themselves.

"This.. This is.. THIS IS BULLSH*T! They're allowed to just do this?! Now, this isn't balanced! Sure there are less dragons so they are more powerful, but to this extent? No, I need to balance this!" Jake angrily stated as he decided on what to do.

"Class Create: Dragon Slayer, Requirement: Be Chosen by destiny to save humanity during a crisis that involved dragons. Only three will be chosen, and they will be chosen all at the same time." Jake nodded to himself as he wrote this and then wrote up some special skills and passive abilities for this class.

"Fatal Draconic Strike: every 3rd attack does 1% of the opponent's maximum health if they are of the dragon species and have killed a human." This was the 'ultimate passive ability' that Jake had created.

This required for the opponent not only to be a dragon, but also to have killed a human before. It was fool proof.

Jake then sent out the class and three different rays of light shot out around Sendra. Three different Dragon Slayer's were chosen immediately.

Jake then fast forwarded all of the boring stuff and it wasn't long before the dragon's were at their final battle with the three Dragon Slayers.

The Dragon Slayers nodded to each other as they received buffs from their supporting allies and began to ready themselves. The Dragon's of course weren't just letting this happen and they were shooting fireballs at the Dragon Slayer's allies.

Thankfully, there were some barrier masters in the crowd and they were able to save many lives. They had already lost far too many people to lose more.

The Dragon Slayers shot forward from where they were standing and began to slice at the dragons!

This battle lasted a total of 15 hours and was mostly just a battle of endurance. It ended as quickly as it started.

Nothing would ever be the same after this battle of epic proportions. Too much had changed.

Entire villages got blown off of the map. Not just this, but there was now a almost permanent animosity between the dragon people and humanity.

Jake sighed to himself. He began to feel empty and devoid of life. With one command from him he could change the lives of everybody on this planet. With one decision he could have someone killed or saved, he could do anything, but what did he want to do?

Jake wanted to balance, but in a perfectly balanced world, there would be no change. There would be no new meta, there would just be harmony that lasted forever.. That was boring!

"I now see the error of my ways" Jake sighed as he began to forgive the creator's of Master Yi's current stats. Yes, he thought it was impossible, but he did.

However, his epiphany did not change what Jake must do for this planet. He still remained firm on his decision to ensure everything is balanced, if he didn't he would be kicked out and a new host would be chosen anyway.

The only thing this epiphany did reveal to Jake was one simple thing. He needed to create more and act more like a Skill Creator God like he was supposed to be.

To create more, balance afterward, create more, balance again! This is what his true calling was.

"Create Item." Jake spoke quietly.

Jake drew an object that looked like a circle and wrote about what it should be..

"Array of Yin-Yang created.. Balanced." The system rung out in Jake's ears. What Jake had just made was something that would change the entire planet..

This array would permanently send out waves onto the entire planet that caused some people to fight for justice, and some to become evil. The point of this?


Jake would be able to watch as a genius villain mastermind appeared and threw plot after plot at the righteous factions.. And with the appearance of this item, the factions of the planet all picked their sides.