
Six Path Nruto

I_was_Here_First · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


Naruto Uzumaki- Sage of the Six Path's Chosen Successor

HP: 29050 (HP regen 1458ps)

CP:28700 (CP regen 1080ps)

Fatigue- 0 ( Mitigation Physical- 364.5, Chakra 270)

Lvl- 5 300/1600EXP




Int- 20

Wis- 23

Luc- ?

Points Remaining: 138 (Points can be placed into stats to increase)

Ryo - 104800


Uzumaki's Heritage

Kurama's Jinchuriki

Uzumaki Might

Uzumaki Fuinjutsu Mastery

Six Paths Legacy

4th Hokage's Legacy/Heritage

Unbelieve Luck/Luck God Bless


Fuinjutsu Mastery Rank ( Rank 4)

Six Path's Combat Mode

Kekkei Genkai: Uzumaki Sharingan (1 Tomoe)

Skills: Inspection Lvl 4 0%

Jutsu: (+30% Exp to Wind/Lightning, +20% Water/Fire, +10% Earth)

Chakra Chains Lvl 3 (50%) 90CP; 18 CP PS

Chakra Channeling (muscles and Limbs) Lvl 4 (30%) 80 CP; 12 CP PS (35% increase to Dex and Str)

Fire Release Lvl 3(17.7%) 20CP

Water Release Lvl 3(40.2%) 20CP

Earth Release Lvl 2(1.5%) 40 CP

Lightning Release Lvl 4(15.6%) 10 CP

Wind Release Lvl 5(25.2%) 10 CP

Air Bullet Lvl 2 (10%) 175 CP

Lightning Ball Lvl 1 (85%) 250 CP

Shadow Clone Jutsu Lvl 2 (25%) 800CP per Clone

Transformation Jutsu Lvl 6 (35%) 10CP per detail change

Body Flicker Lvl 2 (2.1%) 100CP

Substitution Lvl 4 (20.5%) 10 CP per difference in weight of object

Fuinjutsu: (+70% Fuinjutsu Exp)

Scroll Sealing Technique

Uzumaki Sealing Technique

Weight and gravity seals

Upgrading adamantine chains

Exploding tag)

Evil Suppression seal

Evil to Good Replacement Seal

Yin/Yang Extreme strengthening seal

Taijutsu Styles:

Academy Base Style Lvl 7 (20%)

Leaf Gate formation style Lvl 1 (35%)

Kenjutsu Styles: Increase understanding of Kenjutsu (+70% increase to Kenjutsu EXP)

Basic form (Lvl 7 EXP: 25%)

Dance of the Crescent Moon (Lvl 2 EXP: 3%)

Production: Calligraphy (LVL: 3 EXP: 5%)

Things went immediate chaos for Naori. First it seemed like her fellow Uchiha seemed to be making friends that she never seemed to make when she was in the clan. Then next thing she noticed was the blonde boy pulled Izumi down as a lightning charged zipped passed them overhead. She immediately jumped into action to protect the kids from an unknown attacker. She activated her Sharingan ready to fight.

Naruto was enjoying his time with everyone. Bringing Izumi was great. Once she got out of her shell, she was fiery as the rest. She joked, made people laugh, and even gave Hinata a hug for her help in bringing her in. That all changed when he felt a massive killing intent sent their way. He was so shocked that he immediately felt the attack coming. As he was pulling Izumi down, he watched a man jump from a tree.

Skill unlocked: Killing Intent detection Lvl 1 (passive) – The ability to detect Killing intent directed towards you and your area. This will passively allow you to resist the overwhelming effects from stronger killing intent. Lvl 1 - Lvl 6 (0.7%) due to amount of killing intent felt throughout your life.

'Why do I always have the worst luck.' Naruto thought as he watched the man coming towards them.

Quest Update: Survival of the Sharingan

Due to immediate threat, Itachi has been making sure you have enough power to survive until backup arrives.


· Survive for 5 minutes against opposing foe.

· Ensure the safety of your friends.

· Ensure safety of Uchihas.

· Optional: Defeat foe

· Optional: Copy jutsu the assassin uses


· Max Relationship for: Ino, Tenten, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Izumi, ?, Neji.

· 2500 Exp

· 5 Hidden Jutsu

· +450 Relationship with Inoichi/Yamanaka clan, Shikaku/Nara clan, Kurogane, Kurama, Choza/Akimichi Clan, Hiashi/Hyuuga Clan, Kurama, Kakashi, Hizuren,


· Death of friends

· Death

· Hatred by entire Village

Good Luck!

'Well Fuck' Naruto thought knowing if Yūgao or Himakari heard his thoughts he would be cleaning the dishes for the next year. Naruto looked to the side and saw a timer activated. He got up and activated his Sharingan and Inspection.

Tsukiyo Lvl 40

HP: 32000/32000

CP: 17240/18000







Jutsu: ?

Taijutsu: ?

Fuinjutsu: ?

Skill: ?

Feats: ?

Well, it could be worse Naruto supposed. The man was strong but not his Sensei levels. He needed to protect everyone. So, with a gamble, Naruto shouted, "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Spawning 15 clones.

CP 16,700/28700

To see the shock on the man's face was worth the chakra drain in Naruto's opinion. Knowing that he needed to keep up the pressure, going through the hand signs with each of the clone shouting "Lightning style: Lightning Ball" sprouting hundreds of lightning balls around the area.

CP 5450/28700

To his friends, Naruto was showing an amazing display in the face of someone almost killed him. Most wanted to help but due to only just starting their training with their parents only 2 months prior for most it was too much of a risk. The only 2 that were able to cast jutsu were Naruto and Naori.

Naori activated her Sharingan as well within the shadow clones spawn. While she wasn't sure if they could win, she would be damned if she would go down easy. This was the same feeling most of the kids had as they all got ready to fight.

Izumi who was the most shocked out of the group. She had one moment been playing and enjoying her time and next she almost died. If it wasn't for Naruto, she would literally be laying in a pool of her own blood with a hole in her chest. This traumatic experience had been a fortune of good luck had she survived this. Her Sharingan was unlocked but unstable.

Looking around for an opening, Tsukiyo dashed in hoping to catch the brats off guard. What he wasn't expecting was a Naruto clone to move almost as fast as him. All he felt was a clone smashing into him. Before he could stop the momentum, he felt an electric shock as he was pushed into one of the lightning balls. Feeling the shock, Tsukiyo turned to throw another kunai, but before he could be hit with the 200 lightning balls smashing him sending electric current throughout his entire body.

Tsukiyo Hit -4500 HP

HP Remaining 27500/32000

Meanwhile Naruto was not wasting time. His clones were already grabbing the kids to get them out of the area while Naruto was focusing on keeping the enemy in place. With his Sharingan, he hoped to catch the enemy's next move but a split-second pop of 3 of his clones distracted him. He turned to where the clones used to be to find a very pissed off Tsukiyo. "You little fucking brat. I was paid to kill you but now it will be that much sweeter." Tsukiyo said as he started hand signs. " Once you are dead, I am going after your friends and family. Jutsu Art: Shadow Sword!"

Naruto watched as Tsukiyo pulled a blade from his own shadow. Memorizing the chakra flow and the hand signs, Naruto was confident he could use the jutsu. He even heard the ping from the system but was too focused on the enemy to look at it. It was almost guaranteed that if he didn't keep track of him he would die. Thankfully he managed to get the remaining of his friends out of the area. He watched as Tsukiyo full gripping the blade done playing around launched his attack.

Tsukiyo being a smart man in his opinion. Hell, he was able to escape from the Stone for Yami sake. So, when he saw the boy he who was his main target ready to fight and with his extra remaining 5 clones he knew it wasn't something he could fight unless he did something. So logically it was to go after the girl with him. He knew just from looking at her, that this was her first real fight. Her shaky legs her slightly unbalanced stance and easy target. So, before he attacked he needed to distract the boy. With an evil grin he launched his plan.

Naori while not the strongest knew that she had to try to help. If she could even do a single fireball to hurt the man would be worth it. What she didn't expect was in a matter of seconds a shadow of the man before him engaging the boy she heard named Naruto, or at least his clones, and the man in front of her launching himself directly at her bringing his sword down. 'His speed is too fast' Naori thought as her eyes allowed her to see him coming but her body couldn't keep up. Cursing she knew she couldn't move in time, when the next thing she knew she was replaced with Naruto.

Naruto didn't know what came over him. First, he watched as the man attacked him with a shadow. His shadow clones were having a difficult time with the clone when he saw him going for the girl near him. He couldn't let it happen as just as she was about to get hit, he used the replacement jutsu taking the hit for her.

All Naruto felt was the immense pain from his eyebrow through his cheek and across his chest. He knew he had dodged enough that the attack wasn't fatal but he knew he lost his eye. He felt so foolish, he kept all those stat points thinking that he wouldn't need them until after he became a ninja. Now he was close to dying because he wasn't better prepared. Cursing his own stupidity, looking at his stats that remain, things weren't looking good.

HP: 4000/29050

CP: 1000/28700

'Huh, I guess the blade slash activated something that caused his Chakra to be almost completely drained.' Naruto thought not really able to look at his stats or his abilities currently. He only had 1 eye right now. His eye sight was enhanced in it but that didn't mean anything with only one eye.

Naruto thought 'Sorry Kurama, I messed up. It looks like this is it.'

"Nonsense! I refuse to allow you to lose!" Kurama yelled from the seal as he started to push massive amounts of chakra into Naruto's system.

Tsukiyo had an evil glee on his face. His plan worked. The brat was almost dead right in front of him. Now that his pride was damaged, it was more personal. Just as he was about to raise his shadow blade to finish the boy, he watched as blood red chakra started to pulse out of the boy. Fearful, he went to swing the blade down.

Naori screamed as she watched this boy get cut by the assassin's shadow blade. He had taken the hit for her. He was going to die for her. A stranger to him. She watched in horror as the assassin raised his blade when red chakra started to pour out of the boy. She remembered the night the Kyuubi, she remembered the blood red fox and how much its chakra felt. Surprisingly the chakra she felt while the same was not violent and malevolent as it was when she watched the fox in the past. She felt like it was a guardian of sorts. Like it was meant to protect who the boy wanted to protect and severely harm his enemies. She watched as before the blade could hit the boy, a red chakra-based claw sprang up and shattering the black blade. She will never forget the sudden movement of a second claw launched directly into the chest of the assassin.

Tsukiyo looked down at his chest. The chakra claws felt so solid into his chest. As the claw slowly came back out, Tsukiyo looked at claw noticing it was holding something. That was the last thing he saw as his vision blacked.

Naruto was not in full control of himself. He felt feral and strong. Though he couldn't see in his left eye his senses were increased to a decree that he could hear someone heartbeat. Slowly dropping the still beating heart of the man in front of him, Naruto turned to the girl. Her heart was being so fast. It was a thrill to him to insight the fear she felt. He felt so powerful. Suddenly he heard movement. People were coming fast. He needed to protect this girl in front of him from others. Naruto did the only thing he thought he could do…..

So, you would this would be the worst of what be seen in recent times for the Hokage. After getting the reports in from multiple people on the scene it made sense. There was a massive uproar over multiple things. Naruto unlocking the Kyuubi chakra was the main cause of concern. It didn't matter to the fools on the Civilian council that he saved multiple Clan heirs and heiresses. It didn't matter that he killed a B rank missing ninja from the Stone. All that mattered to the people was that he used it. He now had Anbu guards on him day and night.

The Civilians wanted him executed or banished from the Leaf. Danzo wanted him to train personally into a weapon. Whatever happened now was going to cause a shit storm of backlash on all sides. The clans were not going to take whatever the Civilians want laying down. Hell, 4 out of the 7 clans were already outraged by Civilians trying to attack him while he was unconscious. He had gone to see the boy earlier when he was in the hospital. Most of his wounds were healed except for his left eye. It was gone and there was no bringing it back. The boy was a hero to most even if they had let the trap be sprung. His friends and newcomers were not leaving his room giving the Hokage even more of a headache. He just hoped this would all end soon.

The survivors of the assassin were all huddled around Naruto's bed and room. After being checked by a doctor he was taken home by the Anbu guards. There he would at least have the protection of his clan seals. The kids were not leaving him. He had basically risked his life for all of them. Even Shikamaru was laying on the floor watching Naruto's chest rise and fall. They had discussed much of what happened. Naori had explained how after they were taken out of the area protected by 5 clones Naruto had fought the man head on.

"He was amazing," Naori started to explain. "First he used his clones to hurt the assassin with his jutsu. Then when I was about to be attacked he replaced himself with me. If I didn't even notice until I was on the other side of the area surrounded by clones that he had done it. That why he is hurt. It is all my fault because I wasn't quick enough to understand the situation that he is like that."

Naori put her head down in shame. She was a shinobi but she ended up being saved by a boy 6 years younger than her. She should have been better prepared. She should have been protecting him. It was then that a hand was placed on her shoulder. It was Hinata, she found out recently, that had done it. She just smiled at Naori, "You do not have to blame yourself. He would have done it all over again if he could. That is just the kind of person Naruto is."

"Thanks, I needed that." Naori said feeling the relief she didn't expect she needed.

"Of course, what happened after we have only heard snippets from the adults and Anko." Hinata said still giving her warming smile.

"Oh right, well the thing is I am not sure how to explain it. So, the assassin was about to attack again, when Naruto had a massive amount of red chakra push out of him. I am sure it is the Kyuubi chakra. I have seen it only once in my life but I would never forget it. But it wasn't evil feeling like it was last time. It felt warm and safe. Well to me anyways for the assassin well I don't think the fact that he is dead because of it does it any favors." Naori explained as she continued her story.

"Wait the Kyuubi?! But isn't that like you know gone for good?" Izumi asked not know the details of the Kyuubi attack.

"Not really, from what my dad was explaining, the Kyuubi is just a giant form of chakra with intent. So, it really couldn't be destroyed for good at least. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it had its own personality." Shikamaru explained.

"But how did Naruto get some of the chakra then? It isn't like he was around when it attacked right?" Ino asked looking at the boy who was willing to die to protect them.

"I guess we have some explaining to do." Anko said as her and Yūgao walked in.

"First things first. What we are about to tell you is S rank top secret. Only a select group know about any of the info we are about to tell you." Yūgao started explaining as these kids were still willing to be near Naruto after everything.

"Anko why don't you start explaining all the information we know about Naruto. I think I am going to grab some drinks for everyone." Yūgao said turning around to go to the kitchen. She hoped that coming from a person closer to their age would help.

"Ok, well I guess I should start at the beginning. So, we all know how the 4th fought the Kyuubi, but what you don't know is the reason the Kyuubi attacked in the first place was because of it being ripped out of its previous host and manipulated by someone." Anko explained what she was told in the last 6 months.

"Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean host? You mean the Kyuubi was trapped inside something?" Choji asked shocked to hear that it didn't just pop up at random.

"Yeah, I meant host. As in someone holding it in like a cell for prison. And that is why Naruto here was able to survive about 6 months ago and yesterday." Anko said with a long sad look.

Hinata with a hand raised up asked, "Uhm, who was the previous host?"

"The last host was named Kushina. She was my mentor and had a fiery temper. Many of your parents would know her as Red-Hot Habanero of the Leaf." Yūgao explained as Himakari and her walked into the room carrying a tray of snacks and drinks.

"Wait! You were trained by the Kushina! What was she like?! How tall was she?! What was her preferred…." Tenten was yelling before she had a dango pushed into her mouth.

"Easy there. You can ask about Naruto's mom later. Now onto the story. So, the Kyuubi was extracted from Kushina while she was giving birth, because the seal between the host and Kyuubi was weakest then. During that time, someone attacked her and stopped the 4th from acting due to holding Naruto hostage. With the Kyuubi released the man apparently disappeared due to the 4th not able to give chase. In order to stop the Kyuubi from rampaging though, the 4th and Kushina sacrificed themselves to seal it away in Naruto." Anko explained all the info she was given on the event from the 3rd and Yūgao.

"Wait why would the 4th seal it inside Naruto? Wouldn't he be just born?" Naori asked already starting to put the pieces together.

"Well, in actuality he could have sealed it inside anyone. However, think about it? From what we know about the 4th does he seem like the type to sacrifice someone else or someone else's kid?" Shikamaru said already putting the pieces together.

"Wait that means," Ino started.

"That Naruto is," Hinata said following Ino.

"The 4th Hokage's son." Izumi said staring directly at the boy who saved her life.

"Yep, let me introduce to you the son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze." Anko said doing a big fan faire with some streamers she made for when the kids found out.

"No way." Choji looked at the sleeping boy.

"Wait, why was he attacked though and ended up needing Anbu guards?" Neji asked looking at the boy that was starting to become a little brother to him.

"That is because someone leaked out that he contained the Fox." Himakari said knowing full well the stories she heard throughout her time in the village.

"That makes sense, but why were we attacked recently? I doubt anyone with a grudge against the fox would have enough money to mobilize a higher ranked Missing Nin." Naori asked analyzing the situation at hand.

"That is classified information. However, I can tell you is that it was only 1 assassin because we were handling the full group while the one did the job. He was supposed to leave no survivors including himself, though I doubt he knew about that." Yūgao stated not giving out info that could potentially get the kids killed.

"That's why Naruto pushed me down. He was covering me, like a fox does to its pups." Naori realizing that he had saved her more than once.

"That's why he took us to that underground entrance. It was so he could make sure we weren't in the crossfire." Shikamaru thinking tactically about the situation.

"Exactly, we meant to have the trap sprung in a controlled environment that we had advantage over. Which is why we had made that tunnel 5 hours prior and had suggest Naruto to that specific park." Yūgao explained as she was getting closer and closer to the information she wasn't willing to share.

"Wait, then why was I sent there by our elder? He said that Itachi was showing a few potential new students some of his tricks." Izumi said not understand what was truly happening.

"I was told to guard, Izumi as she was out at the park. The order came from my Jounin specifically for me." Naori knowing something fishy was going on. She looked directly at the girl about a year older than her saying you have some explaining to do.

"Those are all classified information that we recovered." Yūgao stated taking on her Anbu persona.

And that is where I am gonna stop. I need to know what you guys think. I felt the fighting was kind of rushed but it is something I wanted to get through so I could get to the story more. The chapter was shorter than regular because it is the last chapter before a whole bunch of stuff gets put in. The next chapter is what I wanted to have done. So, once that is done and probably the next chapter as well there will be a time skip. This skip will basically take us right up to beginning of actual Naruto. So, for those that are wondering:

Naruto Uzumaki- Sage of the Six Path's Chosen Successor

HP: 31250 (HP regen 1682ps)

CP:31000 (CP regen 1276ps)

Fatigue- 0 ( Mitigation Physical- 420.5, Chakra 319)

Lvl- 7 2400/4000EXP




Int- 22

Wis- 25

Luc- ?

Points Remaining: 141 (Points can be placed into stats to increase)

Ryo – 104800

Rewards from Quests:

Max Relationship for: Ino, Tenten, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Izumi, ?, Neji

+6200 Exp

Hidden Reward for Optional Completion: Hidden Jutsu Shadow Blade

Hidden Reward: Not Unlocked (Requires completion of another quest.)

Second Tomoe (Increases sight processing speed allowing higher dodge chance. 25% chance to dodge)


Lightning Style: Lightning Piercer (Channeling lightning into a thrown object causes item to refine into a sharp point and travel 100% faster than regularly thrown. This can pierce through objects with enough chakra) Base activation 175CP. Max 1250CP.

Earth Style: Mole Diver (Allows user to move through solid earth as if it was moving to avoid it. While in use, user can sense other movement in the ground as an echo location) Activate: CP 75. 75CP PS.

Wind Style: Breakthrough (User creates a gust of air from their lungs potentially pushing others back.) Base Activation: 150CP. Max 3000CP.

Dark Art Jutsu: Shadow Blade- (This manifestation of your own Shadow allows the user to harness the power of the user in a blade. Stats of the blade based on user. **Caution if blade is destroyed lose Full chakra pull and cause 50% exhaustion.) Activation 7500 CP. 1CP PS.

Earth Style: Grand Wall- (Manipulates the earth around you to create and upgraded version of the Mud wall.) Activation 570 CP.

Lightning Style: Lightning Armor- (Manipulates chakra around your body to Naturally give a static field surrounding skin. Affect Increases with Chakra armor) Passive No CP usage. Active(When activated by natural responses.) 15CP