
Sisters Soul Linked

It's been years since her older sister's disappearance but she never stopped having dreams about her. Dreams of her staring through her sister's eyes in another world.

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19 Chs


The turf war between the Xs and Ors had reached an all-time high ever since the annihilation of the Dia gang and the disappearance of Song Lina. The chaotic streets of Ferbus became oddly quiet, every day seemed like a held breath as both sides were waiting for the other side to make a move.

Song Lina, the double agent who worked for both gangs still had yet to report to either one, and the whereabouts of her younger sister was unknown. . .


In a dimly lit room dirtied by old paint stains and cluttered with art tools, easels, and old desks, a young woman sat before an easel faced away from her sole source of light; a small rectangle window oddly placed at the top of the wall.

In it, a small smile stretched across the young woman's chapped lips.

With her masterpiece complete, she thought back to her childhood memory.

"Once we make enough money, we'll leave this town and I'll send you to a prestigious art school!" Her older sister once said upon watching her sketch the features of a corpse.

She had been born with a photographic memory and a keen eye for detail. But in order to survive, they ended up using her sister's skill for various odd jobs. Her older sister must've felt guilty..

Hearing her sister's words her face lit up like a lamp.

"Really? Then I can become an artist and you can open up a dance studio!"

Ever since the death of their parents and their Uncle, who tried to sell them off, the girls had no other choice than to join the Dia gang, the most notorious gang in Ferbus. The two of them had to come to terms with their killed or be killed lifestyle. But she, unlike her older sister had a hard time adjusting to the haunting stillness of fresh corpses and the cut throat beauty of violence.

Her older sister's smile radiated warmth, she watched her younger sister sketch as she leaned against a pillar with folded arms.

None of it made sense.

Her sister's disappearance and the vivid dreams she's been having as of late.

Fighting wars in a fantasy-like world. It got so bad the dreams would come even when she was awake, suddenly the scenery around her had changed and she was going through the eyes of someone else. She would find herself prompted to shield herself from sudden attacks.

At first, she thought she might have been playing too many video games and stopped, but even after months of not playing, the dreams never ceased.

She remembered an old story her Grandmother once told her about the women born with Sisters in the Song family. They shared a "special" bond, one could sense the other who was in danger, the other could sense when the other would be attacked. She rambled on about the magic that was their sisterhood.

She had figured it was something similar to a 6th sense or twin telepathy, for even as a child she could always sense when her older sister was upset.

Back then she thought the "magic" was her Grandmother's way of embellishing the truth to make her pay attention, but now, she wanted to believe her sister was still alive. Somewhere.

Using her painted map, she was going to find that place. Using her memories of her dreams she had constructed a small map of a small area. It wasn't much but, it was a start.

As she packed her belongings, someone banged loudly on her door.

"Song Anna, open up! I know you're in there!"

Song Anna continued packing as if deaf, even though the knocking was loud enough to shake the whole room.

She swung her backpack over her shoulder and gazed at her finished masterpiece.

"Sorry Sis."

Rather than pursuing her dream, she would use her money to search for her. If there was anything more clear to her it was that her sister was no longer in Ferbus. There was nothing else to keep her here.


The door was kicked down. But the room was empty.

By this time Song Anna had long slipped out the tiny window by taking full advantage of her petite body and cat-like reflexes.

She had almost made it to the roof when something shiny reflected on her face, it nearly blinded her.

She looked up to see a group of familiar faces waiting for her. They were all wearing masks or had tattoos with the 'Or' words mark. They were her sister's former gang members, a group of, particularly power-hungry people, they weren't as bloodthirsty as the Xs but they hated those who failed to keep their promises.

Cursing under her breath, Song Anna tried climbing back down only for her sudden haste movement to create a loud scuffling sound giving her away.

Instinctively a gun was pointed and fired, a bullet pierced through her chest.

As she fell, she cursed her fate. So useless. In the end, was this all she amounted to?

"Fool, we needed her alive!"

Upon recognizing her, the owner of the silver pistol's face became grave as he watched Anna's body fall into a sea of trash bags in the alley below.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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