
Sparkling Lucky Star

"These are what I got as thank-you gifts for you. I'm really grateful to have met you, talked to you and been saved by you. I'm in full happiness now, thanks to you."

Tianlang took the big bags from Uncle Wu and handed them to Xing.

"What are those?" Xing's eyes sparkled.

"They are books and other stationery which I thought you would like them. There are clothes too."

Tianlang was more than happy to spend his money to buy things for the person who saved him, his lucky star. He became even happier when he saw Xing's eyes sparkle like her name itself.

"Wow… Aren't these expensive?"

Xing asked after checking what were inside the bags. Those were some of the most high-end stationery items and popular limited edition books for the riches. She had no words for the clothes, though. She couldn't even touch them because she was afraid she would dirty them. Normal kids like her could only dream about them, and seeing how Tianlang could afford such products felt like the cold water finally splashed on her face.

She had the feeling that Tianlang looked clean and neat like a young master when she first met him. Thinking about it again, the only wealthy family with the surname of Lai in this town could only be Lai Tianlong's family, the powerful family which could turn the town upside down if they wanted to. Lai Tianlong as a business tycoon had been branching out his business like no tomorrow. He had never really shown his family to the public but rumors had it that his daughter, Lai Shuli, could beat any woman in the country on beauty alone. However, there was not much talk about his son.

"Could I really have them?" Xing cleared her thoughts and asked while holding the bags close to her chest.

"Of course!" said Tianlang who grinned from ear to ear. Rich people are really generous.

"But will you get angry if I don't use them?"

Xing asked another question which confused the boy a little.

"Why won't you use them?"

He didn't understand why she wouldn't use them if she already accepted them. If they were some kinds of souvenir which were only for display, he would understand but that was not the case.

"Because I will give them to others!" The girl smiled, proud of herself.

"Huh? You will give all of them to others? And to whom?" Tianlang was still confused.

"To my friends. You know, there is an orphanage over there across the river, the small building with the blue roof. I often go there to play with them when I'm free. They are very kind even though they don't have much. If they can have these, I think they will be very thankful to you. Oh, can I tell them that it's from Lai Tianlang? You are the one who bought these after all."

Xing smiled warmly while talking about her friends. She made him want to meet them too. Tianlang swore Xing was the kindest of kind. She was beautiful inside and out. She really shined the brightest, just like Sirius.

His heart started to beat fast. He felt the urge to protect the girl beside him at all cost. He wanted to make her every wish come true.

"Xing, why don't we go to the orphanage together?" Tianlang asked gently.

"Now? Let's go! I want to bring these to them as soon as possible too!"

Xing excitedly carried the big bags with her and quickly rushed to her bike. She tried to hang them on the handlebars but there was not enough space. Tianlang took them from her and handed them to Uncle Wu.

"Let's put them in the car, and we can go by your bicycle together." He said.

"I will ride it. You just have to sit on the back seat." He continued.

After the young master claimed to be the one to ride, Uncle Wu who was standing next to him reminded the boy in a not-so-low whisper.

"Young Master, you don't know how to ride a bike."

The Young Master stood frozen. Xing was shocked, not because of the fact that he didn't know how to ride bicycles, but because she couldn't believe people really called the young masters 'Young Master'. It was a new knowledge to Xing. She tried not to smile when she saw Tianlang still froze on the spot. She took the bike from his frozen hands.

"Tianlang, I will ride it. You can sit on the back seat." She directed him.

"Li Xing, it's not that I don't know how to. It's just that I haven't learned how yet." Xing chuckled when Tianlang tried to explain. His desperate face was too funny.

"Alright, alright. You will learn how to soon, right?"


"Right, so sit tight. I'll start-"

Not waiting for the girl to finish her sentence, the young master hopped on the back seat of the bike and held onto the hem of her t-shirt.

Lai Tianlang being an obedient young master put big smiles on both Li Xing and Uncle Wu. He was being too adorable without himself knowing.

The two youngsters rode the oldie cutie bicycle slowly with a luxury car following behind closely. All of them giggled along the way until they reached the orphanage with the blue roof.