
1. 6 Months before birthing day

"Mom! Its time! They're coming!" I fell to the floor as my mom and dad grabbed my stuff and got me to their car. They drove me to the hospital. "Ahhhh they're starting to come out! Hurry!" They rushed me as fast as they could to Jackson Hospital.

We arrived at the hospital at 7pm on February 13th 2020. They got me inside and rushed me to a room. "How much pain are you in?" asked one nurse.

"A lot! Ahhhh!"

"Ok we need a room stat!"

They got me into a room and after an hour I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl at 6 pounds 5 ounces at 8:13pm on February 13th 2020, then another hour passed and I had a beautiful baby boy at 7 pounds 6 ounces at 9:11 on February 13th 2020. Yes. I had twins. I am 18 years old. I just graduated high school and I had twins. Do I have a boyfriend? I did... Until we found out I was having twins... Then he wanted nothing to do with us.

-6 months ago-

"honey are you coming with me to the ultrasound today?" I asked Jason.

"Sure, just give me a sec to get ready!" Jason said.

He got ready and we were on our way to the obgyn. We waited for half an hour before getting called in. "Are you ready to see your ultrasound today?"

I took a glance at Jason with sparkles in my eyes. "Yeah, were ready 😊" I said with a giant smile on my face.

She gelled my stomach up and started rubbing the scanner around my stomach. "so you see that dot right there? that's about the size of an apple? Its your kid." She scrolled around a bit more. "Oh look at this... Looks like you have another apple in there."

We looked at the screen in shock. We looked at each other and then back at the screen. An even bigger smile came across my face with happy tears falling down my face. "Omg I'm having twins!"

"We're having twins...?" said Jason.

I looked at him and shock my head and said "mhm!" with sparkles in my eyes of excitement. "I can't wait to tell my parents about this! Can you!"

"No not at all. Lets go."


The nurse cleaned me off and we went on with our day. we got to the car and Jason looked at me. "Were having twins Kathleen. TWINS! We can't afford TWINS! What are we gonna do!"

"Well my parents can help us out for a bit? And my brother and sister can help out too. And maybe your mom and dad would wanna help watch them once in awhile and your brother too? We'll figure it out?"

"I'm gonna take you to your parents house okay? I need to go clear my head for a bit..."


The remainder of the car ride was in silence. We arrived at my parents house and as soon as I closed my door he drove off. I bursted out in tears. But tried to calm down before entering my parents house.

"Mom! Dad! Where are you! I'm home!" I walked to the kitchen. "Hey bro where is mom and dad?"

"They'll be home soon. they just left to get groceries."

"Alright. I'll watch tv with you then until they get home. And I'll tell you the news too when they get back."

"What news? Something about the baby?" asked my brother Riki

"Mhm. And I dont know what to do..." I started crying again.

Jason and I have been together since freshmen year. I was a freshmen and he was a senior. My parents loved him and so did I. I thought we were going to get married and have a big family together, but I guess it wasn't meant to last. My Junior year of high school we had decided to move into an apartment together since I just turned 16 and was working a part time job as a waitress at Farm Meaters Eats. Since we've been living together for 2 years and I was about to graduate we were thinking about starting a family. He had proposed to me on my birthday that previous year, but when we found out I was pregnant we were both ecstatic at first... Until we found out we were having twins. Once he found out I was having two instead of one, he fell lost.

Mom and dad just finally got home.

"Hey mom and dad! I have some news to tell you!"

"Oh hi honey we'll be out there in a bit. Just got to finish getting groceries inside," said my mom.

My brother and I are twins also, and we have an older sister. Jason has his twin brother only other than him, and his mom and dad are divorced.

"Alright honey. What's the news you wanted to share?"

"Well today Jason and I had an ultrasound appointment today and we found out that I'm having twins!" I said as I started to cry again.

"Oh honey! that's wonderful news!" said my dad.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

"Why? Don't you want to go home to Jason?" asked mom.

"No... He wasn't too happy about finding out that were having twins so I wanted to give him a bit of space... is that ok?"

"Oh of course that's fine honey!" mom hugged me as I cried in her arms. "You're always welcome to come home!"

"Thanks mom!"