
Chapter 4

"Eh, I have had more girls here before. Our previous guest fled away when she saw meat. That's when we actually looked at the contract and saw that she was vegan."

Alex said with a shrug.

This was hilarious!

"Wow, is there anything you can do right?"

I answered.

I started laughing so much!

"It's not funny! I bet I can sing way better than you!"

This made me laugh harder.

"Says the one who has less hit singles than a girl!" I was totally enjoying this.

Until..he started something new.

"Well at least you don't have a boss yelling at you all the time!" He yelled.

This was new, and where did it come from?

There was a long moment of silence between us. Until I decided to step up and say something. "Your not the only one.."

He looked up in confusion at me.


I sighed and slowly walked over to him.

"I said, your not the only one. My boss is yelling at me all the time as well." I repeated.

Alex looked at me with his soft brown eyes.

They looked as if they glimmered with the lightness of the room. He started saying something but didn't finish. All I cloud make out of what he said was 'I'. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we were about to kiss when I snapped out of it.

I pushed away quickly and stepped backwards. I looked back at him, and he was blushing the same as me. Our blushing ceremony came to a stop when both of our directors stampeded into the room.

"Get in this room you filthy pig! You can't be an overweight singer!" Kim bellowed.

"The same to you!" Alex's instructor yelled.

Kim started exchanging glances with Alex's instructor and they started to smile.

"If you two can't listen, then we will make you clean up the dining room after the national ceremony." Kim said with a smug look.

I gulped and hoped that this was a warning and not the real thing. The national ceremony invites over 100 people to this special event. Everybody gets to eat a big feast and only the richest kings, governors, and important people can go. The cleanup after such a huge event could kill you! With the smell of John Debreeze' cologne mixed with Queen Diane's hideous pig soup, nobody can live! Now I was about to find out if this was a warning or not. The moment of truth..

Kim started talking.

She started laughing.

And then,

She started cackling.