
Sinful Saga

A tragedy sets off in Aiden's life. His father has a run in with a Mafia he was affiliated with and due to him failing to pay the Mafia after losing a bet with the leader, the leader kills Aiden's father. With nothing else to do, Aiden moves away from his current city and goes to a new city by the name of Sala City, a city known for sex, greed, desire, and all in between. His step mother and sister allow him to move in with them after catching wind of Aiden's Father's death. Aiden now has to struggle to find a new college to attend and balance his school life with trying to find and balance his new social and love life as well as find a new job so he can pay off his father's debt or find another way of dealing with the Mafia.

Psycho_Books · Fantasi
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2 Chs


I just came home from work to see my father sitting on the couch watching the game. I greeted him as usual. He greeted me back and I headed upstairs to rest my feet. I went to my room and walked in then sat my desk because I had homework to tend to.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it, noticing it was a message from an unknown number. I ignored it and went straight to doing my homework. My phone buzzed again and I looked at it but this time it caught my attention.

Unknown Sender: Aiden Knight. You and your father Fischer Knight have only an hour to pay off your debt before we head to your location and take you down. BOTH of you.

I stared at my phone for the longest time. It felt like my heart had stopped beating and time had completely froze. I stood up out of my chair then headed downstairs straight to my father.

"Dad! We need to talk!" I said as I hurried downstairs.

"What's up, Duke?" My father answered and looked back at me.

I walked to him and showed him my phone with the message from the unknown sender. "Who the fuck is this, Dad? How does he know me and where we live? I don't know anything about what you do and kindly asked you keep me out of your shady shit."

My father read the message and closed his eyes. He paused the TV and stood up. "I didn't want them to drag you into this. I asked them to keep you out and I already paid off my debt! What more-"

I noticed he had paused. I rose an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "What? What's wrong?"

"I lost a bet with the leader. I have to pay off another debt of four million. It was already hard enough to cough up a million the first time despite how rich we are! Fuck!" My father said and sighed.

I lowered my arms. "Dad."

"No. It's fine son. I'll find a way." He said.

"I can always call Vivian and see if her or Valentine can help." I suggested.

"No. They won't help. They moved away the moment they noticed I was affiliated with the Mafia and I don't blame them. We only have an hour too...which isn't enough time to complete a heist to get that much money. Son, Aiden. You need to pack your bags and find the closest airport and fly to your step mother and sister. They are in a city called um...Sala City I believe." My father said.

"Sala City? I don't want to go to a city known for drugs, sex, and overall assholes! I'd rather stay on the side of America I was born in! Look I know I said I won't help you, but now I'm roped into this so I have to help you somehow." I said.

He shook his head. "No, stay out of this and just pack your bags and take my car. We don't have enough time anymore."

I watched him walk to the closet and pull out his guns. "Dad."

"Go!" He said, sternly.

I grunted softly then hurried up stairs to my room to pack up. My heart was shattering piece by piece. I couldn't bare the sight of my father reaching the end of his life. Deep down inside I also knew there was nothing I could do also.

I finally finished packing and headed downstairs with my luggage. My father looked at me and nodded. I nodded at him then headed to the kitchen to grab the car keys then heard banging on the door.

"Open up, Knight. I know you're in there! You know what happens when you try to screw me over!" A man yelled.

"Aiden! Leave now!" My father yelled.

I quickly grabbed the keys and hurried out of the kitchen only to see the front door being kicked open. My father immediately began to fire off shots at the Mafia, killing majority of the people in the front. I quickly headed to the garage door and hurried into the garage and opened the door. I got in the car and put my luggage inside then started the car.

A man with long white hair with purple eyes, wearing a white suit and tie walked into the house and shot a bullet into my father's legs. "You shouldn't have done that...Mr. Knight."

My father chuckled in pain as he sat on the floor, bleeding out. "I only did that so my son would have enough time to escape. You dragged him into this you bastard and I won't let you get away with that!" He raised his arm up and aimed his pistol at the man then fired a bullet.

The man's eyes slightly glowed and he dodged the bullet, catching my father off guard. He pulled out his gun and aimed it at my father. "Nice try, Fischer. You were a good business partner. Hate to see you go."

"Fuck you." My father said.

The man smirked then fired a bullet into my father's skull then holstered his gun. He pressed a button on his earpiece. "Don't let Aiden escape. Kill him as well. We don't need any witnesses."

I sped down the roads with tears rolling down my eyes. As I drove down the highway I looked in the rearview mirror to see a few members of the Mafia on their bikes chasing after me. I floored the gas and sped through the highway and zipped past multiple cars and trucks. They honked their horns at me and the mafia chasing me.

"Open fire men!" One of them bellowed.

They took out their submachine guns and began to fire at my car. I ducked my head and began to swerve the car. I looked up and noticed I was reaching train tracks with an oncoming train. I drove even faster, pushing 105 mph. I managed to beat the train and the train stopped the mafia from chasing me. I looked in the rearview mirror and sighed in relief.

"Boss...The target managed to escape. We were stopped by the train. He's on the way to an airport." One of the members said.

"Forget it. We will have other chances. As long as he has his phone, we can always find him." The boss said. "Return at once."


I made it to the airport and got out of the car then looked at my phone then slammed it on the ground so the Mafia couldn't track me. I grabbed my luggage and headed straight for the airport. I pulled out my second backup phone then sat down in the lobby. I stared at the ceiling and looked drained of my life. My phone buzzed and I looked at it to see a text message from my step mother.

Vivian: Aiden! I heard what happened, it's all over the news! Your father...he's dead!

I lowered my phone and stared at the ceiling then closed my eyes. I still couldn't believe it, but at the same time I saw it coming. It still doesn't change the fact that he was the only biological family I had left.

My plane was called and I gave the worker my luggage then showed another worker my digital ticket. She allowed me on the plane and I took my seat. I looked out the window and mourned over my father's death. He died so I could live. He might've been associated with the Mafia, but he will always be my hero.

The plane took off. I was now saying goodbye to Northwood Avenue. I stopped looking out the window and just sat back in my seat and closed my eyes. It was a four hour flight to Sala City and I needed every ounce of sleep I could get.

Four hours go by...The plane finally landed and I was awoken by a passenger then noticed everyone was getting off the plane. I stood up and headed off the plane as well then went to the conveyor belts to collect my luggage. I made my way to the exit then noticed two familiar faces.

One was a woman with a very developed body. She was only in her 30's and still looked rather young for her age. She had short black hair, blue eyes, and a worried facial expression. Her name is Vivian Heart, my stepmother.

The other woman was her daughter, Valentine Heart. She also had a developed and curvaceous body like her mother. She wore a pair of redish contact lens instead of showing her blue eyes. Her hair was a more brownish color and was butt-length.

"Aiden!" Vivian called out then hurried to me. She immediately embraced me in her arms.

I was defeated. I couldn't even say a simple hello to her or Valentine. I immediately broke down in her arms. Both Vivian and Valentine comforted me and took me back to their car. They drove me to their home and allowed me to stay with them.

The first week, I didn't leave my room for anything. I was too depressed to even do anything. The second week of staying with them, I only left my room to take a shower or eat. As the weeks progressed, I was slowly getting back to my normal self.

1 month later...

I took my shower and got dressed for the day. I walked down the hallway and bumped into Valentine. I looked at her. "Sorry."

"It's fine! I was looking for you anyway." Valentine said with a smile.

I rose an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "Really? What's up?"

"Mom and I managed to find you a new college to go to. It may be awkward to go back to school after missing an entire month, but at least this is the start of a new semester. You do have to repeat your grade but you're smart! I'm sure you'll blow through these courses with ease!" Valentine said with encouragement.

"You two didn't have to do that for me...but I'm happy you did. At least I can start over. Find new friends and whatnot." I said then looked out the window.

Valentine looked at me then looked down. "If you ever need anything, we're here for you. I know you don't really view us as...family but we're more than happy to-"

"Thanks. This is hard for me to adjust to, but I promise to not be as distant with you two like I used to be. You two did take me in after all. I'll help around however I can." I smiled at Valentine.

She blushed slightly and nodded. She walked to her room and left me be. I decided to head downstairs and start the first actual day of my new life by going to the college I was enrolled in.