
Keita vs The Seven Deadly Sins

Sloth, the one assigned with the task to protect the Demon Lord, placed herself in front of her. Envy, the Dragonborn Demon had lost most of his magic power. He still moved forwards, to Keita's left flank. Greed had lost her spear. She circled around behind Keita. It seems she really was about to fight with her bare fists. Pride got up and moved in front of Keita. Gluttony, an elf archer, moved behind him and lastly, Wrath, moved to Keita's right. Lust was moving around with her Assassin Skills, hiding in it's comrades shadows.

Keita raised his sword. He knew things were going to end up like this sooner or later. He had prepared himself for this. With no more words left to speak, the battle begun.

Greed was the first to move. She appeared behind Keita with a simple jump. Keita turned around and blocked her kick with his sword. He was pushed back several steps, placing him right in front Pride. Pride attacked with a horizontal swing and Keita bend his back to dodge it. With a back flip, he kicked Pride on his injured shoulder, forcing him to retreat. From his right, Wrath was charging right for him. Something fell off. She was too slow.Before he knew what was happening, a dagger found it's way to his back.

"Lust... You bastard!" Keita howled.

Lust has chosen her appearance wisely. Cat people were agile, able to move at speeds that would make a human dizzy but also adept in stealth, making them powerful Assassins. Just as Keita's attention was drawn to Wrath's charge, Lust found the opportunity to throw a dagger.

Keita pulled the dagger and threw it to the charging Wrath. She wasn't fazed in the slightest. The dagger bounced off her armor without even making a scratch. Keita heard a whistling sound and immediately ducked his head. An arrow grazed his hair and another hit his leg.

Gluttony flinched to Keita's glare. She seemed timid and unfamiliar with the battlefield but to Keita's eyes, her skill with the bow was a major threat.

As he pulled the arrow out, Wrath was only a breath away.

"I'll send you flying!" Wrath screamed as she swung her axe over her head. Keita twisted his body avoiding the blow. A giant stone spike came out of the ground and Keita's only choice at this point was to guard with his fingertips. Thanks to Hell's Path: Greed, he was able to do so but as Wrath said, he was send flying to the air. The stone spike, was getting bigger and bigger, with no signs of stopping and Keita kept being pushed upwards by the force.

"Reverse Gravity!"

After the spike finally stopped, Keita was floating on the air. No matter how much he flapped his wings, he was not able to move in the slightest, thanks to Sloth's Spell.

"Abyss Flame Spear!" Sloth send another Spell.

A spear made of black flames, arrows that cut threw the sky and daggers were all heading towards Keita who was unable to move.

"Hell's Path: Wrath!" he shouted.

His previous Skills were all canceled and black magic power clad him like a suit of armor.

Keita curled up like a ball, protecting his vitals. The arrows and daggers bounced off him but the spear erupted when it met it's target, surrounding him in a sea of flames that were never going to be extinguished. No one could see what was happening inside the flames. An object came crushing to the ground, surrounded by the black flames. Everyone was sure that was Keita's corpse. But then...

"Hell's Path: Pride!"

The armor made out of magic power broke, and the black flames fell to the ground with the pieces. Keita took his distance. He could not allow the flames to touch him again. In place of the armor, long rope like magic power was curled around his limbs and body. This was the strongest Skill he had in his arsenal.

His eyes locked on Lust. Before anyone could react, he was right on front of it. He punched Lust in the temple and she crushed to the ground, unconscious. The impact, cracked the ground.

Next was Gluttony. The moment he found her though, his vision became blurry. Something was stabbing his sides.

Keita slowly turned around his head and saw Envy. He had stabbed him from the back. He could see the sword coming out of his stomach. Keita got his hands on the sword and didn't let go. With his elbow, he hit Envy's jaw and forced him to move back, letting go of his sword. Keita carefully pulled the sword out.

Five of the Seven Deadly Sins were right on front of him. Before he could advance, his legs gave out. He fell to the ground.

'So that's how it ends...' Keita thought as he coughed blood.

Wrath was the one who approached first. They both looked at each other and Keita smiled. Wrath's serious expression felt forced.

'What's with that face...' Keita thought as he accepted his fate.

"Wrath, stop!" the Demon Lord shouted.

She approached Keita and put her slender hands on Wrath's axe.

"I'm sorry... As I thought, I can't..." the Demon Lord said.

Keita looked up, to the one he once served.

"Ki...ll... me..." he pleaded.

He was fed up, with everything. This life that he never asked for, the eyes of his friends, looking at him like he was a monster, the guilt, the suffering. The kindness of the Demon Lord that he didn't deserve. He just wanted everything to end.

"I'd rather die than do something like that. You understand, don't you? It is because I love you." the Demon Lord said and embraced him.

Keita felt tears coming to his eyes.

'Why? Why is it always like this? Why am I always like this?' Keita thought and with that, his black magic power retreated.

Keita felt his heart stop. Something wasn't right. He pushed the Demon Lord away from him.

"Get away from me!" he shouted.

Black and white magic power was leaking out of his body. He felt his soul being ripped in two. The magic power around him became violent. Electricity surrounded him.


"Get away!" he shouted. The magic power around him, was melting the stone. "It's... dangerous!"

He felt a pain like no other. His body has transformed into a Demon and now it was trying to change back. His bones were breaking, his muscles tearing themselves. He felt like his whole body was about to explode.

He couldn't tell how much time has passed. When he opened his eyes, the Demon Lord and the Seven Deadly Sins were gone. His anguish was not even close to ending. He struggled to stay conscious. He didn't even know if he was screaming or not.


He struggled to open his eyes. He saw Nao's face. On his shoulder, was Koba. His skin was pale and the blood on his mouth has dried.

"Leave!" Keita shouted. "I... can't..."

He closed his eyes again. Every fiber of his being told him that if someone approached him in this state, they wouldn't leave unscathed.

'How much time has passed?' he thought. His eyes were still closed shut. He couldn't take much more than this. The only thing he could think was this.

'I want to see Helene...'