
SIN OF THE TWIN (English Version)

"Fer, God seems to call me first. Please take care of papa and mama, and you take care of yourself, ok Fer? I love you all so much," Feli said as she held her twin hands in a soft tone. That was the last sentence Feli said to Fera. Fera was silent with teary eyes clasping Feli's warm, limp hand. Now Fera has to live her own life enjoying the jokes of laughter and tears without Feli. Feli's disappearance is very secretive and only known by the close family because of the mother's decision. And what about Daffa? Feli's boyfriend didn't think she was gone. "All this happened because of my fault! Then I must take responsibility for Feli's departure!" "What should I say to the world and Daffa?" "How do I make amends for all my mistakes to my now-lost twin Feli?"

HoneyLemon5 · Masa Muda
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50 Chs

I'm sorry, Felicia.

Today Papa and Mama are out of town meeting with their business partners. Only Fera herself was at home. With this situation, she was happy because she was free to do anything in Feli's room.

"Fer, Mama left first. Mama wants to help pack Feli's goods into cardboard and store them in the warehouse. Next month it's all planned to donate to the orphanage."

"Sounds good Ma, but can I keep some of it for memories?"

"Of course, you can, choose as you please. Even if there's someone you want to own, please wear it so that you always remember that Feli is still here when you wear her shirt." Mama rubbed Fera's head affectionately. Fera just smiled sweetly in reply to Mama's words.

There is nothing wrong with owning the goods of her late twin. But, Maybe her intentions were wrong, as she planned to maximize her appearance as Feli when she met Daffa later.

Then Fera rushed to Feli's room while her parents left, choosing what items and clothes were the main characteristics of her twin, even the perfume she stored. While cleaning everything up, Fera saw something in the closet. An A4-sized photo with a lovely pose, Daffa was kissing Feli's cheek during her birthday surprise a few months ago. The caption behind the picture is "The Sweetest Person in the World." Fera silently read the writing and suddenly squeezed her photo, and then threw it into the trash at the end of the room.

"What the hell? This is so cringing! Feli's feelings are a story about this photo."

A few months ago, when Fera and Feli's birthday, Feli did have permission to go out of the house to treat her theme friend without Fera's knowledge. It's not that he didn't want to invite Fera, but at that time, Fera was busy studying for national exams and didn't seem to want to be bothered.

"Fortunately, my twin is gone. Now it's time for me to repay everything. Just wait for Daf!" Fera grumbled as she held up a cardboard box containing Feli's belongings.

Moments later, when Fera was busy turning around Feli's room, Andi called her. This time he picked up Andi's phone and didn't ignore it anymore.

"Hello Ndi, where are you?"

"Hi, there you go. Yesterday you texted me, huh? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? It's also usual that we often communicate, yes I want to tell Ndi!" exclaimed Fera on the phone.

"But I also contacted you in response."

Fera was silent.

"Hmm. I'm busy. You know I just lost my twin sister. I'm overthinking."

"Yes, I get it. Then what do you want to tell me?"

Fera paused on the stairs and kept the cardboard beside her, and sat down while continuing her story to Andi.

"So, yesterday, the day after tomorrow, I had a strange dream. Feli came across my dream, she said to stop all this, I don't know what it means. I was pleased when I met her in the dream, but she kept quiet and said the vague thing earlier. What do you think that means?"

"I think you know better what Feli means."

"What do you mean?"

"Your plan all this time. Maybe that's what she meant."

"Huh? She's talking about that plan! And the truth is that she does not know at all. Don't be ridiculous, Ndi!"

"Yes, maybe God admonished you through that dream."

"So, what do you think I'm doing right now?!"

"I didn't say that. It was just my opinion of your dream yesterday. But, there's something I want to ask you now. Please answer honestly."

"Hmm, what?" Ask Fera in a cynical tone.

"Does Daffa know the truth about Feli?"

"Not yet."

"Then? To this day, you are still carrying out your actions?!"

"Yes, why?!"

"Oh, my God, Fer. Stop, get here! I'm afraid that one day something bad will happen to you, Fer!"

"Ah, stop it, Andi, there's no point in me picking up your phone. I thought it would be like this. You won't support me because you don't understand how I feel!"

Fera hung up Andi's phone with an upset face and emotion. It felt like she wanted to throw water into Andi's face while lecturing himself.

The more she was advised, the more she wanted to be so to play the role of Feli. She doesn't even care about Andi, who is usually the only person where Fera pours out her complaints all this time.

Almost all the clothes to travel belonged to her late twin he took over and tried, one of which was a blue dress that was knee-length with a butterfly motif is Feli's favorite.

"It turns out that this shirt is also good. Yes, if I wear it, it will contain more body than Feli. It looks more fitting." Fera said with great confidence looking in the mirror by wearing the dress earlier.

As Fera looked in the mirror, she fell silent. I saw her wearing Feli's shirt. He looked down and felt guilty, his tears dripping.

"I'm sorry, Felicia."

The day to look forward to, Daffa comes home, and she plans to meet with 'Feli' today at 4 p.m. Of course, the Gunawan family brought him a special one for his lover.

At home, Fera also prepared herself. She changed her cleavage into the middle, and she decided to cut her hair a little to make it look fresh. She wears Feli's dress and adds a small dot under her lips using a pen to look like Feli's mole.

Daffa arrives first at the café while Fera is still on her way.

"I can't believe I'm shaking about meeting Daffa today. Hopefully, everything goes well." Fera said in my heart.

Arriving Fera at the café, Daffa was so fascinated to see the beauty of her lover she really could not close her eyes full of longing because she had not seen her for a long time.

"Honey, you look different this time."

"Seriously? Em, I'm getting fatter, right?"

"You are the more beautiful you are," Daffa replied while pinching Fera's cheek.

"Of course, I look prettier, admit Fera, not Feli," Fera said in my heart.

Daffa had no suspicion of Fera. They seem comfortable talking to each other.

"Who, how's Fera?"

"Well, she is. she's on vacation out of town."

"Oh, thank God. Hopefully, now she's changed."

"Changed? What do you mean?" Ask Fera. She didn't understand what Daffa meant about her.

"What you told me about the last time we met before I went to Semarang," Daffa replied.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot." Fera pretends to know about it so that Daffa doesn't get too suspicious of her.

Even so, Fera is still curious about what Feli told Daffa about her. She's still looking for the right time to find out.

"Until this moment, I couldn't even believe that Fera liked me too, whereas obviously, I was your girlfriend when she was as strong as her twin."

Hearing Daffa's words, Fera immediately choked while drinking the orange juice she ordered.

"What happens? Slow down. Are you okay? You want some mineral water?"