
Sin 1

Let us look at the types of sin we commit, one by one:

People around the world consume lots of meat of various animals more than the vegetables.

Animal protection committee like blue cross, Peta and others are working their level best protecting animals but haven't acquired success and are still a flop edition.

Chinese consumers consume snakes and to some extent it is not that much worster when compared to Koreans who consume dogs but as time passed more preference have shifted to beef, pork, chicken and many sea foods.

Old age and medieval stone age ancestors of us, who didn't have knowledge to think and who stayed with the wild animals, developed those characters. So they didn't have any qualities of human and were animals. Just like the people of Andaman and nicobar Islands, who are the people of same category. Modern men or anyone who go near those places don't come alive.

So it is waste, talking about those beasts. But we humans have knowledge then why to shield our sin using the divinity.

Bible and quran gives list of creatures and considers that those creatures were created by God only for food as if those creatures are not creatures but something else.

Can any divinity ask for life sacrifice and if it does so, how can you call it divine? God knows only to give life and never asks anyone to give anything for him as a sacrifice because he hates violence.

If you kill a cockroach, ant, mosquitoes. You kill it because it is the sign of dirty and is born from garbage but other creatures like cow, goat, sheep doesn't even harm us and in return provides us life long milk for nourishment.

Is it right to kill the creatures that feeds us with it's portion of blood as milk, which even our mothers won't do. Aren't we sinners?