John - "Alright, system, let's simulate."
System - "Here we go."
<Starting first ever simulation>
<Spinning the Universal Wheel>
<It's Universe 15>
<Spinning the Race Wheel>
<It's Namekian>
<Searching for Candidate>
<Candidate selected>
<Day 1: You found yourself occupying the body of an evil Namekian, he is already thirty years old and has a combat power of 100. You decide to explore your surroundings>
<Week 1: You have been searching for people for a week but can't find traces of damn near a single soul other than you in this wild hot deserted biome. You decide to stop wasting time and head back to your cave to start training.>
<Month 1: One month of training brought minimal improvements, and your combat power increased by only 3 points. Either your character's talent is garbage, or you don't know how to train.>
<You think it is due to you not having any experience in formal training, So you decide that instead of wasting time here, you might as well explore this world.>
<Month 3: After two months of traveling barefoot, you finally got out of the desert. What awaited you was the ever-expanding ocean. It ticks you off as you can't fly, so this trip has been a waste.>
At this moment, John felt there was no point in having such a high combat power if you can't even channel Ki to fly. John thinks this is a hellish start and that he should have been wiser and stayed in the cave.
John started thinking about his setting itself. It made him wonder what the point of this sim, an evil Namekian living in a desert. It is pretty weird as Namekian needs water to survive, making it an undesirable territory.
John then came up with a theory, what if he was banished into this desert? Didn't it say an evil Namekian in the setting? It all finally made sense. Why he was all and was stuck in a desert.
<You decide to train in naruto style and try to train to walk on water.>
<Month 6: Training for three months straight, you finally manage to be able to walk on water. Unfortunately, you can only walk for a minute now, which would not nearly be enough.>
John paced palm and sighed, "This talent is awful at this rate god knows when I will see the other side of this sea."
<Year 1, Month 4: You can finally walk freely on water and stand for over two days before falling into the sea. You decide to finally start your journey into the unknown.>
<Year 1, Month 4, Day 1: You finally spot an island at night. Your journey has finally borne fruit, and you decide to set up base camp before exploring deeper.>
<Year 1, Month 4, Day 3: You have ultimately settled into this island and have built yourself a small hut with wood you harvested from the trees by punching them>
John - "Ah, punching down trees. Now that brings back memories."
<You decide to start exploring this island>
<Year 1, Month 4, Day 4: You hear growling sounds from outside in the middle of the night, and you decide to check it out>
<You are attacked by a greyhound. The moment it saw your figure, it bounced at you. You manage to decisively block his teeth in your face by holding his mouth wide open.>
<You throw it on your right side and it goes slamming into the woods, you walk towards that direction and see it wailing in pain while lying on the floor with holes all over its body>
John wanted to save the hound but had no idea how to use healing powers. Not to mention he didn't even know if he even had such a talent or not.
<Out of sympathy, you decide to put the poor unlucky fellow out of his misery.>
<Year 1, Month 4, Week 2: Almost a whole two weeks of exploring, and what do you have to show for it? Absolutely nothing. You only find some wild berries and a downstream river with fish inside. No signs of any form of habitat, and there weren't even wild animals>
John felt frustrated and knew something was definitely fishy. Where did that greyhound come from? If he wasn't a natural animal living in the wild. He had not seen any other animal here.
<You decide to continue your search>
<Year 1, Month 5: As you chopped some wood, you suddenly heard a scream of pain. You looked around, but no one was in the vicinity. You are disappointed.>
<You then take a closer look at the tree and find that this is no ordinary tree as the tree has an entire face on its trunk. You then apologize and have a conversation with this tree.>
<You learn it is not a tree person but a soul trapped in a tree. You ask him what going on. You finally get answers. It turns out this entire planet is actually a galactic prison.>
<You ask him why they are not in jail but free to roam the planet. To which the tree tells you that this is the way the galactic petrol tortured people in CF64Z.>
<Feeling that the tree has provided you with everything it can. You proceed to take your leave. The tree asks why can't you even sense me? Do you not know how to use Ki?>
<You respond that your memory has been erased, causing you to become like an empty shell and that this is probably your torture. The tree then keeps quiet for a while then asks would you like to be my apprentice?>
<You immediately acknowledge the tree as your master and promise the tree that if you escape this place one day, you will definitely take revenge for the tree.>
<The tree says stop calling me a tree. My name is Mark. The next day your training under Mark commences.>