
Simon Belmont the Last Belmont of the Age of Shadowhunters

what if Simon Lewis from Shadowhunters was actually a descendent of the Belmont clan from Castlevania

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3 Chs

Chapter 3: The Bloodline Uneviled

Simon Lewis stood at the precipice of destiny, his heart pounding with anticipation as he prepared to confront Dracula, the ancient vampire lord and progenitor of his bloodline. The pivotal battle loomed before him, a clash of titanic forces that would determine the fate of the Belmont legacy and the world of the Shadowhunters.

As Simon gazed into the abyss of the night, his mind wandered back to the journey that had led him here. He had faced countless trials, honing his skills and embracing his dual nature as a vampire-born Belmont. The whispers of doubt had gradually waned, replaced by a grudging respect from his fellow Shadowhunters, who had witnessed his unwavering dedication and the potency of his abilities.

Guided by the wisdom of Magnus Bane, Simon delved deeper into the secrets of his lineage. Ancient tomes and records revealed the illustrious history of the Belmont clan, renowned vampire hunters whose bloodline stretched back centuries. He discovered tales of their triumphs and sacrifices, their unwavering commitment to eradicate the forces of darkness.

But there were also darker truths concealed within the annals of Belmont history. Simon learned of the tragedy that had befallen his ancestors, the burdens they had borne, and the sacrifices they had made. He understood that the path he walked was not only one of power and glory, but also one tinged with sorrow and the weight of responsibility.

Armed with this knowledge, Simon set out to confront Dracula, driven by a burning desire to protect the world that had become his home. With Clary by his side, their bond fortified by love and shared purpose, they embarked on a perilous journey to the heart of darkness.

The battle that ensued was fierce and unforgiving. Simon's vampire powers surged through his veins, amplifying his physical prowess and heightening his senses. He moved with blinding speed, his whip cracking through the air, striking true against the minions of Dracula. Each blow was infused with the legacy of the Belmonts, the weight of their history driving him forward.

But Dracula was a formidable adversary, his ancient power unmatched. He retaliated with a fury born of centuries of existence, summoning the forces of darkness to tear Simon and Clary apart. The battle raged on, the clash of supernatural might echoing through the night.

As Simon faced the brink of defeat, a surge of energy coursed through his veins. It was as if the spirits of his ancestors reached out to him, their collective strength flowing into his very being. In that moment, he realized the true extent of his power—the ability to unite his vampire heritage with the unparalleled might of the Belmont bloodline.

With newfound determination, Simon unleashed his full potential. Shadows danced around him as he tapped into the depths of his hybrid nature. His whip crackled with electrifying energy, infused with the essence of the Belmonts and the undying power of his vampiric bloodline. In that instant, he embraced his destiny as the vampire-born Belmont warrior, a force to be reckoned with.

The battle reached its crescendo, the clash of powers shaking the very foundations of their reality. Simon's whip entwined around Dracula, its magical energy searing through the ancient vampire's defenses. With a final, resounding strike, Simon delivered a blow that shattered the darkness, banishing Dracula from their world.

As the dust settled, Simon stood amidst the remnants of their battle, his body heaving with exhaustion. The victory was hard-won, but the price had been paid. The legacy of the Belmonts had been upheld, and the world of the Shadowhunters had been safeguarded once more.

News of Simon's triumph spread like wildfire among the Shadowhunter community. The skeptics had become believers, their doubts washed away by the undeniable truth of his power and the indomitable spirit of the Belmont bloodline. Simon had proven himself as a champion of light, a symbol of hope in the face of darkness.

But his journey was far from over. Simon had glimpsed the vastness of his potential, and he knew that there were greater battles to come. As the descendants of the Belmont clan, he and Clary would continue to stand at the forefront of the fight against evil, using their combined strength to protect their world and preserve the legacy entrusted to them.

Simon Lewis, the vampire-born Belmont warrior, had emerged from the crucible of destiny, forever changed by the blood that flowed through his veins. With each victory, he would write a new chapter in the annals of his family's history, forging a path that blended his vampire nature with the indomitable spirit of the Shadowhunters.

And so, as the echoes of battle faded into the night, Simon prepared to face the future with renewed purpose, ready to embrace the challenges that awaited him as the last of the Belmonts.