

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

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30 Chs


<p><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>6th Age, Octa 7th 7,010 Era of Dragons, Trorgar<br/><br/>My voracious reading habit continued to get me into trouble with some instructors. Especially instructor Fleius, Goldenear. She shouted at students who got the data on Elven treaties wrong. Then she shouted at me for correcting her on mistakes she has made in regards to the treaties. Does anyone besides the students read the treaties with our allies?<br/><br/>There was some great information that could be called into play from those treaties. The problem was they require a village capable and willing to support a multi-racial protection force to cover our borderlands. I brought this up in my argument with her.<br/><br/>She flat out told me, "No Elven village or Human town would support and house such a group. I do not know why the entries were placed in the treaties, to begin with. They might as well not exist."<br/><br/>I would start reading the Dwarven treaties next week, 6 months ahead of the class schedule to see what they had on this. I just wanted to know how close we were tied to our so-called allies. I have always had a great memory. Instructors just hated being shown up by a student, an impure bastard in particular.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Mia 15th 7011<br/><br/>Today was my 15th-year evaluation, 36 competitors in the field with graduates having moved on and 12 new 5th years entered the contest. I shocked the field by winning the contest this year while Traylar'sune Goldensong finished in 4th place.<br/><br/>If her stare had been daggers, they would have plunged me to my death. I found the tell in her fighting style and it wasn't something I expected. Magical equipment was not allowed in the contest. Yet I noticed a dim green light from under the edge of her armor.<br/><br/>This only occurred when an opponent had cast an offensive spell at her. I could not come out and accuse her of cheating as all gear is inspected and I still managed to beat her. Which seemed to please Grand Master Yetto greatly.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Feba 27th 7013<br/><br/>My mind was adrift with emotion. Traylar'sune Golensong would run a sword through me then spend 10 minutes talking to me. She had started to come into her own; more than just on the field. Last competition she managed to move up to 4th place.<br/><br/>Yet I am not sure how much she deserved it. She spent time off the field between matches flirting with her opponents instead of watching their matches. She figured out a way to distract them with her hips, but she appeared to be all flirt. What am I even thinking?<br/><br/>She was not even of legal age yet? I need to keep my wits about me as she would be gunning for me. Her friends had even started taunting me that she was going to kick my tail in the next competition. Good thing I was in the adult dorms or I would not have gotten a moment's peace.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Janta 6th 7016<br/><br/>Oh, by the gods, someone is out to sabotage me. What is the likelihood that two bards would fail an advanced music composition course at the same time and turn 75 within days of each other? Then be moved into the room next to mine when half the building was empty. I could hear them fucking each other in the nether-hole every fucking night. The night always started the same.<br/><br/>First Jamous fucked Egis and you could tell by the different octaves in their voice. I swear they tried to fuck in two-part harmony and worked the rhythm section to improve their performance. Then Egis fucked Jamous followed by blow jobs for each of them in the same order. The only time one of the two was quiet was during their sexfest.<br/><br/>The other made up for it by shouting "Oh Gods yes suck it harder." or "Stick a third finger into my nether-hole I am going to blow and I want it all over your face." Three hours later and they went for a second round. I asked for a change of rooms and it was denied. No explanation just denied.<br/><br/>I swear the person who handled housing seemed to be 'happy' that I was upset over those two. I thought if their instructor spent an evening or two in their room, he could see they could do advanced composition. They were well versed in percussion, voice, and playing of the skin flute.<br/><br/>To each their own. If cock in mouth suited them with shit still on it that was their business. I adjusted my schedule without authorization. I was an adult and did not need it as long as my coursework did not suffer. They did require you to inform them.<br/><br/>Given their lack of explanation, I figured they did not require it from me as I had already given it to them. I started doing my sword practice at night and snuck back into the dorm in the morning and got my sleep before my afternoon classes.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Mia 15th 7016<br/><br/>Today was my 20-year evaluation, 26 competitors in the field with graduates having moved on and 6 new 5th years entered the contest. I shocked the field by winning the contest for the second time in a row. While Traylar'sune Goldensong finished in second place this year and her eye daggers continue to fly. The green tell was still present. Just like last time, I did not cast any spells directly on her.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Mia 16th 7016<br/><br/>As I suspected; a 6-month course had suddenly become a 4-month course. My 2 love bird neighbors had moved out and graduated out of the cycle. They were placed there to try and screw with my performance at the match yesterday. I saw them collecting a small bag of coins from Traylar'sune Goldensong's father before the match. I could guess who arranged my musical interlude.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Mia 16th 7021<br/><br/>The holy day for Corellon Larethian fell on the 15th of the year so the contest was moved a day out. He is the Elven God for both magic and warfare. With a large number of faithful worshipers unwilling to attend this event in favor of another revelry. The contest was pushed out a day. I thought that the greatest tribute to Corellon Larethian would be to have the contest on his birthday.<br/><br/>My 25-year evaluation, 26 competitors in the field with graduates having moved on and 8 new 5th years entered the contest. I shocked the field again by winning for the third consecutive time. Traylar'Sune Goldensong finished in 2nd place again and she did not even make eye contact with me afterward. The green tell was still there so just like last time I did not cast any spells directly on her.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Junta 1st 7023<br/><br/>Of all the luck. Apparently, there was an overcrowding situation at the main dorm. Traylar'Sune Goldensong being one of the eldest students and being of age in 2 years was moved into my dorm down the hall. Now all traffic going in that direction was blocked off which meant an extra 10 minutes to get to classes. Being forced into going in the other direction.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Junta 1st 7025<br/><br/>Traylar'Sune Goldensong went out with 30 of her closest girlfriends to celebrate her coming of age party and brought them all back to the dorm to party all night as well. Guess who the entertainment was. Yep, the skin flute twins played music and sung until all hours of the morning.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Mia 13th 7026<br/><br/>A big fight down the hall and Traylar's boyfriend Vatlos Goldspring had been dumped by her. He shouted out, "She is a frigid fucking cock tease who wouldn't put out for anybody. Not unless they are in the Royal family line, provide an engraved offer of marriage first, a wedding, then consummation can come when she is in the fucking mood---which would be never! As she is a frigid bitch!"<br/><br/>I now knew yet another slip in her form, she was a straight-up cocktease. Besides only working out 2- hours a day and that was not even true if you counted the hour and forty-five minutes, she either played at practice or simply took a break. I thought the practice was a ruse to get me to think she was not practicing for the upcoming match.<br/><br/>Normally she practiced in private not out in a common area for all to see. I practiced in private with my Grand Master who I had been beating consistently, yet he still taught me so much more to improve my form. I just read out in the common area when she did this little tease.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Mia 15th 7026<br/><br/>My 30-year evaluation, 27 competitors in the field with graduates having moved on and 10 new 5th years entered the contest. Traylar'Sune stopped me before the contest to let me know she would beat me this year. I asked her if she wanted to place a wager on that? We set the stakes.<br/><br/>I bet the sword my father gave me versus her virginity with a minor magical item of my choosing. Regardless of who won we would tell the other how we managed to beat them. She initially refused, I gave her that, "I guess you are not that confident that you will win" line.<br/><br/>With fire in her eyes, the challenge got accepted. It came as no shock that the final two competitors were Traylar'Sune and me. I had watched her earlier fights and she had picked up some new moves. I found the green light again.<br/><br/>Along with a new flaw from the frustration from her bet showed, as she focused to decimate rapidly any opponent she faced. We entered the circle and she brought up her practice sword in her right hand and gave a glaring little evil grin to try and unnerve me.<br/><br/>I entered the circle and moved the sword from my left hand, the only hand she has ever seen me use, to my right hand and smiled back. She was perplexed by this move. Grand Master Yetto only smiled. The signal was given. Instead of the usual cast then attack we have done every competition I went straight into attack mode driving her back.<br/><br/>She gained some distance at which point I did some of my own protection spells. She closed the gap and attacked, while I stayed on the defensive side. A typical round was over in less than 2-3 minutes. I kept her on the field and frustrated her to death by not going back on the offensive for over 30 minutes. I feigned a slip and fell into a crouch just out of sword range.<br/><br/>She rushed forward to end the match and I sprung into the air and landed my left foot onto her sword hand. This had her sprawled out on the ground as I brought the edge of my blade to the edge of her neck ending the match and winning.<br/><br/>A new Academy record of 4 consecutive wins. I leaned in and told her, "Meet me on the practice field ready to spar tomorrow evening at 7. Afterward, I will take you to the local inn for drinks, dinner, conversation, and a room to settle the finer details of our wager."<br/><br/>...<br/><br/>Mia 16th 7016<br/><br/>Well, the night started easy enough. She was a few minutes late but she did show. I noticed an interesting ring bracelet combo on her left hand, an emerald and platinum ring with an emerald ring on her right hand. We stepped into the practice circle with real weapons for a change.<br/><br/>I told her, "We are going to go at half speed! That way I can show you how I beat you. First, we are going to do a replay of a part of our last match starting from the beginning."<br/><br/>She agreed. I inform her, "I am ambidextrous and while my Master says I am slightly better with my right I always did completions and evaluation with my left until that last bout."<br/><br/>She nodded, "My parents spent a small fortune finding left-handed fighters to spar with to improve against left-handed opponents. For the last 25 years."<br/><br/>I quipped, "That was money well spent." I drew my weapon as did she. I asked her, "Pull out your pendant."<br/><br/>Her face went ashen, but she did. I fell back and cast a minor offensive spell; which I had not done to her in years and the emerald in her pendant glowed green and she rolled her eyes up at me as she knew she had been busted. I told her, "Tell me what does the pendant does?"<br/><br/>She sighed, "It is not 'magical' but can absorb some incoming hostile magic."<br/><br/>She was quick to follow up, "It only works for me."<br/><br/>I asked her, "What else does it do?"<br/><br/>She told me, "My parents took me to see a psionic master in my 7th year who unleashed a wild talent in me. The talent slowed time for only a few seconds. It cannot be reused until some rest or in this case, the pendant provides the power for the ability to be reused."<br/><br/>While not 'magical' it did give her an edge which was in the gray area of the rules. I told her, "I knew of that particular tell for 20 years." She was shocked to hear it. I put my sword away and we walked toward the inn.<br/><br/>She asked, "Are you going to inform the Grand Masters of the pendant?"<br/><br/>I told her, "Let's see how our night plays out."<br/><br/>She once again rolled her eyes. I went over her third match where I saw her overextend on a 5th year to finish the match. "That told me if you saw a quick kill versus a weaker opponent you would take it. You were furious with me from the beginning and took that anger on the field against every opponent you faced.<br/><br/>Over the last fifteen years, you have not had a match go above two minutes. I spar for an hour straight regularly to build up endurance! I do this 8-time a day with a few minutes to recover. Three hours with each hand and then two hours switching hands in the middle of combat.<br/><br/>I varied the order. I worked to wear you down and frustrate you further. You liked to toy with your opponents off the field with your looks and get them off-balance. I turned the tables on you when you asked for the wager."<br/><br/>She rolled her eyes and thought about what I said but knew I said nothing untrue. We got to the Shadow Moon Inn and we ordered some wine and dinner. While we waited, I asked her, "What about the magic object part of our agreement?"<br/><br/>She pulls out a few baubles, some were one-time-use items but nothing that would aid me in my travels. I ask her, "Tell me about the two rings you are wearing."<br/><br/>She hesitated and then told me, "The slave bracelet ring that prevents pregnancy belongs to my mother. She does not know I have the item. While the other is a moderate ring of protection."<br/><br/>I asked her, "Which of those two would you rather keep?" She glared at me. She gave me that ring of protection. I let her know, "It will be a pleasant reminder of this evening for me."<br/><br/>She just shook her head. Her face turns a lovely shade of crimson in embarrassment just as our drinks arrive. I pointed out her cheek color matched the wine we ordered and crimson kept on coming. We finish our meal and she got up to leave.<br/><br/>I reminded her, "We have a room upstairs already."<br/><br/>She stopped dead in her tracks and slowly made her way to the staircase. We got to the room and divest ourselves of our clothes in an unceremonious manner. I pulled back the blanket and we laid at a slight angle onto the bed. She was well-toned from all her working out with nice pert and firm, yet small B-cup breasts.<br/><br/>She has golden hair and her quim proved it unless she had a spell cast on her, she had natural gold hair. She did not speak for the first half-hour. Meanwhile, I showered her body with kisses. I went from her lips to her ears down her soft neck and along each arm.<br/><br/>I returned to her lips and worked my way down her chin and under her neck. My leg brushed up against her heat and it had gotten very damp. She let the first moans start to escape her lips as she could not hold back. I kissed around her breasts being careful to avoid her nipples, then down her stomach to just above her pelvis.<br/><br/>I switched to kissing her feet while my leg was pressed against her cunt firmly which dripped along my leg. This was accompanied by louder gasps, moans and shortly thereafter she clenches my leg and drenches me. At this point, she either just shot pee down my leg or she came. As she did not look the least bit embarrassed, I assumed she came.<br/><br/>Things had been going great. I laid back across her and kissed her again. This time, she kissed me back so passionately. I thought my tonsils were getting a personal examination. I again worked my way down her chest and spent several minutes swirling from the outer edge of her breast straight up to the pretty pink nipple which was fully extended.<br/><br/>I licked my way across her chest to the other going straight to the nipple and working my way outward. My teeth lightly nipped at the extended ends. While my lips came down to kiss and sucked them inward as she came yet again. I kissed my way back to her pubic bone.<br/><br/>I again skipped over it and started cleaning up the fruity nectar from either side of where she wanted me to be at this point. I move to the center and started at the bottom and accidentally graze her nether-hole and she jumps gasps and sprays onto me yet again.<br/><br/>I started the cleanup over again, licked the inside of her legs, and again started my tongue a little higher this time. I took it straight up the middle until it flicked across her to more moans. She gasped again but I did not get another shower yet as she released another climax. I shoved my tongue back into the middle and swirled it around in both directions while I avoided her clit. Then I leaned back and slid the tips of my fingers into her.<br/><br/>I then began to kiss over her clit while my teeth nibbled and my tongue danced over it. Then I sucked it into my mouth and she let loose with yet another gusher. That was where the evening started to take a downturn.<br/><br/>I got up from my fourth shower of the night and was soaked from my cheekbones to my feet. I moved up to see if she would take my manhood into her mouth; she refuses.<br/><br/>She said, "I will give you my virginity but I will not take you into my mouth."<br/><br/>I told her, "I probably will not last long."<br/><br/>She smiled, "That is the idea."<br/><br/>I resign myself to move on down and started running my cock over her clit teasingly while she just tried to raise-up enough to take me inside while I never went low enough to let it happen. I asked, "You still a virgin?"<br/><br/>She screamed, "Not for much longer."<br/><br/>I dropped the news on her, "I am also a virgin."<br/><br/>Her jaw just drops with a "But how did you...what happened?"<br/><br/>I smiled, "Over 50 years of listening to men ramble about their exploits. I took notes on what I wanted to try with you to see if they were true."<br/><br/>I hooked one of her legs over my shoulder and then the other and then we talked. I asked her, "Do you want to take it slow to go another half hour in the ring? Would you want me to just stab it forward? I understand when a woman loses her virginity it could hurt?"<br/><br/>She sighed, "I am worked up enough and will work through any pain. Kiss me to help muffle any scream and ram it in until I start moving. That will be the signal to start pumping."<br/><br/>I grabbed ahold of her hands and we interlock our fingers using opposite hands. I brought our hands up to caress either side of her face. I pulled back she lifted her hips higher and I jammed it all-the-way into her.<br/><br/>I stifled her scream with my mouth and I was buried to the hilt and all 7-inches awaited her signal. Gods she was tight. She did not wait long before thrashing about. I started pumping as agreed to. Until my seed dropped into her and my chest was hit by yet another wave of fluid. I realized I still had a very ready and eager dagger<br/><br/>I had raised-up my head and this was the point when she screamed at me, "Get your cock out of my ass, NOW!"<br/><br/>I got up and grabbed some towels and water, I went over to try and help her to clean up. With tears in her eyes, she told me, "Just go!"<br/><br/>I told her, "I just made you cum 5 times."<br/><br/>She glared at me and told me, "No you did not. I came 4 times. That last one was the sudden release of my bladder given the pressure you put into my ass!"<br/><br/>All the while she has a damp towel held tightly against her ass and slowly rocked back and forth.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Journal Entry Mia 22nd 7016<br/><br/>Here marked the end of my apprenticeship I was awarded my Master's ring. I saw Traylar'Sune at the ceremony and she walked with a slight limp still and sat gingerly on the bench after getting her ring and sat right next to me. She leaned over and whispered, "We each make a mistake or two the other night. That does not mean I ever want to see you again in any social manner."<br/><br/>She gave a slight grin. I grinned back at her and nodded once. I figured I got one of her virginities. My father attended the ceremony, which was a surprise, and provided me with a set of mithril chainmail that could be worn under my traveling clothes and a Silvertree cloak pin. In nearly 85 years, this marked only the 3rd time my father showed an interest in my life.<br/>If you counted the night, he spewed his seed into my mother. This was his way of saying, 'I am proud of you. Here is some protection as you hurry your way out of town.' As the rest of the Silvertree family wanted nothing to do with me.<br/><br/>This was also the first time I met his wife who was all smiles at my departure. My half-brother was in the Academy but our paths didn't cross until he was brought in as 1 of the 6 candidates for my Grand Master's next apprentice.<br/><br/>I watched from the sidelines but my half-brother was eliminated during the sword portion of the evaluation. He never knew I was there and his heart did not seem to be into the contest. At this point in my life, I was a well-educated sword-wielding Master Blade Singer who had not seen an ounce of real combat.<br/><br/>Add in no real home and a family that didn't care if I lived or died. Except maybe my father who thought a few gifts would make up for his not being around. I had no real place to go and being an eighty-four-year-old virgin to boot or maybe not. I do not know what the rules are when you hit the wrong hole on a woman.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>In the plane of the Seldarine, the Elven Gods gathered to watch over Tildar. Corellon Larethian looked over at the Lady of Dreams and smiled, "I want to see if he keeps it together. We have his brother as well to fall back onto, but he is very impressive and his mind is like no other, even Tallion.<br/><br/>Keeping Tallion's wishes, I think he is our best candidate. We will decide soon enough. I need to see if he can come to terms with his anger in the outside world and find a balance. To see if he will return on his own and what kind of impact he will have."<br/><br/>The Lady of Dreams sighed, "Until you decide we cannot influence his heart in matters. There is a female Moon Elf and a female Half-Elf he will likely run into in his father's scheming for his future."<br/><br/>Hanali Celanil smiled, "I could tell you which one he is likely to pursue, but I am keeping it a surprise. He could have gifted children with either of them along with several others once he returns to the city or his village of birth. Without us interfering, even given his mixed bloodlines."<br/><br/>Erevan Ilesere looked over, "You blocked divination on his rogue abilities to keep them untrained. I know why you did it, yet he has still picked up some abilities. Like his acrobatics and tumbling moves."<br/><br/>Corellon nodded, "I noticed. I am not ready to reintroduce Gestalts on them just yet and many lines carry the possibility. Many more of them have been watered-down or in-bred in the case of the Gold Elves vs High Elves issues this family will help to fix, we hope. When he returns, regardless if he is selected, the Blade Singer Council issues will have to be addressed.<br/><br/>The training needs to improve to produce more like him. They will need to find those acting against our people. I have a feeling he will prove himself and our first of 21 prophecies we sent down via the Lady of Dreams will play out.<br/><br/>I don't want the usual warnings on amulets just yet. I want the next Champion to discover them on his own. A less hands-on approach and we observe, without interfering. Let our champions inspire, introduce their ideas, and find the issues in this Age. See if he and those who follow can save the Elves of this world from annihilation."</p>