

The life of Eldar Silvertree from graduation at the prestigious Elven Academy and desires to leave it behind; only to return full circle to shake Elven Society to the core.

LOVERIC · Fantasi
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30 Chs

CHAPTER 19:Retaliation and more Revelations

<p> <br/><br/>They woke up later that evening and got dressed in everything to go to the bar to find a table for dinner. Before they left Eldar asked Charlemagne, "Do you have any other siblings in the woodworks I need to know about? Any more twins in your family to be concerned about? Twins are extremely rare with full Elves. You are the first pair of twins I have encountered."<br/><br/>She looked at Eldar, "No she is my only sibling. I didn't think to bring her up until we were on the way to see her. There are 6 sets of twins on my father's side of the family last I heard..." she looks down at her stomach, "We need to find Doc!"<br/><br/>He went to find Doc's room and asked the two of them to straighten the room before he brought him over to see Charlemagne.<br/><br/>The 4 would-be assassins saw Eldar leave the room. The man in charge looked over, "You 2 gals go and get the Half-Elf and kill her. We will get this mutt on the floor and escape out. With the guards in the stocks, we can get out of here early."<br/><br/>The one lady looked at him, "Good. I fucking hate whore houses." They divided off.<br/><br/>At the desk, Eldar requested 3 more bottles of elven wine, bread, cheese, and fruit to be sent up to the room as they had just wanted to come down for an evening meal when this latest 'go find Doc' crisis arose.<br/><br/>He knew they would get hungry again soon as they still had the night ahead of them. He found Doc was not in his room. He went and searched for him. He came across Skinner and Cook as they talked with a couple of ladies. They were part of the establishment's "talent pool" as they had their breasts hung out of the top of some fancy underwear that left them exposed to the whole room.<br/><br/>Eldar looked to them, "Do you know where Doc is?"<br/><br/>They pointed Eldar to a back room. Cook looked up while still tweaking at the nipples of her two friends, "A rather pissy messenger came by earlier from the Ambassador's office. The messenger found an empty house where her sister used to live and Hunter went to see the Ambassador."<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>The ambassador was fuming as Hunter walked in, "I have word that your boss and this Eldar had a run-in with the city guard. They killed some thugs and gave the reward money to the guards as some sort of bribe! Now she is missing. What in the Nine Hells is going on with your group?"<br/><br/>Hunter sighed, "They were attacked, Eldar was and he killed all 6 of them himself. I don't know anything about any bribe. They got a room where we are staying because they figured it was no longer safe for her sister to be in this town. After all, Charlie and Annette are identical twins. They would just assume it was her with Eldar. He defended himself and had no reason to bribe a guard from what you are telling me."<br/><br/>The Ambassador looked at him, "They told the guards if there was reward money or money on the bodies they could keep it and to get the guards drunk. Well, the entire barracks got drunk on the reward money and the Sergeants from that barracks are in the stocks right now!"<br/><br/>Hunter sighed, "That is not a bribe. That is turning down reward money or profiting from the encounter. He showed he was not out to rob them. Get your facts straight. If the guards got their barracks drunk that is their fucking fault. He could not order them to do shit. He might have suggested buying drinks for the men but that is not an ORDER to get them drunk."<br/><br/>The Ambassador growled, "Well the Captain of the guard is blaming him for this and your team needs to leave this town. Without any further incident! First thing tomorrow! I spoke with Jarron! He said your team will get assigned to a new location. Not soon enough as far as I am concerned!"<br/><br/>Hunter rolled his eyes, "Our wagons should be done by morning and we will be leaving in the morning. You need to get fucked. It might get your head out of your ass on the facts you keep twisting around."<br/><br/>Hunter walked out leaving the Ambassador fuming. Vexxor was in his room and only smiled, "It is alright, lover. I can take care of that last part. It sounds like your message was received. A new team coming here is probably for the best in the future."<br/><br/>Even if they failed, this Eldar would not be welcomed in Grand Falls soon enough.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Eldar headed for the backroom all the while he thought he could guess 'Eldar Silvertree' was ringing off the wall at the Ambassador's home today. He spotted Doc at a back table playing some kind of card game. He shouted over, "Come upstairs when you get a chance Doc."<br/><br/>Doc nodded at him.<br/><br/>Eldar turned around. He felt someone jab him in the gut and heard the slicing of fabric as another shirt of his became a victim of violence. His mind raced into combat mode but he was aware enough to know he was in a crowded bar. He had two assailants with daggers in hand, one tried to stab him while the other tried to gut him. All they did was ruin another shirt and expose the armor underneath.<br/><br/>Eldar brought his right knee into the crotch of the slasher who had dropped his dagger to search for his missing family jewels. Eldar grabbed his boot dagger while his knee was up and shoved the slumped over thug into his friend. The ruckus had caused enough room to open in the crowd as those two fell on the ground in a heap. Eldar pulled his sword as he did not know if these two had friends.<br/><br/>As both of the thugs were on the ground and the crowd watched to see what Eldar was about to do to these two. Eldar yelled, "Skinner and Cook, get in here!"<br/><br/>They made their way to the door frame between rooms to see that Eldar stood with weapons drawn.<br/><br/>He started barking orders, "You two grab Tranosa and check on Charlemagne! Get Eagle-eye in here with some rope and if you see the bouncers send them back to me!"<br/><br/>Meanwhile, He had the sword spinning over his head. Doc's game had come to a sudden halt as he watched Eldar's back.<br/><br/>Some human patron smirked, "What's he going to do with a glass sword?"<br/><br/>He started to laugh until he saw the purple and blue flames dance across the blade and red crystal turn to black ash. Eldar fired back, "Any more stupid questions?"<br/><br/>The two thugs were fenced in by the crowd while Eldar hovered over them.<br/><br/>Two bouncers showed up and Eldar asked, "Get the city guard."<br/><br/>They started laughing. The big one piped up with a horrible accent, "Guess you hav nt erd. Tre of the sargs are in the stocks fer getin the entire garrison drunk. They hada to call guards in from otha garrisons to cova shifts so they be short manned. Told da owner to handa his own issues for da night."<br/><br/>Skinner yelled down, "Two more dead up here pinned to the wall by Charlemagne. Annette got stabbed, she is fine, but could use Doc."<br/><br/>Eagle-eye pushed her way in with a rope. Eldar barked, "Eagle-eye, search and tied those two up. Doc, go check on Annette..."<br/><br/>Eldar glanced at the bouncers, "Do I kill these 2 here or do you get the owner?"<br/><br/>Doc pushed his way out. One bouncer stayed at the door frame while Eagle-eye found nothing of value other than the two boot daggers and started binding their hands.<br/><br/>A stocky dwarf came in, "I be Jedda, da owner, what's going on?"<br/><br/>Eldar asked, "You got a place for these 2 would-be assassins?"<br/><br/>Jedda, shook his head, "No we normally just get'em to da guard?"<br/><br/>Eldar growled back, "If I took these two out to the street and left their rotting corpses out there, there would be no issues?"<br/><br/>He shrugged, "Long as you don't kill'em in here! Outside would be fine I guess, it's what the guards will do to'em anyway."<br/><br/>Eldar shook his head, "Already 2 dead upstairs, just trying to figure out the best options for these 2. Eagle-eye, is Hunter back?" She shook her head. "Tie up the other 2 upstairs by the ankles and drag them downstairs and outside. Ask Charlemagne what she wants to be done with these 2. Send word back."<br/><br/>Hunter walked in, "Charlemagne is looking for you. I passed Eagle-eyes on the stairs. I will watch over them until you get back."<br/><br/>Eldar flipped his sword around and sheath it leaving the dagger in his hand as he left the gambling room and headed up the stairs as Eagle-eye drug two dead women from the room. He looked at the twins, "How are the injuries?"<br/><br/>Doc responded, "Minor she got stuck in the hand and I fixed that right up."<br/><br/>He went back to his room for a minute. Charlemagne growled, "I don't know what to do with the other 2. Hunter just came back from the Ambassador's office and he was in a foul mood because the city blamed him for the city guards being drunk. He told Hunter we are becoming too visible in town and it would be best if we left town first thing."<br/><br/>Eldar looked at her, "We coming back any time soon?"<br/><br/>She shook her head, "No our team is burned here now. They will change our route after this and then assign another team to come this way."<br/><br/>He sighed, "Is it alright if we leave the Underhill Gang a final going away message?"<br/><br/>She smiled, "Got something in mind?"<br/><br/>Eldar nodded and headed for the stairs. "Come look if you want to see."<br/><br/>He walked over to the owner, "Jeda, would you like to send a message to the would-be assassins not to come into your place?"<br/><br/>He shrugged, "It is bad for business when it happens, you going to kill those 2?"<br/><br/>Eldar shook his head, "They are just going to wish I had. Is the sign attached to your building able to support the weight. If I strung 2 of them up from your sign?"<br/><br/>Jedda nodded, "What do you have in mind?"<br/><br/>Eldar looked at the 2 thugs, "You 2 morons, who would be the senior shit between you?" The smaller guy points to the bigger one. "You want to be tied to a corpse that is going to start farting and shitting itself anytime now or to each other?"<br/><br/>He looked up, "Too each other of course."<br/><br/>Eldar nodded, "Now heads or tails?"<br/><br/>As he flipped out a coin. He did not hesitate, "Heads!"<br/><br/>Eldar showed him the coin, "Look your luck is improving already!"<br/><br/>He looked to Jedda, "You have an office?"<br/><br/>Jedda signals Eldar to follow him. Eldar told him, "If anyone asks to cut his buddies down before noon tomorrow, they owe the 5 Aces 500 gold pieces for damages, else they won't be released until midnight tomorrow. If the guards ask, tell them you are dispensing justice with a message as they were short handed.<br/><br/>I need a wooden mallet, 2 of those large 6-inch candles, twine, 2 empty buckets, and 2 wooden barrel tops."<br/><br/>Eldar dropped 10 platinum pieces on his desk. "All goes well this will bring in more business! This is for the supplies, the time, and the inconvenience this has caused you this evening."<br/><br/>Jedda grabbed the coins, "I'll have one of the bounces bring you those things because you got my curiosity going!"<br/><br/>Eldar walked out, "Hunter, can you drag those 2 bodies across the street and tie them to the post. Eagle-eye and Cook bring these 2 out front." The supplies arrived. "If you want to see the floor show Jedda you can come to watch but it will not be pretty! Hunter and Eagle-eye you are great with ropes.<br/><br/>Tranosa, you grab the mallet this is going to require a Strong-arm. Skinner, take the daggers and put a hole in the side of the sheath of each one...not too wide we want it to go on snug and tight. Now to our 2 would be 'ASS ASS INS' do you need a chamber pot? Last chance and you will have an audience."<br/><br/>They shook their heads. "You have seen them, they said no. Now, Cook, you are handy at making bandages when needed, cut off the bottom half of each shirt. Now make that into a gag and stick it in the mouth securing it with their belts. Skinner, take the one rope from Eagle-eye there.<br/><br/>Eagle-eye and Cook, it has come to my attention that these two 'ASS ASS INS' are notorious rapists! Drop their pants please and take their daggers; they won the coin toss. They can keep their manhood. Shove the handle of the daggers into their nether-holes."<br/><br/>That got a laugh from the crowd. He stared at the 2 while talking at the group, "Use the sheath to keep from getting cut but make sure you can slide the sheath off. Now take the sheath and that little hole in the side run it down until it is flush with their asses.<br/><br/>Now pull their pants back up and set the point of the dagger to just start to pass through their pants and tie them back on. Eagle-eye, and Cook please center the bottom of those 6-inch candles over the tip of the dagger."<br/><br/>Eldar paused for effect, "Hold the candles steady. Tranosa, smack those candles down until they are flush on the pants alternating candles. We want them to share the pain after all for their actions."<br/><br/>While the hammering went on Eldar grabbed the 2 barrel lids and inscribed 'ASS ASS INS' into each lid.<br/><br/>"Candles in place, stand them up...awww look one of them did need a chamber pot. Too late now."<br/><br/>More laughter from the crowd. Eldar sighed while shaking his head, "Stand them in the buckets facing each other. Run the rope from the hands down to the bucket handle and up the front. Tying the calves, thighs, chest, and shoulders. Cook, while they are finishing tying these 2 lovers together would you run some twine to complete those 2 signs. Eagle-eye and Cook hang the signs on the base of the candles."<br/><br/>Eldar waited a minute while the ropes were being finished and the signs were hung. "Throw the ropes over the business sign and pull the lovebirds up. Tie the ends off around the calf ropes. Now for 2 last things, illuminating the signs by the ceremonial lighting of the candles!"<br/><br/>He used the flame from his sword and lit the candles. he sheathed the sword. A few more laughed. He turned to Jeda, "May I present this wooden mallet to the owner, in case another 'ASS ASS IN' tries to repeat tonight's activities in his place of business."<br/><br/>Eldar turned to the crowd, "They will be released at noon tomorrow if someone comes forward with 500 gold pieces to the owner to pay for damages caused by tonight's attack. Else the ceremony to release the idiots will occur 12 hours after that. Regardless of which, they will be responsible for cleaning any mess they make out here!"<br/><br/>Eldar leaned into the two thugs and whispered, "Tell your boss, that is the end of it. I will have real assassin's deal with him and your whole gang and stage the bodies on the hill outside the town where the other 6 died to spell 'assassins' in a flaming effigy to your groups fall! If the attacks continue. You get to live to deliver a message!"<br/><br/>They both nodded at him. He walked away from the 2 and entered the bar to a round of laughter and applause at the ingenuity of the punishment. Eldar went up to the room and told the ladies, "Look out the window!"<br/><br/>Charlemagne chuckled, "That is what you have been doing with the guys?"<br/><br/>Eldar nodded and sighed, "The two dead ones are across the street. I made sure they hung in a place you could see them. They will be released at midnight tomorrow; unless someone pays him 500 gold pieces to take them down at noon...the owner was curious by my list of materials. Now he is down at the bar listening to people talk about his new display complete with lighting!"<br/><br/>Annette looks at Eldar. She thought, 'He did not kill them. He did not seek vengeance like my father would have. Even though they tried to kill him, he found a different solution.'<br/><br/>Eldar looked at her, "I sent a message they will not likely forget. A promise to eradicate the group from top to bottom and burn their bodies where the other 6 died if they try to retaliate again. I will protect those I care about."<br/><br/>She nodded, "I can see that." She thought, 'A second chance. A chance for them to walk away and let it end. He is a very different Elf from my Half-Elf father. Yet I know he would do that if they hurt someone he loved. The situation is not the same, but he looked for another way still.'<br/><br/>Eldar turned to Hunter, "I hate to ask this while we are in town. Can we get one lookout for the hall every few hours until we leave?"<br/><br/>He nodded and left.<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Doc, "Charlemagne has more questions for you concerning the child, her father's side of the family has a lot of twins. Any way to tell?"<br/><br/>Doc nodded, "Another divination but of a higher power. We might even learn more than we bargained for but it should answer the question."<br/><br/>Charlemagne growled, "Just do the spell!"<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Corellon looked at the Lady of Dreams, "Just the children at this point. I will say he is creative. Only Charlemagne's children. Nothing to do with him yet or the other women's children. He will find out more at Silent Falls most likely if he survives the trip home. He is quite entertaining to watch."<br/><br/>The Lady of Dreams knew Corellon would choose Eldar but would do as he asked. He was the one they worked on to bring more of Tallion's talents forward into this Age.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Doc smiled and started casting. A disembodied female voice echoed from Doc's mouth, "Both will have different paths one toward me and one in her father's footsteps, both have a purpose and a destiny. They will be born under the twin crescent moons and the full moon of the Darion Dawn; look for the signs and you will know the paths to their destinies."<br/><br/>Images floated above her stomach with a sword and an open hand in a pink circle. The other with the full moon of Dawning Darion over the head and pressed hands in front of a priest's robes in a pink circle.<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Charlemagne, Annette, and then at Doc who was out cold. Then back to Charlemagne before he moved, "Let me get Doc awake."<br/><br/>Doc came too, "What happened?"<br/><br/>Eldar looked at him, "You did not hear that? You did not see that?"<br/><br/>Doc groaned, "No that does not normally happen. What happened?"<br/><br/>They sat back for a second and Eldar sighed, "I think you just channeled The Lady of Dreams if I had to guess."<br/><br/>Doc turned very pale, "What did she say? What did you see?"<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Charlemagne and gave his best cryptic answer, "Things just got worse and things just got better. Two pink oval fields one with sword and hand and one with a full moon over priest robes."<br/><br/>Doc gulped, "Did she say anything?"<br/><br/>Eldar nodded, "Yes, two paths, two purposes, and two destinies. The part that was confusing was being born under the Double Crescent and the full moon of the Dawning Darion. We know they are never in the sky together."<br/><br/>Doc starts looking like he knew something and wanted to bolt for the door, "Spill it Doc!"<br/><br/>He sat back down, "I have to talk with some church elders."<br/><br/>Eldar looked at him, "Start by talking to us?"<br/>Doc sighed, "All I could do is guess, I need to get answers first."<br/><br/>All of the Clerics of the Lady of the Dreams had been told to keep an ear open for discussions on weird lunar activity. Nothing more. Just to report it to the church if anything was heard.<br/><br/>Eldar looked at him, "No talking to anyone including the church unless we are present for the complete discussion. Promise me in the name of our Goddess."<br/><br/>Doc paused and he nodded, "I swear."<br/><br/>Eldar glared, "I mean it, we will go see them together once we are back in the Capital. I will want it worded as a general astrological question first. To see if they will give us a straight answer."<br/><br/>Eldar went to give Charlemagne a glass of wine. she looked at him, "Forget the glass give me the bottle."<br/><br/>Eldar looked at Doc, "Can you get another two bottles sent up?"<br/><br/>Eldar smiled at Charlemange, "Well I think we asked enough questions for one night! I think we should thank Corellon Larethian and Sehanine Moonbow in equal measures."<br/><br/>She spat wine and screamed, "WHAT?! After all of that?"<br/><br/>Eldar told her calmly, "Yes after all of that. Corellon is the God of Magic and his wife Sehanine is the Goddess of Moon Elves and the Lady of Dreams. If on this night she blesses us with the knowledge that our children will have great destinies, why not?<br/><br/>Besides, you are already pregnant! I just realized you started with Corellon and ended with Sehanine that night in the wagon." He paused. "Have I told you how much I love you!"<br/><br/>Annette could not help but laugh at them.</p>