Liam was dreaming or at least he thought "he was he wasn't sure,?
he had gotten married yesterday it was the happiest time of his life,
then last night with Kanna, replay she had been so amazing!"
pouring out her love for him in his arms they had made love last night utterly beautifully she had been the lover better than his dreams and now
dazzling light in his mind so bright and everything was floating around he watched it all and realized these moving things were his memories his mind was organizing itself memories of his life his childhood some forgotten were now all back and clear
"Please no! not the bad stuff please!" he begged
as the memories of his parent's marriage resurfaced some of them had been blocked by him intentionally because he didn't want to think about them they were awful horrific and
"oh!" relief comfort "it was okay!" Kanna voice with him it was responding and he realized he could control this