
Chapter 53, enemy or friend?


The sun hadn't yet risen before Reskeme and Michael clamber down the stairs for breakfast . Today was the day of the auction, where all of their work would either fall flat or sell to a good profit. They still had a lot to do, with Reskeme wanting to finish the curved short sword and Michael wanting the finish a scabbard for the sword they already finished.

" Michael dear, when will you be leaving for the academy?" Asked Clair.

" Probably a week after the auction, maybe two weeks. I need to sign up for the fall semester. Winter is approaching and if I don't leave soon, I will need to wait until spring." Reply Michael.

" Your father and I are going to miss you, dear. Are you sure you want to leave so soon? Are you sure you don't want to reconsider and stay with the guild? You can stay with us for another year?" Asked Claire, hope in her voice.

"I'm sure, mom. Don't worry, I'll send you letters. And besides, we still have two weeks." Said Michael.

"But this is just so sudden. You just got your new job, won't it be better to establish yourself for a few years before going to school?" Asked Clair softly. Michael sat up, straight and determined. Clair, reading his body language, sighed.

" I'm already twenty, and how else will I become a master, I have plateaued in smithing. And my runesmithing can still grow a lot." Said Michael excitedly.

" I know, dear. It's just hard. Can't you go to one of our academy's here in Pentir?" Asked Clair.

" I would, but Reskeme is going to the Sauren academy." Said Michael.

" Alright, dear. I know you want to be with your friend. Your dad acts all tough, but I know he is just as worried as I am. Make sure to send us both letters." Said Clair.

" Mother, please don't worry. We are going to be in the capitol, from what I hear, the city of Wyndham Is being attacked. I heard the first battle was a massacre. Both sides suffered, but we repelled the Darvan advance. With a crushing blow, sending the Darva reeling at the defeat. Think about it, the Laurentian's lack our rune smithing. If we help provide their mages with powerful rune smith'd weapons, they surely will hold back the enemy better." Said Micheal raising a fist in excitement.

Excitement welled in Reskeme's chest as he listened wistfully to Michael and his mother. He smiled, what he would do for loving parents. Reskeme swallowed, pushing the thought away. His heart clenched as he balled his fists beneath the table. Memories of an older woman filled his mind with her bloody form laying on the-

Something tugged at Reskeme's leather apron, dragging his attention from his dark thoughts to Rory and Alex. They stare up at him sleepily but with excitement in their eyes.

" Uncle Reskeme, can you take us to the auction?" Asked Rory, rubbing her eyes and smiling sweetly.

" Please, I want to come too." Asked Alex.

" We have a lot to do today. I need to help Michael finish the scabbard and-

" Actually, I have a scabbard I can fit for the sword." Said Michael.

"And what about the sword and dagger we are working on?" Asked Reskeme.

"We are not selling those at the auction. You should take the kids to the auction. It's the first day today. You should get out and have some fun for once. Besides, I will just be setting the gems and engraving nullification runes into the scabbard." Said Michael, waving him away.

" Don't forget to change. That apron is really dirty." Said Rory.

" Wait, why do I need to change, I always wear this leather apron." Said Reskeme, eyeing first Clair Michael and then Rory.

" I think it's a good idea. Besides, what if you meet a pretty young lady?" Ask Clair, bobbing her eyebrows suggestively.

" I don't need to worry about that with Michael around. He is way more handsome than I am." Reply Reskeme, a flush rising to his cheeks.

" Well, I still think you should take today off. You have spent little time with the children. It will do you some good to go have some fun." Said Clair, smiling kindly at him.

" I think mom just needs a break from them." Said Michael, in a stage whisper.

Clair slapped Michael light on the shoulder, receiving a laugh.

" I have work to do, and your father is definitely missing me at the workshop. He has needed to pull double the work while I have been monitoring these two troublemakers." Said Clair, glaring playfully at Rory and Alex.

Rory stuck her tongue out at Clair's words, making Alex giggle.

" Clair, thanks for watching them. You and Mr Harath have done a lot for us." Said Reskeme, gratitude welling in his chest.

" It was no bother, I love having them around." Said Clair, smiling at Rory and Alex.

" Even if one of them keeps eating all of my pastries when they think I'm not looking." Said Clair, a smile creeping onto her face. Rory looked away, admiring the painting on the wall pretending like she was the most innocent kid around.

" Alright, I'm going to change." Said Reskeme, turning towards his room. He could hear Rory and Alex excitedly chatting behind him as he ascended the stairs.

" Grandma Clair, can I use my new dress please?" Asked Rory.

" I want to dress up too!" Said Alex.

" Of course, come with me. You can't go to a fancy auction without dressing good." Said Clair.

Reskeme smile and he shut the door to his room and changed into blue Cotten pants and a plain but well made green cotton shirt.

He checked his purse, verifying that he still had three silver crowns. Reskeme grumbled, the old Reskeme would slap himself for three silver. Yet just now he was grumbling at how little he had?

It sure was interesting how your life could change so much in such little time.

Rushing down the stairs, Reskeme slipped his leather boots over his threadbare socks. He smiled as both Rory and Alex rushed over to join him. Once outside in the bustling street, Reskeme admired the two children in their new outfits.

Rory had her hair in a short braid that stopped at her shoulders. Reskeme smiled as Rory jumped up and down on the cobblestone street, grinning as she smoothed her voluminous yellow dress, straightening unseen wrinkles. The fabric swirling as she twirled happily.

Alex was in a light brown vest and light blue pants. The boy's short hair combed from one side to the other.

" Let's go!" said Reskeme as as he saunter down the street, the two kids in tow as they headed for the guildhall.

Rory clasped onto Reskeme's left arm and Alex on his right as they followed the flow of traffic. Reskeme couldn't contain his own excitement as the kids pulled him along. Reskeme laughed as they reached a crossroad passing by a tavern with a well-dressed woman holding a glass of wine. The scent of bread drifted in the air, overshadowing the sweeter smell of sweet glaze making his spirits high.

Reskeme was practically dragged towards the market square. He smiled, following the two kids as they harassed the shopkeeper. Both kids poked various baskets, tilting them to see what was inside. The elderly man behind the cart seemed perfectly at home, directing the kids to the sweet rolls on the corner.

The crowd flowed past as Reskeme stood back, letting the kids have fun. The cacophony of sound soothing to Reskeme's ears, making him think of simpler times. He turned, eying the crowd. A figure clad in a purple silken hood with a light blue blouse and silken pants strode past him. The woman was taller than him by perhaps a head and must not of seen him waiting as she waited just behind Rory and Alex.

Reskeme opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. He swallowed as she reached up and pulled back her hood, the young woman's short, curly brown hair falling around her face. Reskeme's jaw dropped as he caught the woman staring white smile. She stared at Roy as the young girl picked up a glazed pastry and took a big bite.

" I see the church rewards treachery well," said Reskeme. The woman froze and slowly turned.

Her eyes roved, his face widening.

" You 're really alive? And no, they don't like treachery, actually." Asked Trisha, stepping towards his her arms outside as though to embrace him. Reskeme scowled at her, taking a step back to keep an arm's length between them.

" Don't act so surprised. I see the blue church medallion on your chest. I should have known they would send you. You have already shown that you can stab your friends in the back." Said Reskeme. He paused as she flushed in embarrassment. Regret and sorrow crossed her face. Trisha took a step away at his harsh words.

"I never stabbed you, I only helped arrest you." mumbled Trisha.

" Thats almost the same thing, betrayal is still a betrayal." said Reskeme.

Reskeme swallowed. Why did he feel bad about saying that? He needed to be weary of her. She was obviously here on orders from the church, and Reskeme would not let her betray him again.

" It wasn't like that. I tried to come save you." Said Trisha, her voice soft as she fidgeted with her silken shirt sleeve.

"Right, and the church just gives silver away without a price? I'm betting you have been with them all along. Did they give you your fancy new amulet for successfully betraying me?" said Reskeme, keeping his voice low and watching the bustling crowd for Trishas friends.

" I know you are mad, but can we just talk about this like adults? Please, just listen to what I have to say."Asked Trisha wiping away moisture from her eye. It must have been dust. Reskeme doubted Trisha cared about anyone enough to cry for them.

Reskeme gritted his teeth, pushing down his seething anger and hurt at her betrayal.

" Alright, I will listen. Your church released me, after all. But that doesn't mean your betrayal didn't hurt." Said Reskeme, crossing his arms and staying on guard.

" For what it's worth, you are one of my friends, even if you think I'm not yours. I came back to rescue you, but by the time I arrived, you were gone. All that was left was a burned corpse with chains. I thought you were dead! Do you know how hard it is loosing friends?" Reply Trisha, more moisture welling in her vision as she met his eyes. Reskeme swallowed, her words striking a cord, her gaze boring into his own with a fierceness he had never seen.

Reskeme opened his mouth to reply. His emotions raged, anger, distrust and sadness battling within him. Worst of all was he wanted to trust her. He wanted to believe her words. Reskeme pushed them all down, swallowing, unsure of how to feel about it.

" I can agree with a truce for now. Friendship requires trust, and I don't think I can trust you right now. And besides, its hard to trust someone that dresses like a Dandy." Said Reskeme, smiling and tossing out the insult.

Trisha nodded.

" Truce! There is the Reskeme I know. But I am not a dandy. I dress nothing like those rich noble snobs." Reply Trisha affronted staring down at her expensive purple silk blouse and high quality black silk pants.

" Uncle Reskeme! I got you a sweet roll." Shouted Rory, running up to Reskeme and proffering the roll, cutting the rising tension.

" Uncle? When did that happen?" asked Trisha, raising an eyebrow.

" Did you pay for it?" Asked Reskeme, glancing up at the old man by the cart.

"Nope!" said Rory cheerily.

"But you have coppers!" said Reskeme, aghast.

" I forgot them at home." said Rory. Trisha burst out laughing. Reskeme glared at Trisha, hating that he too was smiling. It was damned hard to be mad at Trisha.

" That will be four copper crowns, sir. Unless the beautiful young lady with you wants something as well?" said the old man, smiling pleasantly.

Alex grinned after those words, grabbing a large sweet roll and running over to them, offering the steaming pastry to Trisha.

" Uncle Reskeme, I got your friend a sweet roll." Said Alex excitedly.

" What a kind young gentlemen, thank you so much." Said Trisha, taking the offered sweet roll from Alex's hands and tearing off a piece.

" I'm Rory. You 're so beautiful! What is your name?"

"I'm Trisha. I love your dress. The yellow compliments your eyes. It's so nice to meet you. I can't believe Reskeme has never told me about you." Reply Trisha smiling at her.

Rory grinned excitedly as she jumped up and down, swishing her yellow dress from side to side.

Reskeme tried for all he was worth to stay angry, but Rorys excitement forced a small smile onto his face.

"Thats because you would probably tie them to the back of your horse." grumbled Reskeme quietly.

"What was that?" asked Trisha.

"Nothing, just talking to myself." reply Reskeme.

" I love your blue necklace. Can I have it? And what is a Dandy?" asked Rory, reaching up to touch Trishas church amulet.

Trisha laughed, leaning back to avoid Rory's fingers.

Ahem! The old shop keeper cleared his throat, looking at Reskeme intently.

Oh, right, he still needed to buy the treats.

" How much copper did you say it was?" Asked Reskeme, digging into his purse. Reskeme grumbled as Trisha leaned down and whispered into the girl's ear. Rory laughed, covering her mouth, her eyes glancing over Reskeme's simple cotton shirt and pants.

" A dandy, is someone who-

" Five coppers." Reply the old man.

" Let me buy it, this is my treat." Said Trisha, before she pushed past Reskeme and placed five copper crowns on the man's cart.

" Thank you."Replied Reskeme stiffly, the words hard to stomach. Just because they had a truce didn't mean he had to like it.

" Lets go to the auction." shouted Alex, holding his glazed treat into the air.

" I can't wait to see a magic sword. Can you buy me a magic sword?" Asked Rory, staring up at him with huge eyes.

" I don't have that much crowns." Said Reskeme, pushing Alex towards the street past Trisha.

"Come with us Trisha, it will be a lot of fun!" Said Rory as Reskeme strode away with Alex in tow.

" I don't know if there will be enough seats. Besides, a dandy like Trisha wouldn't want to sit with us." Said Reskeme.

" Please!! Please can she come. She is so pretty and nice. She even bought us sweet rolls!" Said Alex, getting glaze on the front of his clean cotton shirt.

Why was it so easy to let his guard down around her?

"Oh ya? I haven't gotten soft. I can sit in a wooden chair if I need to." Reply Trisha.

"Alright, fine come along you Dandy." said Reskeme.

Reskeme led the way, joined shortly by Trisha, who jogged to walk beside him and the two kids.

" What a dandy, Rory?" asked Alex.

" It's some kind of vegetable, I think. Trisha said it's as bad as the worst word I know. Soo I think it has to be broccoli. I know I would be mad if someone called me a head of broccoli." Said Rory, as the two kids leaned in to discuss it further.

Reskeme laughed, unable to hold it back anymore.

" Now that was clever." Said Reskeme.

" Thank you. So how have you been? I mean, I know you have been infiltrating this guild for the church, but how has that been going?" Asked Trisha, walking right next to Reskeme. He swallowed, uncomfortable with the proximity for all the wrong reasons.

" It's been going alright. I found where the relic is that you are here for and I stole the key to get into that disturbing room." Said Reskeme. He paused, darnit this woman was insufferably easy to be comfortable around.

" That's impressive. Can I have the key, I'm the one running the mission for the church." Asked Trisha.

" No! it took me a lot of effort and risk to steal the key. And besides, I need a reason for the church to keep me around. Other wise my allies might decide to lock me up again." Said Reskeme seriously.

" I won't lock you up. I will do everything I can to make you escape this time. Just trust me and I will make sure you don't end up in some cell somewhere or on the fire." Said Trisha, meeting his eyes.

" Thats a lot to ask. How can I possibly trust you?" Asked Reskeme.

" I may be the Bishop's apprentice, but I am still your friend. You may not believe it, but if you just trust me I will get you out of this mess alive." Said Trisha.

" Do you really mean that?" Asked Reskeme, wanting to believe her words.

" I do." Said Trisha forcefully as they continued on slightly ahead of Rory and Alex.

" I'll try, but I am still getting you back for tying me to the back of your horse. I think the cell was better if I'm being honest. At least I wasn't slamming my head against a horse's leg for hours." Said Reskeme.

" Bah, like I will let you do that. That's no way to ask a lady to ride with you on a horse." Reply Trisha affecting a hotty attitude.

" Definitely becoming a dandy." Said Reskeme under his breath.

"What was that? I can find Eliya. She has gotten better with her staff. She could help you back onto my horse's backside, no problem, with a light hit to the head." Said Trisha, grinning jokingly.

" You 're hilarious. Hide your, amulet, you don't want any of the guards knowing you are a church member. Wait, did you say Bishop's apprentice? Like the bishop, of Laurentia?" Asked Reskeme, pausing in thought. Trisha tucked the blue amulet into the front of her blouse, bringing Reskeme's attention from her face to her chest. His cheeks flamed, and he looked away to hide his embarrassment.. Now was not the time to be thinking of that with someone who could be planning on betraying him again.

"Yess, oh, that just reminded me. The Bishop told me you are wanted for murder, for killing that noble named Mark. And you need to be more careful. A church spy has been monitoring you ever since the High Priest freed you." said Trisha casually. Reskeme paused, taking in those words. If he was wanted for murder, Reskeme had one more reason to be weary of the Bishop's apprentice. All criminals feared the inquisition, many opting for a quick death by the guards rather than the slow, painful death of the cleansing fire of the inquisition.

" You 're not denying it? Is that how your ear got messed up?" asked Trisha, her hand gingerly reaching up to his ear. Reskeme tensed but didn't move away as she moved his shoulder length hair from around his ear.

" I was lucky the sabre didn't go through my face. It has had time to heal, so it looks a lot better now than it did before." said Reskeme, stepping away and settling his hair back over his ear. He had taken to pushing all of his hair to that one side, using the shoulder length hair to cover the ruined ear.

At the end of the street, Reskeme could see the bustling crowd thinning slightly, revealing the large sign emblazoned with Elementals fury.

" How do you like being the apprentice to someone like the Bishop?" asked Reskeme as they approached the guild hall.

" Its tough, she has some malicious training methods." replies Trisha shuddering.

Reskeme directed Trisha towards the front entrance, passing the side wall to the workshops.

The two guards on duty waved at him as he passed. Reskeme smiled. Both guards were much more friendly after he showed them the sword and shield he made.

" You seem friendly with the guards." said Trisha as they followed the street and climbed the stairs to the front entrance.

" Well, its better to be nice to the guards then mean and have them be suspicious." said Reskeme. The front door guard glared at Reskeme as he walked past. Reskeme glanced away, pretending like he hadn't noticed Vern's hateful glare.

" Right, that guard by the front door was totally not glaring daggers at you." said Trisha.

" What if he was glaring at you? Some people get jealous of people with your good looks. I see why Vern would. He looks like a mule's backside." said Reskeme.

" It is not that. There are plenty of women in here who are way better looking than me. Like Rory, for example, she is just the cutest." said Trisha, winking at Rory.

They followed the flow of people. A sign hung over a door marked Auction. Wallace stood by the doorway directing people inside after checking their badges.

" Good morning Wallace." said Reskeme as it became his turn. Reskeme presented his copper badge.

" Good morning, you are free to bring in friends and family but doo keep a friendly behavior. The auction will begin in a half our." Said Wallace.

" However, that will be ten coppers a piece for entry. Just raise this placard to bid on an item. However, if you bid on an item that you cannot afford, the bid will be given to someone else and we will ban you from the auction in the future." said Wallace. Reskeme bit his lip, passing forty copper to Wallace. Wallace gave Reskeme a placard on a pole with a number on it and waved him inside. Reskeme was kicking himself as he entered until he heard Wallace behind him.

" That will be one silver each sir." said Wallace

" But they only payed 10 coppers a piece." said the man.

" They are with a member." Said Wallace.

Felling much better now about his purchase, Reskeme found an isle passing full seats until he found a row near the back. They set the room up with elevated seating overlooking a stage like a fighting arena. Reskeme turned back towards the stage to notice two men on the bottom row laughing at each other as they none too talking about him.

"Who are those two?" asked Trisha.

" The one with the mustache is Ethan and the really tall one is Stan. Ethan is okay but Stan is a bit of an ass." said Reskeme.

Stan rose from his seat and walked up the isle his brown silken doublet and green pants clinging tightly to his lanky frame. Reskeme eyed the man's impressive height with envy as the man took the stairs two at a time.

" I see you have brought a lady to the action. I'm surprised you can afford her company." said Ethan.

" You think I'm an escort? Now that is illogical. I bet you know the names of every escort in the city by now. And I'm not one of them. With a taste in clothing like the one you are wearing, you would need to pay a woman to accompany you anywhere." reply Trisha, eying Stan up and down like he was nothing more than furniture.

" I think she has you there, Stan. I mean, who picks the colours light green and brown together?" asked Reskeme, not even bothering to hide his smile.

Trisha reached into her blouse and pulled her blue church amulet so Stan could see for a moment. Stan's face paled, and he took a step back.

" I just wanted to make sure you know who you were insulting. I wonder what your father would say if he heard you called the bishop's apprentice an escort?" asked Trisha, reclining in the padded wooden chair like it was a plush recliner.

" I'm terribly sorry milady, I misspoke. I meant he was escorting you to the auction." said Stan, sweat beading his forehead.

"Stan, what are you doing?" asked a shorter man with a full mustache.

" I was just making sure Reskeme wasn't going back on our bet." reply Stan.

" Then why do you look like someone killed your dog?" asked Ethan.

" Hello Ethan, nice to see you again." said Reskeme waving. More people entered the seats below Reskeme, filling up quickly. Ethan smoothed his short black hair and smiled at Trisha..

" Well, Reskeme, who are these two diamonds you have brought with you?" asked Ethan, winking cheekily at Trisha and then Rory.

" He is smooth." whispered Tisha.

" This is Trisha, and the lovely young girl is Rory." said Reskeme, gesturing to each.

" Oh my, I love your dress, Rory. And it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Trisha." said Ethan, bowing to each in turn.

" Excuse me, can everyone take you seats. We will start the auction in a moment." said Wallace, his voice carrying in the theatre like auction hall..

To the sides of the auction hall were several glass covered booths that blocked Reskeme's view of whoever was inside.

The hall quieted as the doors to the auction were closed, and Wallace raised his hands.

" Now that everyone is seated i would like to give a welcome to his highness Prince Rainier. Please rise and show your respect." said Wallace, bowing deeply towards one of the glass booths on the wall.

Reskeme gestured to the two children to rise as everyone else in the room did, each person bowing towards the glass booth.

" Please take a seat." said a calming voice as it echoed in the quiet chamber.

" Now then, let us begin!" said Wallace.

" Our first item clutched from the chest of a Darvan Varsuth is a lesser monster's heart peak stage." Said Wallace as gesturing toward a covered pedestal as two staff members uncovered the plain-looking item.

Reskeme swallowed, wanting to immediately raise his placard.

" Starting price ten gold crowns." said Wallace.

The crowd murmured in excitement. A lesser monster's heart at the peak stage was no small thing. Reskeme and Michael had used a lesser monster's heart at the initial stage to create some powerful weapons.

11 gold shouted someone in the audience.

12 gold shouted another.

16 gold shouted another.

20 gold. Sold to number 56.

Reskeme blanched as the number skyrocketed out of his price range.

" Hey Trisha, how much silver do you have on you?" asked Reskeme.

" I have five gold why do you ask?" asked Trisha.

" Really? Five gold as pocket change?" asked Reskeme.

" Yes, five gold is not that much. That one item just sold for twenty gold." said Trisha waving a hand dismissively.

"Loan me four gold. I will pay you back later." said Reskeme.

Trisha raised an eyebrow. But pulled four gold crowns from her purse and dropped them into Reskeme's hand like they were dirty coppers.

"I didn't think you would actually loan me four gold." said Reskeme dumbfounded.

" Well, you may not trust me but I trust you to pay it back." replies Trisha. Reskeme clutched the gold coins, feeling kinda bad. He wouldn't trust himself with the loan of four gold.

" Our next item, ten bottles of paralysing gas. This concoction was recently discovered and the formula for its creation comes with these ten bottles of the gas." said Wallace as his aids pulled out a cart containing ten small bottles with swirling purple gas inside. Each of the glass vials could fit into Reskemes palm easily.

"Starting bid twenty silver." said Wallace. Several moments passed where no one raised their placards. Sure, the substance was useful, but only to those with nefarious intent. Beside Reskeme, Trisha elbowed him lightly.

"Raise your placard i want it." said Trisha.

" Twenty-one silver." said Reskeme, raising his placard.

" Sold! For twenty-one silver." said Wallace, and they took the items off the stage to a back room.

" What could you possibly want with paralysing gas?" asked Reskeme, eying Trisha.

" You better not use it on me. I really don't like the idea of being paralyzed." said Reskeme.

" Really, do you just automatically expect me to use everything i get to betray you?" asked Trisha, her voice coming out slightly upset.

" Pretty much." said Reskeme.

" I guess that's fair." said Trisha, crossing her arms. Several more items passed on the stage, each selling for twenty silver or less.

" How long until we get to the good items?" asked Trisha.

" Well, that is most likely going to be tomorrow. They will only auction the best items last. As for today, I was hoping for something interesting to get." said Reskeme.

" For our next auction, we have a belt of runed knives. They forged each of these three throwing knives with water runes. After some testing we discovered each knife when thrown can piece quality leather armor like its made of paper." said Wallace waving a hand to the three plain looking metal knives. Finally, something Reskeme actually wanted.

" Starting price for the runed knives with no monster's heart is fifty silver crowns." said Wallace.

Reskeme raised the placard.

" Fifty-five!"

"Sixty!" shouted a man in the uniform of a soldier with the stripe of a sergeant on his shoulder.

" Seventy" shouted Reskeme,.

He swallowed as the price climbed and stopped at ninety silver. Reskeme really didn't want to pay a gold for the knives, but he would have to if someone outbid his ninety silver. The army Sergent nodded to him, giving up the bid.


" Are you even any good with knives?" asked Trisha.

" Not really no. I am learning tho." reply Reskeme.

" They are a tough weapon. When I'm fighting with my daggers, I get the urge to throw them sometimes. But I have practiced throwing my knives a few times and found out I would be just giving away my weapons." said Trisha.

" Dont you fight with swords?" asked Reskeme, cocking his head and eying her. He reevaluated her roving his eyes along her outfit, looking for the knives he knew must be hidden there.

" Not since my boss told me i have to fight with daggers. Apparently, its unseemly to wear a sword in public." said Trisha shaking her head.

" What about your magic? Dont you fight with that?" asked Reskeme.

" Well, I'm learning. You should really practice that, by the way. Channeling your mana while you practice fighting. It is a lot harder than you would think. I am learning to combine my wind mana to wonderful effect while fighting with my daggers." said Trisha.

"I want to learn magic." said Rory piping up.

" Well, if you get lucky, you will have an affinity, maybe several." said Trisha.

" I can already use magic. But I cannot control it." said Rory.

" Of course Rory. I can teach you later." said Reskeme, eying Rory meaningfully. The girl quieted, eating her pastries with Alex, who wasn't paying attention to the auction as he pretended his pastry was a flying boat.

Reskeme wanted to save the rest of his crowns, as he doubted the first day would have the best items. They watched for another hour before they brought the last item on stage.

" For our last item of the day. This is an item presented by guild master Lucas himself. We found it while scouting the border of the forbidden lands." said Wallace.

Wallace pulled the draped cover from the cart, and everyone gasped. Glass covered the long, thin weapon. The staff was about six feet long, made of black wood spiraling with thin cracks of midnight darkness. The cracks oozed a deathly fog that drifted from the wood, swirling majestically. Reskeme tensed. The item felt wrong. He swallowed, glancing around at all the other spectators.

" There is something wrong with that staff." said Reskeme quietly to Trisha.

" What do you mean, wrong? It has black fog swirling around it, of course. Something is wrong with it." said Trisha.

" Not that, I mean it feels simular to my familiar only much worse." said Reskeme in a whisper. Trishas eyes went wide.

" Our guild master verified that this is one of two relics found at the ancient tomb. He has set the starting price for the relic. Ten thousand gold crowns." said Wallace. The entire hall went silent. And then everyone began to murmur.

" A relic?"

" No way that cannot be!" whispered others

Reskemes, dreams of wielding the staff were so thoroughly crushed that all he could do was gape. So much for buying a relic. That was what Enis had said? Enis had even charged Reskeme that same amount when Reskeme had absorbed the ancient vessel.

" No bidders?" asked Wallace with a grin. When no one said anything, Wallace covered the staff back up.

" That is fine! We will reconvene at noon tomorrow for the second and last day of the auction. We, the guild, will offer this relic and another of its rarity tomorrow." Said Wallace. Two guild members, both with gold tokens on their chests, pushed the cart back out of the door. Those had to be high-ranking mages of the guild?

"That was smart." said Trisha.

"What do you mean? Noone even bid on the relic." said Reskeme.

The audience fell into murmuring as the auction concluded. They were all talking animatedly, especially in the bottom rows. Those rows of people contained the staff of wealthy nobles who were here, no doubt on behalf of their lords. Judging by their hurried gates as they left, all of them were in a hurry to report to the nobles they worked for.

" The guild just gave a wealthy house the chance to own a unique, powerful relic. And this is the first day. From the panicked looks of their aids, all of them are kicking themselves. I seriously doubt any of them were given permission to spend that much gold. For the guild, this is giving a taste of what is coming tomorrow. All the heads of the noble houses in Hurst and maybe some envoys of other cities will show up tomorrow. I am betting the two relics will go for double the price that one was listed at." said Trisha.

" But then why didn't the prince bid on it?" asked Reskeme.

" I am betting the prince was asked to not place a bid until tomorrow. Or he is saving his crowns for the second relic." said Trisha.

" Why would he do that?" asked Reskeme, confused.

" Well, several reasons. First, I bet the second relic is the one the prince is going to buy. And it could be an attempt to show the king's status and power to the nobles." said Trisha.

Reskeme shrugged, unsure if Trisha was stating the truth. He yawned and stretched.

" Lets go pay for our stuff and go, I'm hungry." said Reskeme as he descended the stairs towards the stage. Reskeme gripped his placard and approached Wallace. Excitement welled in his chest. After seeing that staff, Reskeme realized that his sword and shield were simple. No wonder Michael wanted to make them better. Compared to that Staff, the sword and shield looked like children made them. Reskeme grinned. One day, he would have something like that.