
Chapter 13,Guild Elementals Fury


Reskeme and his companions walked towards the entrance of the guildhall, Elementals Fury. The tide of people entering and leaving was a steady stream. At least it wouldn't be suspicious that they were entering. Palms slick with sweat, he grasped the hands of Rory and Alex. They followed the tide of humanity, entering through the entrance to counters and shops.

What in the world? Spaced evenly in the first room were merchant stalls lined with a variety of goods. Along the right wall started with a merchant selling plants. Of all things plants? The room with the plants had a glass window. He was looking through a window that expanded back into the building, light shining through the roof. Why would anyone want to grow flowers in their house?

" Look over there, Reskeme, there are cool weapons. Can we go look?," asked Rory, tugging him to the right.

" I want to look at the books first." said Alex, tugging him the opposite direction.

" We can look at both of them. Lets go to the weapons first." said Reskeme licking his lips grinning in excitement.

" But I want to look at the books." said Alex pouting up at him.

" Dont worry Alex, after we look at the cool weapons we can look at the books." replied Reskeme, unable to stop his eyes from roving the many shops.

Reskeme watched the entrance to each of the shops. Before walking towards the shops with armour and weapons. Reskeme blanched when a man leaning against the wall stepped forwards holding up his hand, stopping Reskeme..

" Halt. Sorry to bother you, sir. Can I see your guild medallion, please?" asked the man, bowing.

" What is a guild medallion?" asked Reskeme.

" Oh, I'm terribly sorry, sir. If you do not have a medallion, then you can't enter any of the guild shops." said the man, smiling kindly.

"I did not know that. How do I get a medallion?" asked Reskeme, raising his hand to his head. Bowing in an imitation of the man's bow.

" I regret to inform you, we are only accepting new members who possess magic or have skill in a profession." said the man smiling. Reskemes' mood brightened. H smiled at the man.

" Oh, that's all?" replied Reskeme.

" Yes, if you have magic then just report to the main office for testing." Replied the Man.

" Where is the main office?" asked Reskeme.

" Follow the main hall until you reach the end, wait in line and be patient. And trust me, it matters." said the man.

" Thank you, do I need money to enter the guild." asked Reskeme.

" Of course not. If you can create value for the guild, they will hire you on." said the man. Reskeme smiled, that was good to hear. He was thinking he wouldn't have a chance. So far almost everyone in the guild he had passed, including the man, was dressed in dark embroidered clothes. Reskeme swallowed, the sheer amount of wealth on people walking through the hall was staggering.

Reskeme nodded his head at the man who had helped him before walking down the hall. Reskeme still thought it was a colossal waste of money to have bright coloured mud on the walls. But he was beginning to like the well-dressed people around him. Sure, their feathered hats and occasionally bright colours were odd. But the stitching and turned-up collars of Pentir made the men look dashing, in his opinion.

In Reskemes opinion the overuse of fabric the women wore was offputting. He was familiar with women wearing practical pants and only rarely wearing dresses. His contemplation of the differences was cut short when he arrived at the end of the bustling hall. Before passing out of the bustle of the crowd.

An older woman sat behind a dark wooden desk reading a book. The woman glanced up when he and his companions approached.

" Hello, how can I help you?" asked the woman, closing the book.

" I was looking to join the guild." replied Reskeme.

" And the kids? We do not employ anyone under the age of fourteen. If you are looking for a teacher for the kids, we can offer teachers." said the older woman dispassionately, running her wrinkled hand through her long grey hair.

" Just for me, I do not have the money for a teacher." said Reskeme, shuffling on his feet.

" Any professions? Or magic I should know of?" asked the Woman.

" I can uh make a campfire and put runes on a weapon." replied Reskeme.

The woman glanced down at his sword, rolling her eyes.

"Soo, all you can do is put a rune on your sword?" asked the woman, unimpressed.

"Well, I can do illusions on myself and burn things." said Reskeme, wiping the sweat from his brow.

" Very impressive. I can just see the amount of gold you will make us." said The Woman, rolling her eyes.

Reskeme swallowed, staring into the woman's hard eyes. After a long moment, she finally spoke.

" Very well, take this token and enter the waiting room." Said the woman, handing a wooden token with the number ten burned onto the surface.

Reskeme, Rory and Alex scurried past the woman as she opened a door to her left. Alex leaned into him, keeping as far away from the woman as he could while they walked through the door. Inside the room were five rows of wooden chairs in rows, with a door on the far wall and nothing else. Five other people waited inside. They all glanced up as Reskeme entered. At the front were three men in and one woman in dark embroidered clothing. Reskeme sat in the back row next to a boy at the back, dressed in bright blue pants and a yellow shirt.

" I like your shirt. Are you a noble?" asked Alex as soon as they sat next to the man. The man smiled, his blue eyes glinting in mirth.

From ahead of them, one of the young men turned up his nose, sniffing in disdain at all of them.

" You think he is a noble in that drab cotton clothing? He does not even have any silk on." snickered the black-haired young man.

The young man next to Reskeme shrunk at the comment. His plain but bright clothing simple compared to the four young men and women at the front of the room.

" Can you believe that child? He thought a piece of trash commoner blacksmith was of noble blood?" laughed the young man. The well-built young man one row ahead of him flushed, his cheeks turning a bright red. Wait, a blacksmith?

" A Blacksmith? do you make swords?" asked Rory.

" I am a blacksmith, but I'm hoping to get the sponsor of the guild to become a runesmith." said The man grinning, his face flushing again. Reskeme watched from the corner of his eye as the four nobles whispered amongst themselves, clearly unimpressed.

" Good luck with that commoner trash. Without a noble sponsor, you will never be close to a noble crafter. Never in a hundred years would anyone sponsor a piece of trash like you to be a runesmith!" said the tallest of the three boys, sneering at him.

Reskeme pushed down his urge to make a retort. For now, it was like they couldn't even see him. He guessed having threadbare cotton clothing made him less than the blacksmith in their eyes. Turning to the older boy, Reskeme cocked his head, wondering what a runesmith was?

" I'm not trash, I will show these nobles a commoner can surpass them in skill." mumbled the young man.

"What is a runesmith?" asked Reskeme, confused. If this man wasn't a mage, how could he use runes?

"Well uh, I need to find a mage with my same mana and another more useful magic to make the armour valuable." said the young man, his shoulders slumping.

" Im Reskeme. What is your name?" said Reskeme, grinning at the man. That sounded like it could make money.

" Oh, odd name Reskeme. Nice to meet you. I'm Micheal," said the man bowing his hand facing outwards while placed on his forehead.

" Really, why is that?" asked Reskeme.

"Well, hmm." the man sighed " this is the fifth time I have came to the guild, maybe its impossible to have a soul magic and an elemental magic at the same time?" said the boy resting his head in his hands.

" Wait, what magic combination do you need?" asked Reskeme, his heart racing excitedly.

" I need a someone with soul magic, which is rare but not unheard of. I need someone with both soul magic and Elemental magic. So you can see why I'm so put off? I doubt I will meet one. Its already been five years of waiting." said the young man.

" You are patient, I couldn't wait that long." said Rory.

" I have no other choice, but I haven't been idle. I have been practicing my blacksmithing, but without someone to help me with the runes I cannot make magical armour." said Micheal sighing deeply.

" What kind of magic would be the most useful for your armour?" asked Reskeme, drooling at the thought of an amazing arrow proof shirt.

" I would be happy with anything, no telling what we can do with any of them? Soul magic just feels so useless to add to armour. There is nothing it can do to help with attack or defence." said Micheal.

" Well Micheal, you will get the chance today. Rune armour sounds like we could make a lot of money." said Reskeme grinning at him.

" What do you mean?" asked Micheal.

" Well, this is your lucky day. I have soul magic and fire magic." said Reskeme, grinning ear to ear. Micheal gaped at him as a man poked their head in.

" Whoever has the wooden placard with the number one, please step forward." said the man dispassionately. And waved for one of the four richly dressed nobles to enter.

" This is absurd. Do you know who I am? I have been waiting here for almost an hour." Shouted the tall noble at the closing door. The guild official let the first blond haired noble pass and stare at the tallest noble in the group, sneering.

" If you do not wish to join the guild, please, feel free to use the exit." said the official calmly. Rory laughed, but Reskeme quickly hushed her, putting his hand over her mouth.