
Silver Blue Eyes - The Awakening Book 1 by Mary D. Johnson

In the ethereal realm of the Nether Dimension, a place shrouded in darkness and mystery resides a young and formidable soul named Keliana Iris Larkin. At the tender age of fourteen, she possesses a power so potent it sets her apart from the ordinary. Little does she know, Keliana is the last descendant of the revered and long-lost royal bloodline known as Aurum. The Nether Dimension, a realm distant and detached from Earth One by an unfathomable expanse of 500 light years, is a battleground between good and evil. Keliana's noble family bears the weighty responsibility of safeguarding all realms from the vile onslaught of demons who traverse treacherous portals and gateways, hell-bent on sowing chaos and tyranny. But the truth that lies concealed from Keliana and her kin is far more astounding and perilous. Within their veins courses the sacred essence of the Aurum Bloodline, a lineage entwined with destiny and royalty. Her father, Prince Erinic Aurum Larkin, stands as the true and rightful ruler of the Nether Dimension, yet this knowledge remains shrouded in secrecy. A sinister web of power and control, known as the Sovereign system, has granted prosperity to select families every fifty years, while ruthlessly eradicating the impoverished to sustain its insidious empire. In this fantastical saga, Keliana must bear the weight of this dark legacy upon her young shoulders. She embarks on a daunting quest to unravel the enigma shrouding her brother's tragic demise or inexplicable vanishing, striving to protect her fractured family amidst the tempestuous storm that brews. As she ventures deeper into the labyrinthine mysteries that lie ahead, the fate of Earth One hangs precariously in the balance. Her nefarious uncle, Mondola, driven by a malevolent thirst for power, marshals his wicked forces to claim dominion over the unsuspecting world. Will Keliana, bound by duty and a thirst for justice, comprehend the cryptic extent of her own burgeoning powers in time to thwart the imminent threat? Can she unravel the tangled web of her brother's unknown fate, and in doing so, keep her resolve unyielding and her family intact? With every step she takes, the stakes grow higher, the darkness threatening to consume her very soul. Will she succumb to the seductive whispers of revenge, forsaking the noble path that lies before her? Or will she remain resolute, her determination fueling her as she navigates the treacherous realm of uncertainty and danger? Only time will tell as Keliana's clandestine journey, veiled in riddles and secrets, commences, casting her into the throes of a mystifying and perilous adventure.

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You're in my territory

Regan's eyes widened as she stared at Keliana's right ankle, which emitted a pulsating red glow. It was as if the very essence of supernatural energy was coursing through her veins.

"Okay, I'm officially spooked," Regan exclaimed, unable to tear her gaze away from the mesmerizing glow. "This is beyond normal. This is... supernatural."

Keliana nodded, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. Together, they made a pact to uncover the truth behind this strange phenomenon. Leaving the confines of the classroom, they followed the tingling sensation on Keliana's ankle, which led them on an otherworldly journey.

Minutes later, their quest brought them to the back of the school, where a peculiar sight awaited them. A colorful array of cloaks, meticulously stitched together in the sewing class, hung on a line. As if by some mystical coincidence, they instinctively knew these garments held a special power—one that could potentially shield them from the demonic forces plaguing their school.

"Don't know if it'll work, but desperate times call for fashionable measures," Regan quipped, half-jokingly, as they donned the enchanted cloaks, hoping to cloak their own auras from the malevolent entities that roamed.

With the weight of their mission heavy on their shoulders, they pressed onward, determined to locate the source and free the captive humans before it was too late.

Their next discovery sent chills down their spines. A green, ethereal portal materialized before their eyes, its enigmatic depths teeming with bustling traffic of demonic creatures. The sheer magnitude of the scene overwhelmed Regan, leaving her momentarily speechless.

"I can't believe my eyes," she finally managed to utter, taking a step back to catch her breath. They sought refuge behind the sturdy trunk of a massive willow tree, peering cautiously into the abyss.

Demons roamed freely, their twisted forms intermingling with humans bound in chains. Some captives appeared drugged, their vacant expressions haunting to behold.

Keliana's voice trembled with a mix of shock and disbelief as she surveyed the nightmarish scene. "Are... are those our teachers?" she whispered, her heart sinking at the sight of her beloved art teacher, along with her English and Chemistry instructors, confined within cages.

"We need to act fast," Regan declared, determination etched on her face.

"Let's trail them and see where they're taking them. Maybe it will lead us straight to their master, and we can put an end to this war, or whatever this twisted ordeal is," Keliana suggested, steeling herself for the dangerous path ahead. As the flow of demons through the portal subsided momentarily, she stepped forward, eager to follow their trail.

"Well, let's not keep the demons waiting for our grand entrance," Regan replied, her grip tightening around her weapon. Together, they cautiously crossed the threshold of the portal, ready to confront whatever lay on the other side.

The transition from the familiar world to the unknown realm was a dizzying blend of shifting shades of green. As they emerged, the vivid hues gave way to a scene that stirred an odd sense of recognition within Keliana.

"This place... I've been here before," she revealed, her voice filled with both uncertainty and intrigue. With each step, she and Regan ventured deeper into Mondola's domain, uncovering the secrets that awaited them.

Curiosity brimming, Regan couldn't help but inquire, "Why on earth would you have a connection to this twisted realm?"

Keliana sighed, her eyes gazing into the distance as if trying to bring forth distant memories. "It's a long story, but in short, I embarked on a spiritual journey with one

of my ancestors. The man who rules this side of the realm raised my brother, Drako, and he... he annihilated my father's entire family. But here's the kicker—Mondola has no idea that Drako is actually his grandnephew, and he certainly doesn't know about my father's existence. It's a mess."

As they ducked behind a weathered wall, concealing themselves from the oblivious demons bustling about their tasks, Regan interjected, "Talk about family drama on a cosmic scale."

Keliana nodded, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Indeed. It's hard to fathom why family members would turn against each other instead of working together, united for a common cause. But in this realm, everything is twisted, corrupted."

Regan leaned in closer, whispering her thoughts with a tinge of sarcasm, "Well, I suppose it's a testament to family gatherings everywhere. Who needs unity and serving the people when you can have centuries-long feuds and power struggles?"

Keliana chuckled softly, appreciating the momentary respite amidst the turmoil. "You've got a point there. I just wish my uncle could see reason and break free from Lucifer's control."

They pressed on, their movements stealthy and deliberate. Each step brought them closer to the heart of Mondola's dominion—the towering castle that loomed in the distance, its flag bearing a golden 'M' catching the wind.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted when the castle's balcony became a stage for an eerie exchange. Mondola, the malevolent ruler, stood overlooking the scene, flanked by the demon imps who escorted the cages of prisoners.

Drako, Keliana's enigmatic brother, appeared beside Mondola, his gaze fixated on the cages below. Intrigued by the peculiar turn of events, he couldn't contain his curiosity.

"Mondola, why do we need the humans here? We've never brought humans to this realm before," Drako inquired, his voice carrying an undertone of skepticism.

A wicked smile curled Mondola's lips, his eyes glinting with dark intent. "Ah, Drako, my dear nephew. I find myself captivated by Sáphire's little Nephilim. I still yearn for Joy's presence, but for now, these humans will do. I shall sacrifice three of them, one by one, until Joy realizes that their lives hang in the balance. And when she returns to save them, our reunion will be divine," Mondola explained, his plan unfolding before him like a macabre puzzle.

Drako's eyes narrowed, uncertainty flickering across his face. From his vantage point, he spotted the two strangers surreptitiously maneuvering among the chaos, one of them carrying a cage.

Breaking away from the scene, he swiftly moved through the shadows, transforming into one of his formidable beast forms. Suddenly, he materialized before Keliana and Regan, blocking their path down the empty corridor.

"Intruders in my territory! Do you have any last words before I tear you apart?" Drako bellowed, his voice a menacing growl.

Caught off guard, both Keliana and Regan froze in their tracks, their eyes widening in alarm. Something, however, felt amiss. Keliana couldn't sense the typical warning that accompanied a powerful foe's presence, despite Drako standing right before them.

"Is my ankle broken or something?" she wondered, momentarily bewildered.

Drako, his immense form towering over them, cautiously approached, his curiosity piqued. He observed their fighting stance and the glint of a blade in Regan's hand. Sniffing the air, he detected the cloaked scent that

veiled their true identities. Yet, a strange instinct warned him against harming them.

He paused, studying their faces, before using a gentle gust of hot air to unveil their hoods, revealing their identities.

"Keliana!" Drako exclaimed, his voice laced with equal parts astonishment and concern.

Regan turned to Keliana, her brows furrowed in disbelief. "How on earth does this demon know your name?"

Keliana tilted her head, her eyes widening in recognition. "Drako?"

The monstrous form dissipated, revealing Drako's true self as he enveloped Keliana in a tight embrace. "Why are you here? If any of Mondola's imps catch sight of you, they'll drag you straight to him. I told you to keep a low profile," he scolded, a mix of affection and exasperation in his voice.

Keliana leaned back, determination gleaming in her eyes. "I know, but when they start snatching our teachers and God knows who else, I can't just stand idly by. Does this madness extend only to our school, or are schools worldwide affected?"

A somber expression settled on Drako's face as he spoke, his voice laced with resignation. "Mondola is searching for someone, and until he finds them, he won't release any of the prisoners."

Regan interjected, her voice dripping with skepticism, "I highly doubt his intentions are as noble as you make them sound."

Drako sighed, the weight of their predicament evident in his eyes.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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