
Silent Resolve

In the once-respected hero's fall from grace, he stumbles upon the injured vampire in a moment of self-doubt and isolation. Despite the disdain of those he once called friends and allies, he chooses to extend a helping hand to the creature of the night, leading to a tumultuous journey of self-discovery and redemption. As they confront their inner demons and face external threats, the unlikely duo must navigate a world that has turned against them, forging an unbreakable bond in the shadows of their past mistakes. ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ Just wanted to say a few things. First of all, as this is my first book, i accept all kinds of criticism. That helps me become a better writer and it is welcomed but i don't want any hate. If you don't like my book, drop it and don't hate on me. Anyway thanks for giving this book a chance.

FugiTee · Fantasi
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25 Chs


Carmilla's aura took Adam by surprise and before he could recover from the shock a loud rumble was heard. Adam shot his gaze to the source of the rumble and was alarmed to see the sloth bruised and bloodied as though it was attacked by a group of grown men. The sloth tried to get up but was once again slammed into the ground by Carmilla.

The worst thing about it is that Adam couldn't see Carmilla whatsoever, not even a blur. All he heard was the constant sound of attacks connecting to the sloth's flesh. It took a while for the sounds to stop, and he could finally see Carmilla standing on top of a sloth missing a limb. Carmilla then kicked the sloth continuously at breakneck speeds before crushing its head brutally with a stomp. 

She then gazed at Adam, and he then realized that her eyes had become completely black. He got scared thinking that she was going to attack him next before she went limp and fell unconscious. He heaved a sigh of relief and carefully picked her up before noticing that she had no blood on her except her own which was strange, but he paid no mind to it.

Adam then went to the chest and opened it to reveal four glowing orbs each the size of a fist. One white, one orange, another black, and the last transparent. He gaped at the sight before carefully picking them up and setting them shamelessly on Carmilla's body. After he did that, a portal opened up in front of him. He hesitated for a bit before entering it and finding himself where he defeated the massive gorilla. After Adam made his way back to the hut, he removed her dress, cleaned her up, and then set her on the bed before doing the same before falling asleep on the couch. 

A few hours later, Carmilla woke up and looked in the mirror to see that she was in nothing but a towel. She stared at herself for a bit before making her way to her wardrobe and putting on a pair of shorts and a white T-shirt. She got out of the room to see Adam sleeping on the couch and frowned upon a flash of realization, the fact that she passed out and woke up after a battle to find herself practically naked in her bed. She felt her cheeks heat up before shrieking and running back to her room and banging the door shut, which woke Adam up. He stared with a puzzled look on his face before going back to sleep only to awake the next day.

The next day Adam woke up to the feeling of delight and allowed himself to stay like that for a bit before noticing what was happening. He quickly pushed Carmilla away before sitting upright and looking at her with a look of stupefaction. "While I'm asleep?" "What's wrong with that, I was thirsty and needed to drink."

Adam shook his head before getting up and heading to the bathroom. When he came back, he found Carmilla slouched on the couch very lazily. "Are you not gonna ask about the chest?" Carmilla simply nodded. "There is no way you are that thirsty." "I'm drained from yesterday's battle and haven't had a single meal since, let me just quench my thirst," Carmilla added while whining.

"Fine, but just drink from my wrist." Carmilla happily nodded before making her way toward him and drinking his blood that had a tinge of blue in it. When she finished, Adam went to a nearby cabinet and took out the orbs before laying them out on the coffee table.

"Time for our spoils." Adam took the orbs before crushing them each, revealing a small ring, a pair of daggers, a pair of earrings, and an egg. The order in which the orbs were crushed was black, white, orange, and transparent. Carmilla eyed the earrings and daggers and quickly shot for them before getting stopped by Adam.

"Calm down for a bit, I will divide these fairly so stop being so impulsive and calm down for a moment." She put them back hesitantly before he started examining them carefully. "Also, what happened back there, you gave me a scare." Carmilla looked at him for a bit before simply saying, "Breakthrough I guess."

From here on, there will be slice of life for a bit before we get to the interesting stuff

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