

In the end, Melinoe was moments away to publishing her book.

Silent CRIES

She was proud of it, despite her personal life which was basically displayed in a book for the world to see. Some may judge, some may relate. But she was making a movie of her whole love story.

Of course she never got the Cinderella ending she's always wanted and dreamed of. Instead it helped her learn a big lesson.

Always be open minded about your happiness otherwise you might risk ever having it, forever.


"Welcome to the morning show ladies and gentlemen. This morning I have a very special guest," The host, Micheal began. "Everybody, Melinoe Montez!"

"Hello, hi." I smiled and greeted the Michael. The interview went on as to my previous book before Silent Cries and how everything has been in my life.

"So uh, tell us, how Silent Cries itself all began, what inspired this book and what lesson have you learnt writing it? "