

The woman mumbled to herself hurrying down the street marching straight towards the mailbox praying that she'd finally get some answers about her mother and brother's past when she heard about Olive from one of her colleagues at work. Knows what specific advice or action you need just by reading a single letter. Clutching the coat around her neck closer to keep from the chilly cold night.

Walking down the sidewalk, her heels clack against the cement, only to hear a pair of stout shoes falling into the same step as her. Quickening her pace, her heart began to beat faster once she listened to the stranger behind her do the same, she took a sharp turn down another sidewalk hopefully towards a neighborhood or someone to spot her. Tears began to swell in her eyes once she realizes that she came to a dead end.

Facing the stalker, her fear of turning into shock as she recognized the person that stood before her.

"W-why do you keep following me?! I did want you wanted!" Backing away from him only to be slammed into the cement wall by the fear that racked through her body while he stopped two feet from her.

Slamming his lips against hers, he brought her body towards his, while she squirmed against him, pushing to no avail. "But you never gave me what I truly wanted, all you had to do was to get rid of that twit then we could be together. You chose him over me?"

She began to whimper as unshed tears spilled over her cheeks as he tightens his hold on her arms reaching towards her neck which only caused her to struggle more. She knew that no one would be able to hear her, to come to her rescue from his rage.